
Colonial Bilingualism Commission: Going to Take Suggestions or to Provoke Killings in Bamenda?

And so, BaretaNews is told the lame so-called Bilingualism Commission, an institution of colonial facilitators, will be in Bamenda today May 31 2018, to listen from the people and take Suggestions to the colonial master. A reasonable revolutionary mind will want to ask, which suggestions again? In the midst of a raging war, between Ambazonian Restoration Forces and the terrorist regime of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC), if this so-called meeting is not another forum to gather innocent Ambazonians and open fire on them, then it is nothing else.

The colonial surrogates may be thinking that the revolutionary atmosphere is still at a crisis level where they recklessly crisscrossed the Ambazonian territory spending tax payers’ money on the blood of innocent citizens and making reckless statements against the people’s revolution. This so-called Commission, for more than a year after its creation, had their turn but was mismanaged because of the unwillingness of their slave master to give them the latitude to address the outstanding issues at the time.

Is it today Musonge and his fellow slaves have suddenly realized the need to come listen to the people and take Suggestions to Yaoundé? What have they been doing for the past one year and some months? What happened to all the recommendations of their many so-called consultative talks?

This colonial delegation need not be told that the present revolutionary atmosphere in Ambazonia is no longer the same, as compared to when they came the last time. Ambazonia is now in a state of war and any member of such a delegation coming to town is considered by restoration forces as an enemy of the revolution.

Many Ambazonians have been massacred, with the most recent in Menka, Pinyin still glaring at us into the eyes. In the midst of this massacre, the blood sucking regime is making a mockery of the blood of these innocent citizens. Mancho Bibixy and others have all been sentenced, for no crime committed. These are the same people whose release could have even relief some bitter nerves. With all these, Musonge and co are going into their Stronghold to provoke the people in the name of meeting to take Suggestions.

Don’t the attempted burning of the planned venue send a message to the colonial agents that they aren’t welcome to Ambazonia again and neither are they the ones to bring peace in the present imbroglio? Why does this so-called Bilingualism Commission want to provoke another blood bath in Bamenda today?

In an atmosphere of war, anything can happen at that fruitless event today. Every member of that colonial commission at this point in time is considered an enemy of Ambazonia and anything can happen at that event. Restoration forces could clash with enemy forces to dislodge such colonial gathering and they become victims. Considering the terrorist nature of the colonial forces, and aware of the blood thirsty state of the régime, any sound of a gun at the so-called gathering today in Bamenda, is capable of taking away the life of any onlooker or participants. In order words, one sound of a gun in Bamenda today, could lead to multiple shootings and killing of innocent citizens by colonial terrorists, in the name of fighting terrorism.

Attending such a gathering, is therefore a risky venture for any sane individual in Bamenda to undertake. The present state of things has no place for a colonial institution like the toothless Bilingualism commission. Under international sovereignty laws, this is no longer an internal Cameroon problem. It is now a war or conflict between two internationally recognized states, over the sovereignty of one of these states – Ambazonia.

At this juncture, only the two-armed parties can hold any form of peace talks, with the mediation of the African Union, United Nations and and other international parties. Consequently, the so-called Bilingualism Commission and its agents are on an already failed mission in Bamenda. Infact, BaretaNews can predict that any member or that commission or deaf citizens wishing to attend such a gathering in such a tensed and conflicting atmosphere is equivalent to a moving corpse. Ambazonians should learn to read and understand the type of regime they have been dealing with for this 57 years. Shedding of massive blood to attain their perceived objectives is not a problem to them. The people must therefore know where to go and where not to go at such moments.



James Agbor

BaretaNews Political Analyst.


  1. Complete wastage of tax payers money. Musonge and those other regime idiots can foster their multiculturalism in Yaoundé.

  2. It is yet to dawn on Etoudi and his French backers that Southern Cameroon/Ambazonia is no longer part of that illegal union and therefore continuing to engage in lame gymnastics of peace is an effort in effete. Simply put, the cabal in Yaoundé is in denial. Obviously the slaughtering of hundreds of Southern Cameroonians in an all out effort to hold on to it’s perceived colony of Ambazonia mean nothing to Mr. Biya as long as he siphons the oil from the wells of Victoria to foot his numerous yearly sojourns in Europe. Unfortunately in life, there is always an end to everything and the lofty ‘one and indivisible nation’ is nigh its end. Short live the struggle, Long live Ambazonia.

  3. all these weak Southern Cameroonians puppets are trying hard to keep bribe money coming from biya so much so that they turn blind eyes to the genocidal killings and burning of villages in their own regions,they have all playing devils advocate for 57 years,time has caught all of them,the majority future generations in SCs are determine to get this rotten colonial regime out of the English speaking regions by force,french Cameroon is dead in the SW/NW region for ever, this fight will continue until the end GOAL which is total INDEPENDENCE,SCs defense on ground zero are young,learning to fight this evil regime hand in hand with diasporas,dictator biya legacy is a old weak unpatriotic murderer french puppet slave, his entire family will be exiled like his predecessor who is insignificant in to Southern Cameroonian history,SCs self defense will never give up arms to be slaughtered by lrc, they will be provided with more sophisticated weapons to kill french armies, agents and those blacklegs until they migrate to East Cameroon handing back all our exploited resources, Cameroon has never been one and will never be!

  4. A stubborn fly will follow the corpse to the grave. In the face of gross violation of Ambazonian civil liberty and right to a decent living with impunity; we now have these slaves who have obviously decided to look the other way, do what they know best that is to do just about any thing to appease the Etoudi criminal gang.

  5. That’s exactly how ambazonians will follow their corpses to the graves.
    You have now started kidnapping innocent people to make money. As of today more that 3 people have been kidnapped around Muea area and the kidnappers are asking for ransoms. Is this your plan for the future ? Armed robbers in the name of ambazonians. Was that the reason for your struggle ?
    GOD Bless Cameroon

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