This is AmbaNews Breaking News: Ni John Fru Ndi Invites Ambazonians to a fist fight. Turns his back on Ambazonians while embracing Biya. Strange bed fellows!

On Sept 22, 2017, Ambazonians in every nook and cranny came out in numbers never seen before and told the world that they had no more business with Yaounde. Ambazonians rejected Yaounde and turned their focus to Buea. In what the BBC Radio described as the most widespread peaceful demonstration in modern African politics, Ambazonians hoisted their flag and sung the ‘Hail Hail Hail Ambazonia’ anthem. Politicians in the Cameroons and the international community read the handwriting on the wall; loyalty had shifted from Yaounde to Buea; from Biya to Sisiku AyukTabe. Everybody now knows that the people have REJECTED Yaounde; they quest for one thing – self determination – a right they are entitled to as enshrined in international law.

Ambazonians banned the CPDM (Chop People Dem Money) and suspended all other political activities on their territory. While other parties with roots in Ambazonia such as PAP, CPP have heeded to the call, others such as SDF of Fru Ndi continued in their stubborn refusal even after the diaper-wearing octogenarian president Paul Biya declared war on a peace loving people.

Today, Ambazonia is a war zone; as recently as this morning, a medical doctor on her way to work was shot at point blank range by terrorist soldiers from La Republique du CameroUn, our people are burnt in their homes, they are slaughtered like cows on camera, they are continually being terrorised, they live in constant fear of the unknown, their property and money are seized, they are brutalised, maimed and raped, entire villages erazed, tens of thousands have fled into Nigeria as refugees. In fact, as we write, THERE IS NO LIFE IN AMBAZONIA; our usual peaceful lifestyle is gone. Our people are hurting.

People, how do we, in good conscience pretend as though all were normal? To the extent that Fru Ndi’s SDF is planning a convention in Bamenda. What a provocation!

What’s worse? Ambazonians of all walk of life have advised Fru NDI in private and public against such a convention; yet, he insists, ‘I must hold my convention in Bamenda’. Make no mistake, Ambazonians are not preventing anyone from organising a convention. They could take it to La Republique du CameroUn.

Our people should note that the SDF had hired a PCC Hall as venue. Calls from Ambazonians caused the PCC to have a rethink but Fru Ndi has refused a refund of the money by the PCC. Instead, he has asked Yaounde to send more soldiers to ‘secure’ his convention. What an irony! The same people who took bullets for Fru Ndi. The same people who picked up grenades for him. The same people who protected him from Yaounde’s brutality… today, he is asking Yaounde to send trigger happy terrorists to secure him.

I hear my bible say, ‘pride comes before a fall’.

AmbaNews sees Fru Ndi’s actions as inviting Ambazonians to a fist fight; turning his back agains our people while embracing Biya. Strange bed fellows, isn’t it?

Now, any SDF delegate who attends such a convention in Bamenda will be seen by our people as an enemy. Pure and simple.


  1. Mr. Fru Ndi is not acting in the interest of its own people. He made long time ago a deal with Biya. And with his money he is holding his party SDF. Which is just to pretend to the world that Cameroon is a democracy. But it is not. Look at those MPs. The people demanded that they should stay home. Exept of one Hon. Wirba, who has true integrity, all went to Yaoundé. They are hungry for money while their own people are slaughtered by LRC. The SDF is in my opinion worse than the CPDM. Still a lot of people think it is an opposition party. Ambazonians wake up the SDF is a tool by the regime to keep you in subjugation. Boycott the SDF. Reject its militants. Fru Ndi na bad man helping his friend Biya.

  2. Fru is worst than lrc biya because he has no respect nor care for the suffering of his people, this man conned our grand/parents to fight,die for him while he was using them with his bunch of selfish individuals for their own personal financial gains from biya,can anyone show anything good that Fru Ndi has done to the regions of SW/NW in his over 30 years as the opposition political leader? nothing!actually the entire SCs have suffered because of Fru’s conniving two side ways,he is among the top list cursed bad chameleon in SCs, his true colours have shown during this struggle, the genocide, killings of vulnerable people in his region, the refugee crises, most opposition politicians will denounce what biya is doing, us as an opportunity to change the country for better yet he is sidelining with biys,knowing what he is to the people today, he wont be missed or go down in history as a great opposition political leader,he is another twisted colonial slave puppet to biya,a blackleg,the SDF, CPDM are irrelevant to todays SCs and must not be allowed a platform in the regions, Scs defense force must teach them a lesson if they defy our IG, their time is up, enough of lies and old tricks, end of a dead Fru Ndi era,those young unemployed SDF supporter who has been eating lrc bribe money must either chose to abandon the fake SDF, sellout movement, join the struggle to free being a colonial slave,pack their family to lrc or die fighting for a old age politician with no positive agenda for the today’s generation of suffering unemployed workable and young people in the regions

  3. Fru Ndi has used the people of Ambaland to enrich himself and now he has the audacity to talk down at people. Takumbeng mothers prevented terrorist agents from LRC from arresting and transporting Fru Ndi to Yaoundé; young men suffered the lost of their limbs because they had to pick grenades that were thrown to kill Fru Ndi and today they are now beggars with no support system from SDF; yet this man dares to be grandstanding in the face of overwhelming suffering?
    What is really important about this convention?
    Who is sponsoring it?
    And why a convention at this juncture in this struggle?

