





Yaoundé Falls Shot of Colonial Soldiers, Deploys Presidential Snipers to Ambazonia

The Ambazonian Capital of Buea woke up today Tuesday 10th July, 2018 to another panic mood after yesterday’s 9th July, 2018 fierce clash between colonial terrorist forces and Ambazonian restoration forces. A clash that left 7 terrorist soldiers and two civilians dead and a female colonial agent wounded. As early as 8 AM today, all private and commercial vehicles could be seen running from the Albert Mukong Avenue back into the city.

BaretaNews inquiries revealed that shooting between colonial and restoration forces resumed around the Miles 16 and 18 neighborhoods at that early hours of the morning, causing the people to flee. As BaretaNews stringers tried to make further inquiries, around the Albert Mukong Avenue, a Hilux loaded with a new set of colonial terrorist forces never seen before in town, came in heavily armed.

They were identified as officers of the Presidential guard from the colonial presidency in Yaoundé, who often go to clear the way for the colonial president to visit an area. During such occasions, they are often seen standing on tall building monitoring the surrounding environments against any security bridges.

The colonial regime appears to have gone short of soldiers in Ambazonia and have resorted to bringing in presidential snipers. It is not clear however whether this new set has been sent to guide colonial agents, watch over the city from tall buildings or to go face Amba warriors in the battle field.

It is important to state that all the different units of colonial forces trained by La Republique du Cameroun (LRC) have served in Ambazonia and have all met their waterloo. They have often turned their frustration to innocent villages, killing, burning down and looting villages.

After empty boasts and assurances of security against ghost town in Buea yesterday, the colonial administration and its agents were bigly disgraced by the people and restoration forces. The introduction of snipers into the Buea game is a sign that the colonial regime is ready to kill more citizens in an attempt to reassert its loose grip and authority over the town.

Will they be able to defeat the people and achieve their goal? The coming days and weeks shall therefore tell. In the main time, Ambazonians must start reaching out to their love ones within the Capital city of Buea to begin taking serious precautionary measures to avoid being caught in confusion and unaware.


James Agbor

BaretaNews Political Analyst


  1. The colonial french Cameroon is fighting a battle they will never win,patriotic Ambazonians on ground zero and the diasporas will fight till the last man,our fore fathers tried and failed,we promised them when we grew up we shall fight to win,defeat biya and his french regime,drive them out of our land,we will not fail them this time, no Ambazonians republic no french Cameroon, biya can deploy all the french army,french African mercenary forces from Chad, central Africa,the will of the SCs who own the land will conquer!biyas war continue to thy kingdom come!

    1. My dear @Bonie what kind of fight are you talking about? Keep on dancing and comparing your banga smokers to the national army. When the government would start using strong responses such as bombardment I hope you will still have mouth to talk. Biafras said the same and where are they today? I was told God is only with you and that you guys are invincible, here is general Ivo today? Noises people.

  2. Really baraliar, why don’t u talk abt the 11 terrorists killed yesterday including “general ivo wata I don’t pass gari” u guys propaganda will not work. Give accurate nr of terrorists ambafool dead during the pass 2 day. I have proof of general ivo dead body n l challenge anyone who doubt to veryfie on the ground.

  3. Hello Shillah,

    You are happy to see Abazonian self-defense young people killed by your bir. These are poor people defending themselves from an oppressive government that has recolonized them for over 56 years. If you were in your right senses, you will pity Ambazonians. Biya declared his dirty war because of his arrogance and pride…the argument of force. His foolish pride will eventually bring him and all his supporters to the end.
    General Ivo might have been killed by the bir, but we cherish him for giving his life to stop the senseless killing by the bir. General Ivo will NEVER be forgotten. He lives in our hearts and we will stay the course and bring this to the end while respecting our francophone brothers and sisters who have stood with us to condemn biya’s terror on Ambazonia. God will keep us strong to resist biya’s criminality in Ambazonia!!! God bless the people of Ambazonia and our francophone friends.

    1. What is this one talking about? Abazonian self-defense? Ambazonian Banga Smokers you meant?

      When you decapitate Cameroonians, the world in pretty fine, but when the same is done to you it becomes a massacre. Bunch of crazy fools.

      Field marshal is next on the list. Fear would soon be swapping sides. Go ahead and supply field marshal and Co. with banga, one can never be high 24/7.

      Snipers are the real answers to such follies. Your so-called Abazonian self-defense would soon be tasting their own medicine, but coming from the sky this time around.

      Fasten your seat-belts, Ekema is coming with his militia, armed to the tooth, drugged to the marrow. You surely thought you have monopoly on drugging youths to do your dirty job, Ekema/Nji’s boyz are going to make you guys drink real water na water soon, even abroad. Hiding would soon be a thing of the past.

      All was set to kick out Biya come 2018, but you crazy guys have prolonged the sufferings of Anglos/Francos.


        1. George,

          I better be a slave, even in Paradise, than drug child soldiers and ferry them to the gas chamber.

  4. Like Hon. Joseph Wirba said you have to kill until the last man standing. LRC can kill as many restoration fighters but the will not win that war. Start negotiations.

  5. After killing general Ivo as you say. Have the war stopped?
    Where in the world have you seen or heard someone come out to say while fighting with an enemy, his men were killed in great number?
    Have the satanic regime ever accepted that they had heavy casualty?

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