Interim Government of Buea
Southern Cameroons Presidency





Hard Realities

I will make this statement and these are the realities, whether we like it or not. As it stands, we are entering a very delicate stage of our revolution. The regime is very frustrated and every move that sabotages the revolution internationally and throws doubt on our people, the regime will seize it. We have seen this a number of times when they even killed civilians, including mad persons and disguised them as Amba boys.

The regime, especially ‘Anglophone Elites’ acting as enablers will do everything possible to sabotage the revolution. The days ahead will be worrisome. The regime does not care to sacrifice a couple to achieve its aim. It is better we make these realities now over and over.

Now these are the hard facts I want us all to understand even those who disagree with me (us)

1.The Southern Cameroons Leadership has continuously had a very tough stance on schools resumption. They have all the time gave reasons on security because they know how the future will look like in terms of self defense. The IG without calling for schools resumption even went soft to say parents can on their own decide to send their children to school and the IG was too honest to accept that they do not have the means now to offer any protection. The IG has been gracious in over and over again cautioning and advising parents to align with them even though the decision rests with them. I think the position of the Southern Cameroons leadership is known and sealed and will not be revisited any more.

2. Parents on ground zero must now be aware that this stance from the Southern Cameroons Leadership offers a good opportunity for the regime to orchestrate attacks and blame it solely on the ‘Amba Boys’. Trust me, they started in the Northern zone already. This will increase in the days ahead. At this stage, the regime knows that effective school resumption in Southern Cameroons will not be and as such, the best will be to sabotage the Amba boys and take away some home grown support from them thus placating and emotionally blackmailing the revolution internationally.

3.Pursuant to 2 above, let me (us) just state here that Amba boys or Southern Cameroons leadership shall never attack/kidnapped students, teachers, worst still kill any of them. Even at the height when the school boycott was the order of the day and effective policy of the revolution, we never saw that, it will not be today when they are focused on self defense actions. Our people should be aware that the move to attack the students, kidnap, etc. may increase in the future by La Republique Du Cameroun. We should make this precaution now. Parents will have to choose the safety of their children to prevent any being a sacrificial lamb by LRC just to paint the revolution black

4. Thus, on behalf of this platform, myself and respectfully the revolution, we are denouncing these acts whenever it happens and/or will be happening organised by any agents against the revolution. We have held it true that schools, hospitals and churches are protected areas and MUST not be attacked. We have seen LRC forces attacking hospitals causing medical officers to desert, killing some just to paint ‘Amba boys’. The recent killing of the couple, both nurses in the Northern zone was a typical example. The Minister of Public Health issued a communique trying to pin it on ‘Amba boys’. We are making this notice to denounce any of these acts now or in the future and agents doing this MUST stop.

5. We are also sending an advanced information to the Nkambe Local Government area. We have intelligence that Ngala Gerald, a business tycoon, CPDM steward has plans already to organised such attacks in Nkambe and style it an ‘Amba’ attack. We hear he has recruited a few guys under his grip already. We are making this advance notice to stop this barbarism from happening.

Conclusion: I will conclude by stating that the current situation going on in our land is that of the war of independence and because of this, many other activities are affected both minor and major activities in all respects. In the most affected areas, villages and communities have been deserted, churches are empty, hospitals are shut down, businesses and companies closed, including all schools, because of the war. It is not right to think that normal activities can continue in Ambazonia especially as the war/gun battle is volatile and sporadic actions happens without our knowledge. We are yet to capture any area that we can say this is safe for the effective Amba management, this will come though. However, life must go in Southern Cameroons even as the revolution continues, and my advice is that, no matter which activity our people choose to carry on, including schooling, they must understand that SAFETY comes first thus let us change our activities as the situation changes.

Thank you

Longlive Ambazonia.
Shortlive The Revolution

Mark Bareta.

  1. The government of LRC and the so call Southern Cameroon elites are really in shock. They can not believe they have totally lost control of Ambazonia.

    As always they are going to try all their devilish plans, but they will not work.

    Also, some Ambazonians are still to wake up from the comma Biya knock them into. They should take all their time, but those of us who have freed themselves, there is nothing that can take us back to the plantation of LRC and Biya.

  2. Why do our young people not able to make petrol bombs against those terrorists army moving trucks?ASC must empower the people with effective simple man made devices traps, it’s frustrating how weak some have become running into bushes while they can protect themselves with cheap deadly equipments to deter movements of deadly devices thrown from far distances,war is war, they must use any means don’t sit and just wait for groundnuts,biya has got more money in the name of refugee humanitarian crises from the Chinese in order to buy deadly weapons to use against the English regions people,

  3. biya knows Ambazonia has never been part of Lrc. For 57 years all biya did was to steal from Ambazonia. biya is a big thief but as thieves are always caught, he has and will never be let free even if he dupes China of $20 billion. China is wasting her resources on a thief. Ambazonia will take away what ever he brings from China. The ADF are rag tag but brave, wise and determined. Amba boys are not afraid of biya and his stooges. Ambazonia is set out to be free and they will, come what may.

    The decision by Amba parents to initiate school opening proves Ambazonia is a democratic Nation. The IG is working with parents to earn their independence. On 1st October, we shall not only celebrate on ground zero and the world over. Long live Ambazonia, Long live the IG. God will see us through.

  4. This message is for you; for the leaders. Our kids are not going to school while your kids go to school overseas. You’re using us just to gain power. This very power that you search is hunted by the same countries that control LRC. How doom are you?
    Amba leaders, you’re doom on purpose as you know deep inside that they divide Africa to better exploit. What if we were The United States of Africa? Think twice

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