It is now an open secret that La Republique du Cameroun (LRC), has resorted to planting landmines on Ambazonian soil. According to eyewitnesses who lived the planting exercise, Camerounese, soldiers, frustrated of losing the battle from offensive attacks, have decided to using landmines in killing Ambazonians, irrespective of their status.
Speaking exclusively to BaretaNews from Ikilliwindi, Meme County, Williams Ajumen, said he was returning from his farm when he came face to face with the terrorist soldiers from LRC. He affirmed that they had invaded all the bushes around the area and planting some weapons that looked like bombs.

“I was returning from my cocoa farm, when I heard people speaking in French and making noise all over. When they saw me, they pointed a machine gun at me and told me to kneel down. After checking me on the floor, they told me to leave and never return to my farm again. I managed to peep and see what they were doing. Indeed, they were planting bombs. I fear for those innocent farmers who may come across, no knowing what has been planted,” Williams recounted.

This claims were corroborated by Etienne Ebang, a resident of Nguti in Kupe Muanenguba County. According to the hunter, they saw a huge contingent of military entered their forest with machetes and other gadgets, planting bombs. He affirmed that one of the bombs exploded in the course of planting, though he can’t say whether it was intentional or unintentional.

“We got a loud sound in the bush behind us, before we were told LRC soldiers were planting bombs. We were told by the DO of Nguti, not to go to the forest for some time. I can affirm that I saw them (LRC soldiers) enter the forest with cutlasses, dig-ass, and other weapons,” Etienne elucidated.

It is now confirmed that LRC is planting landmine in all the bushes from Kumba to Bamenda, and from Kumba to Ndian. They carry out this war crime, not taking into consideration, the poor farmers who have to farm for subsistence.

Recently, the landmines LRC terrorist soldiers planted in Manyu, exploded in Kembong, killing over 70 of them. As the story goes, the terrorist soldiers planted this landmines and didn’t tell their reinforcement that just came into town. Reports say the trigger-happy soldiers had their trucks caught in their own mines, killing and injuring many of them.

Antipersonnel landmines are weapons that cannot discriminate between a civilian or a soldier, and wind up killing and maiming civilians that step on them or pick them up long after a conflict.

The 1997 Mine Ban Treaty comprehensively bans the use, production, stockpiling, and transfer of antipersonnel mines, and requires states to destroy their stockpiles and clear all mined areas as well as assist landmine survivors.

A total of 162 states have joined the Mine Ban Treaty and are making progress in achieving a mine-free world. Despite banning production, acquisition and transfer of antipersonnel mines as well as their use except in the Korean Peninsula, the United States has yet to sign the Mine Ban Treaty. Human Rights Watch is a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), 1997 Nobel Peace Co-Laureate together with its coordinator Jody Williams, and contributes to its Landmine Monitor report.

By Lucas Muma,

Managing Editor – BaretaNews

  1. @George are you through?
    You remind me of a certain Sissiku Ayuk Rabe who was captured in Nigeria some month ago.
    Day Dreamer!!

    1. “jojo the joker” the stupid bami man. Amba people are not stupid bami people, note that. After la republic (beti people) have unsuccessfully done with us Amba people, they will turn their guns to you stupid bami sellout people and you will have no where to run to. Historically, they had mercilessly beaten you people to submission like snakes anyway.

  2. Foolish people, the world is laughing at you. Why are you using american soldiers pictures to make your case?

    1. @Jojo, aka internet troll.
      Foolish Jojo, Ambazonians are laughing at you. Why are you using a fake avatar of a person suffering from trigeminal neuralgia to represent you?

      1. @Moh Ewelle,
        Who are the Ambazonians you are talking about is that people or animals? I cannot find Ambazoni in any history books. Lol.
        If only insult could kill, you Internet warriors would have reach Buea by now.

    2. “jojo the joker” the stupid bami man. Amba people are not stupid bami people, note that. After la republic (beti people) have unsuccessfully done with us Amba people, they will turn their guns to you stupid bami sellout people and you will have no where to run to. Historically, they had mercilessly beaten you people to submission like snakes anyway.

      1. @Saa, what is wrong with been a Bami? Even if I was, I will still be proud. A Bami is way better than all you biafras descend. Stupidity has no limits, please get some education.

  3. Due to this type of news some of us have become neutral in this crisis.
    Does the writer even know what landmines are?

    1. A flat round shaped bomb. Usually digged under soil. There is a trigger on top. A landmine can kill someone but the main objective is do seriously wound the victim. That is the main reason why it is widely banned.

