Akere Muna







The UN has finally declared a humanitarian crisis in the Anglophone region of Cameroon and is seeking US$15 million to deliver life-saving assistance and prevent further hardship for the affected population. Coincidentally this is coming just a few days after the US decided it will be by-passing the United Nations in the delivery of aid in certain conflict zones.

A very new and interesting development is the UN’s acknowledgement of the need to equally request for protection assistance to be provided to the civilian population in #WestCameroon. What this means is that the Cameroon government alone cannot be relied upon to provided the needed protection to the affected civilian population.

Within the UN context, protection encompasses all activities aimed at ensuring full respect for the rights of individuals in accordance with human rights law, international humanitarian law (which applies in situations of armed conflict) and refugee law. (UNOCHA)

This has wide-ranging implications and changes the way the conflict is perceived by the international community. It means the UN has also officially acknowledged the existence of an “organized” armed party, with whom to engage in negotiations to ensure the protection of civilians.

As stated in UN docs, in situations of armed conflict, all parties to the conflict, i.e. States and organized armed groups, must respect and protect civilians. When national authorities or other parties to the conflict are unable or unwilling to meet these obligations, humanitarian organizations may—with the parties’ consent—provide assistance to the affected population.

We will soon start hearing phrases like a call for a ceasefire to enable the delivery of humanitarian aid. This is not good news for the government of La Rep. du Cameroun. Should the Cameroon government carry on with its gross human rights abuses on the current scale across the region, it will face more international condemnation, thus justifying the need for intervention to protect the civilian population. A regime guilty of targeted summarily killings cannot be trusted to protect the very population it is targetting.

E. Acha

      1. … by LRC satanic, demonic, barbaric, brain damage BIR’s.

        When the UN gets in, we will be protesting everyday on the street and we shall see how those animal BIR’s will amputated, kidnapped or raped us.

  1. keep documenting and sending all atrocities of the “butcher of Ambazonia” to relevant sources. Remember how evidence is officially and legally documented for the International Court of Justice.

  2. So what, who is the civilian here? Ah I see when an IDF is kill, he become a civilian how funny. You should all stop dreaming about negociation, this will never happen.

  3. The JoJo’s are doing their work with less enthusiasm. What could the problem be? Employers not respecting terms, too much drinking? Not enough drinking? But I must state here that for the time the JoJo’s were the greatest visitors to this blog. They will comment on an article barely a few mins after it’s published. Besides they will always reply to a reply even a month after. All that has changed.





    1. sick fellow who calls himself ‘bamenda boy’. You are not even qualify to wipe the shoes of any Ambazonian. You sometimeS say you are from SW, sometimes you say you are from NW. You fake lair. If you are truly from Ambaland like you claim, you must be a mentally deranged idiot who needs to go get his head fixed by a doctor. SICK INDIVIDUAL!!

      1. this is exactly what will happen if you are given a new country, hate, insults and fighting worst than South Sudan. Everyone has his/her opinion, we africans have our greedy minds not sure if it is inheritance or what but it seems this particular characteristic is there to stay,

  5. LOL. Ah our french Anglophones. Hahaha. Pretending to come from somewhere.

    The writing is on the wall. In 2016 we tried to tell Biya in a peaceful manner that the way how the union is going is not fine. His reaction was to incarcerate some of our leaders. He pushed us to the wall. Reminding us where we come from. Southern Cameroons. Me like thousand others changed from the wish of Federation to Independence. This people in Yaoundé are so stupid. Their end is near. I recommend the latest video of our Francophone friend comrade Patrice Nganang interviewed by Sessekou Ebini and Prince Ojong. He says “we can continue to live together but in two different states”. He explains perfectly why the majority of Francophones are so indifferent to our struggle.

    In the end we should not allow hatred to prevail.

    1. Their end is really near and they can smell it.

      Our Amba boys are teaching them all kind of lessons.

  6. I am sure that base on what happened in Pinyin, we Ambazonians should refrain from responding to the provocative post of these LRC trolls in this forum. They are here to serve the purpose of extracting information which some of use unknowingly give them because we want to respond to their insult. In all honesty, we should by now have been asking ourselves the question of why these LRC trolls will never make a post that does not begin with insults. It serves one purpose, which is to provoke and then when you get upset you answer base on emotions thereby saying things you normally will not say when you are fully composed. A word to a wise is enough.
    By responding to the antics of a mad person, you sooner will become just like the mad person.

  7. bamenda boy and jojo; both of you don’t analyse facts before making remarks.What will you do when international organisations come between Amba and LRC to solve the crisis?

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