United Nations October 1 Statement: Big Diplomatic Win.

The United Nations as the number one Diplomatic body in the world to preach peace and diplomacy has issued a statement ahead of October 1st celebrations in Southern Cameroons.

The UN in its statement says, she is very deeply concerned with situations in “Anglophone” Cameroon and calls on all parties (La Republique and Southern Cameroons) to show restrain so as to avoid escalation and violence.

The UN went further to remind the Government of Biya to open up genuine dialogue to address the root causes of the crisis and offered her good offices to mediate in the crisis.

The UN concluded by upholding the territorial integrity of Cameroun.

BaretaNews Analysis.

This is a very important message for the people of Southern Cameroons because:

1. It concludes the fact that the eyes of the UN is on Cameroon and gives the people of Southern Cameroons the opportunity and leverage to go out to celebrate their Independence Day peacefully without government brutality. Remember that UN mentioned October 1st in its communique and they know what October 1st means. Besides UN has called on all parties to show restrain. On our parts, we will show restrain as usual by celebrating peacefully with our branches and peace plants together with UN flags. We hope the government forces will do same.

2. Since the struggle started in the early 1990s when our parents finally made the first move, this is the first time we are getting the UN really interested in the Cameroons because they know the truth. This only is an important step in the diplomatic world.

3. Root Causes of the crisis we know it. The UN knows it and it has got to do with how these two Cameroons came together and what the next step will be for the future of these two Cameroons. This is why the UN is offering her good offices to mediate. At the dialogue table, things will become different. Facts will start showing with historical documents.

4. The UN as a diplomatic body shall never endorse and call for the outright separation of countries unless the people give her that opportunity. The UN as the number one diplomatic body seeks unity and peace of Nations. However, we can decode from the UN statement and make good gains from it. And therefore, forces her to speak up.

5. The UN is also telling us that they respect and uphold the territorial integrity of Cameroon. The truth is that the name of the present country called La Republique Du Cameroun or Republic of Cameroon has its independence on 1st January 1960 without Southern Cameroons and so the territorial integrity of Cameroun as documented at the UN secretariat ends at the Mungo and Metazem. These are documented and can be proven. There is no document in the United Nations which shows the present territorial integrity of the present day both Cameroons at the UN, so yes, we agree with the UN in upholding the territorial integrity of Cameroon and we employ our right to defend ours obtained on 1st October 1961. These are facts which can be gotten anytime any day. The UN knows.

6. The UN again keeps reminding the regime for dialogue and offers her office to mediate. We expect the regime to seize this opportunity to do what it must be done so that such a dialogue can take place in the presence of a third party, one of which being the UN.

7. The people of Southern Cameroons must therefore conclude from the statement that only themselves shall free their nation and not the UN. The UN will only act as dynamics change on the ground. This means the civil disobedience must continue in stronger terms to force the UN to start admitting the language we all desired.

Therefore, BaretaNews can confidently say that, the UN communique released and signed on 28th September 2017 and published on her website is a good diplomatic win for the people of Southern Cameroons as it most especially offers the people of Southern Cameroons the opportunity to celebrate their Independence Day peacefully while waiting for such a dialogue to address the root causes of the crisis plaguing the Cameroons.

Mark Bareta

  1. My dear friend I feel pitie for those who have lost their lives in this struggle but again I think there is a way out of this for Rome wasn’t build in a day so let stop sending our own people to be slaughter all in the name buea cos at the end I wonder who will be there to celebrate if we all die today
    Let’s live to fight another

    1. There is not going to be another day, we knew it will come to this for since 1961 it has been this. This is the only life we have lived, oppression, slavery, rape, murder, genocide, … form these evil demons. we got nowhere to go for there is no more any anywhere that we can go to.

      We have been marked like the Jews for extermination. We already know all they want is to exterminate completely all Ambazonians and take control of the land, it only make sense to stand up, for ever since we stood up, we have got the respect and attention we deserve.

