Realities are setting into the Southern Cameroons revolution as we move on. Families are undergoing untold hardship from homes destruction, maiming, summarily killings, burning alive of Denizens, abductions and what have you. These practices have not changed since the beginning of this revolution. It remains the hall mark of the La Republique Du Cameroun Forces as they engaged in the war against Southern Cameroonians whose only crime is about asking the correction of UN charter in having their own state. Woliem Vitalis, an ‘anglophone’ detainee, is a victim of these acts. Yesterday, he passed on to glory in a hospital after dehumanising treatment. His death could have been avoided if treated humanely. The Ayah Ayah Foundation helps us situate the ordeal


The Foundation writes:

I have been reliably informed of the death of Woliem Vitalis in hospital, one of the ‘anglophone’ detainees at kondengui whose deplorable and declining health condition was supervised by the AAyah Foundation.


Vitalis was in hospital for over a month as from the month of January under the supervision of the AAyah Foundation. I personally took care of him alongside his wife. I saw how bad he was before he was discharged. He didn’t fully recover from his ill-health, but was forced back to prison by the authorities despite the pleas of both the family and myself to the contrary, as we insisted that he be maintained therein or rather transferred to Shisong for more intensive care. He suffered from chronic celebral malaria among several other illnesses, which rendered him almost insane. There were moments he was chained in bed because he was increasingly violent. But the authorities preferred dragging him back to detention in a very worrying state. At the time he was to be rushed back to hospital, he was in very terrible shape, unable to make out even his wife’s identity as we were told. We were equally told that the prison authorities resisted letting him return to hospital on grounds that a certain sum of money had to be paid before that could be done.

His death could have been avoided if he was treated humanely. It’s been over 90mins since the doctors have been unsuccessfully trying to reanimate him. All hopes to save the inevitable appears to have been lost. What a manner of treating fellow human beings!

The family is inconsolable!

Ayah Ayah Abine

Chairman, AAyah Foundation

  1. condolences to his family & friends,RIP!
    the colonial dictator biya and his regime are soulless people who have no care and pity about any opposition groups and the opinion of it’s citizens, stop the atrocities, dialogue, they must be in a different planet,lrc regime mentality is the same as those who established black slavery,they want to keep controlling the people, they don’t care about the number of deaths,have no mercy because they want to maintain power,be in control,continue to oppress the people to worthlessness putting in place their franconisation,keep exploiting the people’s resources which brings them plenty of money maintain world status, buy more ammunition to kill the people for future rebellion,acquire favours for the international communities, maintain power, statu and comfortable life style for their family and friends, if SCs don’t start to resist,destroy many main sources of lrc sources of revenues and interest within the regions,kill, attack many lrc agents and families indiscriminately,make their life unbearable in the English regions,the occupier will never be willing to give up 57 years exploitation, SCs self defense must unite,have good strategies and determined fighters stationed in corner secretly in all the counties,change tactics,lrc will continue to do the same atrocities.

  2. How can this be happening yet the Philomen Yang, Atanga Nji, Musonge, Munzu, Akere Muna, Ekema Patrick and others act like nothing is wrong? Why do some think that their life is more valuable than that of others? And some will dare to talk of one and indivisible my foot.
    IG we want to see our contributions making a difference on the ground. This level of criminality from LRC must not continue unchecked as one has to fight fire with fire.

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