  4. Great Chairman, just about time to tell all these secessionist to shut up. Fru Ndi is a smart man and all you guys know is kill and cry foul when you get hit back. Remember, War is not Hollywood.

    1. What is your fucking business in this site you stupid agent of la republic. This is not crtv where you belong. You coward. You must be one of those bami/bassa traitors.

      1. @Spear you can go fuck yourself, bami/bassa are not human being? I am very sorry for you uneducated bastard. Time to cry is getting close, people back home are sending you guys a strong message through the voice of the chairman, that they are not for sale and that you can go look for biafras to fight your selfish war. You are talking about bami/bassa being traitor, where were your monkey black ass when they were fighting for the independence of the country you now want to divide?

        1. You Bami/Bassa traitors, low bottom feeders hiding and committing mischieves on our territory by snitching on the Amba people; this includes this fool and his family with the funny screen name of ‘jojo’ cowardly hiding behind an ugly white face, the Amba Tigers and Vipers will be coming after all of you and your bunch of no good idiots wherever you cowards reside in our territory especially in Kumba. We, the Amba people saved you from the total decimation by the evil gang made up of Ahidjo and his beti collaborators Biya and Semengue under the blessing of evil france and betraying us is what we get in return.

  5. This shameless thief called Fru Ndi is so desperate to get his cut from the Biya’s regime to the point where he is acting stupid. Fru Ndi, your very existence is becoming a danger to the Amba people to the point where you being dead will be a good thing for the Amba people.

  6. Fru Ndi, your tricky game will not happen here in Bamenda, not here. We will burn down you and your ill gotten possessions and make you to go live permanently in your loved la republic if only you will still be alive. No matter how many criminal la republic gendarnmes or whatever you request to protect you. You son of a devil.

  7. Who is that jackal who calls himself “jojo?” Is that his real name, by the way? Can someone dig a little into his background and share with us who he really is? He is one of those moral vandals who deserves a thorough rebuke. I really wish to take him on. This is the second time I have seen his rubbish posted here.

    1. @Enow Takor, I am a real son of NW you have a problem with that? Before you start digging on me remember that I already know who you are, so be very careful and make sure all your empty treat stays behind your computer screen. If you try me your all family will pay dearly. You can ask Alex or Mark who I am. You are being served!

  8. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I cannot hold my peace now. I need that one bullet for Fru Ndi’s forehead. Please give it to me let me release it now on him. Nonsense.

    1. My dear Martha if you cannot handle the smoke get out of the kitchen. My father always said not to talk down on woman, especially the beautiful one. So peace out sister.

  9. This is the reason why the idea of Amazonia will fail and is failing. You alienate anyone who disagres with you or anything that does not promote your agenda. Those of us who are pro-federalist are branded as traitors. Why should the SDF not have their convention? How does their convention hurt your course? The SDF as a political entity cannot disagree with your position? Is this the kind of oppressive qualities you intend to rule “us” with? You will fail.

    1. It is not about disagree about a position. Me personally I have nothing against federalists. But something against people who try to deceive the population. As a party you have to act for the interest of the people who vote for you. Fru Ndi is doing the opposite. And he is doing so because he is just playing the role Biya gave him. They predent to be an opposition party but are not.

  10. If you all can ignore any LRC agents in all sites, it will be difficult for them to create confusion amongst us and in our revolution. Anyone who is critical against our revolution should be ignored. Anyone who is delivering conflicting information should be ignored. I guess by now every Ambazonian has known that LRC has paid so many agents to come on social media and fuel confusion amongst us and weaken the revolution or discourage some people to not believe in the restoration of the independence of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia(FRA). JUST IGNORE THEM…..JUST IGNORE THEM AND THEY WILL PETER OUT FROM THE FORUM.

  11. It is sad for me to say that thank goodness Fru Ndi lost the 1992 elections. He would have been worse than Biya. Better the devil you know that the devil you don’t.

    What a sad and pathetic man. Many Francophones that voted for him in 1992 have been so sad to see how Biya corrupted him after that elections. Fru Ndi cares more about his stomach than democracy. He would have tried to make Cameroon is chieftaincy to pass the presidency to his family. Sad.

    1. Of course and Biya did the same with other parties. It is a perverted system. Deceiving the people to live in a democracy. Fru Ndi is heading his party for 28 years. Why? Because he is the party and he is distributing the money coming from Biya. What kind of man is that? He clearly won 1992 election and gave up. A weak leader. No balls. Look at this SDF today. They are clowns in the parliament. Some of them told their constituents “I don’t go back for Yaoundé”. But they did. If I want to fight for federalism I should use all means. But they don’t do. My people the SDF stand for a continuation of that system. So don’t be deceived. Freedom is only achieved by isolating those people.