      No, we better give our blood and live in peace forever, no people in history have ever gotten free without fighting or someone fighting for them. I our case all we got is ourselves.


  2. We are going out and we are restoring our stolen independence come acid rain come radioactive sun.

    The laws of big numbers in Statistics shows very clearly that

    4,000,000 minus epsilon is equal to 4,000,000. We have nothing to lose. It’s going to be a total frontal collision, brace for impact.

    We are not begging, we are not turning around, the world will see what it means to be defiant. The wheels are in motion.


  3. You should broadcast this to the masses at home to give them even more courage. Any stupid notion of killing us all is treacherous and cowardly. The Rohingyas in Myanmar have about 100,000 killed, the international community is taking note. One million Tutsis were killed in Rwanda, they now speak English and Swahili. They are over 2million Ambazonians in the diaspora, Equatorial Guinea is not up to that population. How can they kill all of us? Beware of spies, saboteurs and cowards. biya is too poor and stupid to reach 8million. CARRY OUR FLAGS, UN FLAGS DRUMS, WHITE BANNERS(to signify peace), WHISTLES, CAMERAS, HIDDEN CAMERAS and upload photos and videos of crowds and atrocities immediately.

  4. In business, the higher your risk of investment,the higher your returns. If you are afraid to fight for your freedom, because you don’t want to die, then you will never be free. In the western world, they have memorial Days to remember those who fought and freed their land. We all are enjoying the freedom that they sacrificed their lives for.

    We always talk about the Genocide in Rwanda, but it has changed that country forever and improved the standard of living. The sacrifice for a better country -freedom etc, was the lives of those killed in the genocide.

    What is the sacrifice for the freedom of the people of Ambazonia(education, resistance, hardship,some lose of lives)??

    Its also practically impossible for the military to kill everyone in the Southern Cameroons when they come out to march and celebrate Oct 1st.

    The Ambazonians must not be afraid of the Biya’s military on Oct 1st. They must turn out massively and defy all the orders of the Governor and tell the world that we are ready to free ourselves.

  5. This is the Gamble which we most take as a pple Ready to die fr a Better Tomorrow.if we can secure the nigerian border this wld permit us to maintain permanent supply of arms.they wld not shoot

  6. I support the people of Southern Cameroon but we have to be aware that the opponent is not going to fold his arms and watch.

    Secondly, independence is not restored by going out to march but by taking full control of the land. This is where l have questions.

    What happens on October 2, 3, 4? Who will be in control of the land? How will the territory be protected after October 1? What will happen when LRC soldiers come arresting and torturing people at night?

    If the people cannot be protected during or after the event then l suggest the leaders go back to the drawing board and restrategize.

    My suggestions:
    1. Get a major foreign country to declare support for Ambazonian independence and issue a threat to LRC.
    2. Get a military force ready to defend the land and the people after October 1.

    Unless this is done, l only foresee unnecessary bloodshed and l know LRC will not hesitate to kill to maintain control of the territory.

    This is wisdom not fear. Courage without the proper assets and strategies to win a battle will lead to failure.

  7. This is stupid – sending people to die just like that – it is bad in cameroon but not as if we were in war with our french brothers

    This is Madness .

    1. There are many francophones sponsored out these days to discourage us.They try to write in English but it don,t can hide their identity. They are outrightly manifesting their frustrations as they see us moving out UNITED somthing they never believed. The number of abotted lives in Southern cameroons as a result of this struggle has passed a level for any reasonable thinking person to say that we should not resist because they will kill people. The journey we have so far undertaken and what is left before us, is worth sacrisfying. I bet you if our people comes out on the first like on the 22nd, it will be over. Over, does not meant that we will have Independent and freedom on the 2nd or La rep walking away, NO. It forces La republique to come to the negociation table which we all know they don,t have any proves, documents and historical facts to disprove our stand. Hence, the negotiation will be basically on how we will separate, eg, how our workers will get their pension, who pays the debts incured and what %,demarcation of the boundary and the rights of citizen who chose to live the other sides and property …

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