As Though We Were Dead
By Deacon Tassang Wilfred
Dear Ambazonians,
Accept the outpouring of our hearts from the Kondengui prison. Your continuous and enormous sacrifices on our account and for the restoration of the homeland we hold in extreme awe. Sometimes I truly wonder if we would have done any better were we not by God’s mercies and wisdom delayed by the very enemy of Justice and peace.
My dear people, we, as well as the multitude of our people held in captivity in this Babylon would rather be out there with you, facing the throes of battle and joining you to mount pressure on the international community towards hastening statehood restoration. However, I would we rather didn’t come out if doing so would compromise the earnest and righteous quest of our people. In the event where Yaounde decides to hold us as hostages in a bid to weaken the hands of the free leadership around the negotiation table, my appeal to our people and to Ambazonia’s negotiation party is this: consider the Nera10 as dead. Negotiate as though you were seeking retribution for the more than 30,000 wasted Amba souls. Go for La Republique’s balls (excuse my French). We all (Nera10) put together, are not any more deserving of Ambazonia than angel Martha, most brutally butchered in babyhood by the evil from Yaounde.
However dear people, this will be made difficult if the free leadership continues to go each one his way; each thinking and believing they are the summit of wisdom and knowledge. Our leaders must unite. I truly hope that what we now see staring at us is genuine; talks, dialogue, negotiations. We, I mean you, our leaders, can not afford to continue this journey in disarray. No. I therefore call on the Ambazonian people to mount ever more pressure on the free leadership to put their act together ahead of this eventuality. Any other wisdom that stands against unity stands against Ambazonia and her quest. Without exception, unite. Make our imprisonment, our displacements, and our wilderness experience easier by uniting your feeble bands.
May God bless and prosper His cause in your hands.
From Prison Principale Kondengui have I this July 13, 2019, with my own hand signed
Deacon Tassang Wilfred
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