  12. @Malis nobody come to this site to kiss ass and you are free to read our writing. Go open your dictionary and learn the meaning of forum and you will see that it’s a place people come to exchange ideas. If you expect people to just accept your opinion, you are worse than Biya.
    You guys are now bashing the chairman for taking a position. I said it and will again the chairman is a wise man, he knows that you guys are going nowhere with your secession idea. Federalism is near than you think and whoever is the next president the country as a whole will be a better place.

  13. @George
    Who give you right to talk on behalf of the poeple ?
    You are manipulated from abroad to destabilze cameroon, but you will never succeed.
    Cameroonians are clever enough to distinguish the truth and your supposed fake Ambazonia.
    The terrorist you you bring from Biafra to fight cameroonians will never succeed.

  14. @Cashmire,
    Never mind George, he is one of the guys who cannot set foot in Cameroon and are using this struggle for their own good. You should see what is going on now in Lowell Massachusetts, the birth place of the Ambazoni. These people are literally killing themselves. I just feel bad for the people on ground zero dying for no reason.

  15. The Chairman is a wise man, he understand what is going on, whether we like his stand or not, he will prove us wrong tomorrow.

  16. Remember Ambazonia people, we had been previously warned to watch out for the attempted infiltration and contamination of the minds of Ambazonia people by LRC agents. We all can clearly see that happening right here in this site with these stinking perpetrators in the name of jojo, Cashmire etc.

  17. He should need phychiatric treatment this is unbelievable But True. We must continuo our revolution against all this ills.We want our Freedom and independence in our father Mother ancestrale land.our fight is Till the end.

  18. Jojo, rejoice as others are being killed. Continue to pride yourself in destroying. Your own day will come. It does not matter where you come from. Consider your life and ask God for forgiveness, for the day of judgement is on your feet. Do not carry innocent blood on your girdle and feet by boosting. You may be forced to drink your own blood and eat your own flesh according to the Bible. Isaiah 49: 26 And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the Lord am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.

  19. Ni John Fru Ndi and its so called SDF traitors, members, chop broke pot, langa massa are the biggest shame, error and disgrace of Ambazonian modern political history and manhood. I think Biya already bend all of them down.

    They finally show their true face. You all will forever burn in hell. All that blood money is going to suffocate you all. The blood of our innocent women, children, babies, you men, young girls will hunt you and your children all forever be it on earth, heaven or hell.

    The SDF and its Traitors are a past when it come to US. The Devil is more better than Ni John Fru Ndi and his bunch of crazy people. At least the devil Biya made it cleat to us, but you SDF people are satanic, demonic, evil, …, word are not enough.

    All the blood we gave for you and this is how you pay us, for what. Cursed souls.

  20. In the 1990s the people stood up to protect Ni John Fru Ndi against La Republique force. Today Ni John Fru Ndi is calling La Republique forces to protect him against the people.

    In the 1990s the slogan was power to the people. Today the slogan is power against the people.

    Ni John Fru Ndi has made a 180 degree turn. Thank God he never became president. This man is the most selfish and stupid politician I have ever heard of.

  21. @007BAD
    @John Beti
    Listen all of you, You devil terrorism ISIS like will never succeed in cameroon.
    And be sure your place will forever be in abroad or wherever you are, just stay behind your screen and keyboard.
    How you talk on behalf of the poeple, what people are you talking about? your selfishness and evil plan will fail, all cameroonian will stand firm against your terrorist from Biafra.

    Long Live Cameroon

  22. This is just propaganda from you,
    You started posing bomb, killing and treathning people.
    Listen all of you, You devil terrorism ISIS like will never succeed in cameroon.
    And be sure your place will forever be in abroad or wherever you are, just stay behind your screen and keyboard.
    How you talk on behalf of the poeple, what people are you talking about? your selfishness and evil plan will fail, all cameroonian will stand firm against your terrorist from Biafra.

    Long Live Cameroon


  24. Mark I am sometimes disappointed at the trashy things you pot on. The same person you are inviting the amba Tigger to visit has is and will always be with the.
    S.D.F in a National Political Party and not an Anglophone Regional NGO.
    The fact that you Don’t share the same ideologies with him doesn’t makes Him a traitor.
    If today some of us can from talk is thanks to him.
    If Buea can today talk Amba is thanks to the Rally He organized with His MP’s in Buea. If You don’t acknowledged the importance of that Rally to the Struggle, then you guys of the Diaspora are truly Manipulation us the Home base.

  25. @Njoya Kelvin Ngala

    Be wise. Do not get yourself kill for nothing –
    Beside france 24 and BBC news on the 1st of october ,I have never seen any news of this southern cameroon problem on any mainstream news where i am .

    Not even AYUCK and co arrest was reported – it was just like nothing ,and still is .

    believe me or not – your problem .

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