Rubber estate








Restoration Forces Shutdown Penda mboko Rubber Estate

BaretaNews has received notes from Penda Mboko that workers of the Penda Mboko Rubber Estate, under the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) have been stopped from going to work. It is reported that the workers went for assemble this early morning Wednesday July 11, to be ferried to the fields in the workers’ vans, but were asked to return home and wait until further notice.

Restoration forces are said to have stormed the area last night where by all the field managers were summoned and given stern warnings. Restoration forces told the managers that they shall be held responsible if any worker is caught on the field working.

“Our managers have stopped us from coming to work again until further notice, this morning we went for morning assembly and we were told Amba boys visited them last night and promised them hell if any worker is seen again in the rubber farm or factory. For their own security, they have suspended work, while waiting to hear from the head office in limbe” reports our source

It is important to state that Pendamboko is located in Mungo Division of La Republique du Cameroon (LRC). It takes just about 30 minutes to get there from Muyuka in Ambazonia, through a ferry or a Canoe across the River Mungo.

Part of the territory under the Mungo Division belongs to Ambazonia following the new mapped out boundary line between LRC and Ambazonia by the United Nations.

Restoration forces have vowed to ground the economy of Ambazonia and by extension, that of LRC to cripple the colonial government.

BaretaNews is advising all Ambazonians serving with the CDC rubber, Banana and palm plantations to start looking for temporary alternative means of income. They should consider going into agriculture and other economic activities in the main time while waiting for the normalization of things. For now, they must consider all what is happening as temporary suffering for better working conditions and pay in a future Ambazonia Development Corporation (ADC).

James Agbor

  1. Congratulations to the restoration forces!water na water!they must do the same in every colonial hold in Ambazonia,Victoria sonara must be brought down to a stand still by force to show biya that business cannot be as usual in Ambazonia while Yaounde pretend the country is normal and his terrorists forces continue to kill,abduct, torture and burn down villages in Ambazonia,restoration forces must also burn down that traitor worthless lrc flags in CDC and other areas, take down all colonial world limited stupid french language sign posts in Ambazonia to be replace by dominant world successful business English language

  2. Unfolding events in the the last few days are indications of Ambazonian resolve to push over from a previous push back strategy, thereby advancing the march to Buea in the shortest possible time. Again congratulations to Ground Zero forces and the diaspora who must unite in full support of this liberation struggle. 57 years of slavery is too long.



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