ARCC Petitions West Virginia Congress

Delighted to report that the Ambazonia Recognition Collaborative Council (ARCC) on Wednesday, May 30, hand-delivered a petition to three members of West Virginia’s Legislature appealing through the trio to the entire state legislature on the following five points:

1. Call for an immediate and unconditional end to “targeted killings” highlighted nearly a fortnight ago by the US Ambassador to Cameroon Peter Henry Balerin (themselves part of a worrisome spike in genocidal violence by terrorist forces of LRC on Ambazonians;

2. Plead with the West Virginia Congressional Delegation in Washington to request the production and dissemination to Members of Congress of a Briefing Paper on the Cameroons ahead of the Hearing on the Cameroons planned for the coming weeks and with a view to ensuring that Members of Congress make informed decisions on the annexation war in the Cameroons;

3. To call on Congress to reaffirm and uphold the US vote in 1961 in favor of the independence of Ambazonia, including calling on Washington to recognize Ambazonia as Africa’s youngest nation;

4. To end all material, logistics, training and/or financial support to the Biya regime, notably ending any US taxpayer funding to the terrorist BIR forces in keeping with the Leahy Law which forbids funding to regimes (like Mr. Biya’s) which violate human rights;

5. And, to advise against any other support from the USA to Cameroon as this exposes the United States to the same reputational risks as eventually got France to unwittingly or willingly become the main sponsor of the 1994 Rwanda Genocide.

The petition along with copies of the seven-page Word document with a report carrying pictures of the latest massacres across parts of Ambazonia was hand-delivered in the town of Harpes Ferry, WV, by MoRISC Spokesperson Ntumfoyn Boh Herbert to Delegate Riley Moore (R-Jefferson 16), Delegate Jill Upson (R-Jefferson 65) and Senator Patrica Rucker, (R-Jefferson 16).

God bless Ambazonia!

  1. What a desperate move! and who aee you to dictate how the USA should deal with another state?
    This is exactly what happen when a group of people with no PR experience pick up arms against a country natuonal army. Please stop wasting your and stop crying like babies the USA don’t give a dam to you secessionist.

  2. Jojo is back. He has been silent for some time. Probably he was not paid and now hes back and wants to tell us what to do. What a job.

    1. Hahaha. I am pretty sure with your assumption. Export33 has to flow first. Then bullshit can be spread.

  3. JOJO can’t go home to Manyu. He lives in regret but there is no help for him. Black leg cleansen will be activated so that any Amba man helping LRC can be eliminated

  4. When will you accept that your ill movement has failed? Just came back home, your so called iDF are getting kill like chicken. How sad!

  5. We have our boys who have taken up arms with just very very basic weapons and very little training to go against an oppressive army which has been existing for more than fifty years and has acquired modern weapons over time. They are not coping and all they can do is massacre civilians, burn and loot villages in the hope of creating fear among our boys. What will they do when our boys acquire better weapons and training? I see more and more people running from battle field.

  6. The Jojos are back full scale. I see that Export33 has been flowing non stop. Drink with caution Bros, too much alcohol is not good for the system.

      1. @ George this is month end. The Jojos have been paid so we expect to read more from them!!! What a job.

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