      1. @George it seems you write these articles yourself. You will continue to loose support because of your propaganda articles and fake news. Schools are highly effective in major towns where the struggle began, you and your political defence forces have been restricted to small pockets of forests the same as boko haram was pushed to Sambisa forest and eventually flushed out

      2. How can landmines be used when so-called defense forces move from one jungle to the other? Massa, invent some other plausible story.

        1. It might be that landmines are used not against armed groups but to harm civilians (e.g. Cambodia). I pray that they are not using it. That is very wicked.

  4. Homeboy permit me disagree with you on your comment. Such conflicts are never won with arms. I bet you Biya should be regretting his decision. Boko Haram cannot be defeated by an army just like the Ambazonian struggle. You will notice that when schools were being boycotted, soldiers weren’t being killed. When they started killing soldiers school resumed in some places.You should instead be afraid in the different phases of events.If you rely on the Army to solve a political problem then you will be disappointed.

    1. @Ndema, this is one of the best reasonning I hear so far. You are absolutely right even the United States cannot win a war with just weapons alone. Hearts and minds is what win a war. Tit for tac and propaganda only make matter worse.
      By the way if anyone tells you that Top brasses from the military and politicians want to see an end to this war, he is lying. The same rubbish can be said about the guys on the ground talking about self defense why feeding on cash.
      LRC cannot win this war, so do you. What we need is an inclusive dialogue without pre-conditions.

      1. “jojo the joker” stop waisting your time here. As you can see non of your stupid comments in this forum does influence in one bit the minds of the determined Amba people. Maybe you should look into publishing your stupid senseless comments in your la republic CRTV where they belong.

  5. @George I remember you said you served in the military, I am very disappointed that after all you still have a courage to speak. Please talk less and save yourself from ambarassement ok!
    This is clearly an M18A1 claymore Anti-personnel mine used by the U.S. military.
    This is a picture of U.S army Soldiers in training.
    This claymore can only be placed above ground and the trigger mechanism is a tripwire. It’s very deadly and highly used on the battlefield.
    Claymore can be trigger by tripwire or remotely and it release thousands of sharp objects in the direction of the ennemi. Please stop talking about what you don’t know.

    1. I am not a fool. The picture above is an illustration and were not taken in Ambaland. But the question is are you a Bami who was born in NW (last week) or an Ejagham from SW (today)??? Jojo you are a liar of the highest order. I don’t praise war but your foolish president brought it over my people. Instead of dialogue he let the bullets speak. Tell him that he can never win that war against us.

      1. @George, why are you dancing around the subject? It doesn’t matter where I from, I am a Cameroonian nothing like you who are from Nigeria coming to cause trouble when you know that you didn’t succeed in your home country.
        We have problems in Cameroon, but at the end of the days we will solve them. Please take your evil and ill spirit back where your ancestors came from.

        1. Now it doesn’t matter were you from? But it was you who wrote “I am from Manyu county …”. Yes you are a Camerounian an EAST Camerounian. And according to your rascist and fascist francophone ideology all Ejagham, Boki and Bayangi are Nigerians. Telling lies in that forum is your job. Your purpose is to distract people. And you are well paid for it.

          It is because of people like you that on ground zero our brave youth is sacrificing a lot.

          1. @George, we real Anglophones are peace loving people, only Biafras descend like you will kill for money. As I said before go back where your parents are from, we do not need you with your evil idea in our land.

      2. @George, again you are a fool, only an ill person in war time will lift a picture and comment on it expecially when he’s trying to build a case for war crime. Do you know what you just did constitute a crime?
        After all you still trying to spin what you have no knowledge about. You are running around said how you served in the military! Brother you are worst than the BIR. How low!!

  6. Don’t worry,

    mines have legs. They will all find their way over to LRC everywhere. Fools never learn. We are not scare at all.

    They should plant the mines, but also they should not cry when it is their people that get killed from it.

  7. What this bami fool who calls homself “jojo” is saying here is exactly what these french niggas intended to do. To call us the Ambazonia people Biafrans and chase us out of our territory to Nigeria AND STEAL OUR TERRITORY. Unfortunately it is not working. We will push them back across the mungo into their pitiful territory and even carry the fight across the mungo.

  8. What this bami fool who calls himself “jojo” is saying here is exactly what these french niggas have been doing. Labelling the Ambazonia people as Biafrans and chasing them out of their own territory to Nigeria AND STEALING THEIR TERRITORY. Unfortunately it is not working. We will push them back across the mungo into their pitiful territory and even carry the fight across the mungo.

    1. They have been trying for at least 50 years with no success, now we are teaching them a lesson and flushing them out of our mother land.

      All those sick mind that advised Biya to do what he did are now regretting.

      It’s too late, no turning back.

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