BN Editorial: After Intensive Lockdown, What Next?
By Mbah Godlove
Ambazonians, for over five days sent out very strong signals to the old-time enemy and colonial master, La Republique du Cameroun, and the international community through the boycott of two major events.
From February 6 to February 12, 2020, Ambazonians of all walks of life honored a clarion call from pro-independence fighters not to take part in the dubious local elections and a Youth Day Celebration organised by French Cameroun.
Just like the Holy Book, millions of suffering Southern Cameroonians for five-long days kept the faith, fought a good fight, got to the cross line and are now piously hoping their “divided diasporian leaders” help them to cross the finishing line.
There can be no doubt that some petriotic Ambazonian fighters lost their lives on the line of duty during the bearly one week dreaded shotdown.
Again, some affected families went for days without food because they have bought the philosophy of “no sweat; no sweet.”
BaretaNews has for days now been reflecting and asking the one million dollar question: “how long will the conflict battered Ambazonian population in homeland continue to succumb to the disunity among frontline leaders?”
Perhaps, the selfless suffering Ambazonians and the thousands of fighters in the bushes who demonstrated true love for the country during the recent lockdown rung a loud bell to reinstill conciousness in the “divided diasporian leaders.”
Those who cling unto the philosophy that “Rome was not built on a single day,” must also know that “Rome was not built in a century.”
Having left the population in homeland to swim in the mess of those who ought to be the Moses of the revolution due to self agrandisment in the past three years, let the tears of over fifteen thousand Ambazonians who have perished in the course of the liberation war resuscitate our sleeping memories to put general interest far above personal interest.
It is the understanding of BaretaNews that it was about time leaders in the diaspora undertook our own lockdown by jettisoning our personal goals and puting the general interest of Mother Ambazonia at the top of all our engagements.