Interim Government Briefs: Chris Anu Speaks.

BaretaNews followed the just ended live show of the Communication Secretary Chris Anu over SCBC. We now bring you briefs of what he said in line with the current situation.

1. That the intelligence of the IG reveals that the President and his cabinet are in Nigeria. That they are safe and sound. He disregards any information spread by la Republique that they are in Cameroun.

2. That however, they have not been seen, spoken to and even families have not had access to them. That the Nigerian Government is still to grant them access.

3. That the IG as of now does not know the exact location of the President and his Cabinet in Nigeria but intelligence holds that they are in Nigeria. That the abduction is in complicity with La Republique Du Cameroun. In answering a question, he confirms that La Republique after the abduction brought a jet to uplift them to Yaounde. That has not happened however.

4. That the number of those abducted has moved to 11. Barrister Blaise Shufai Berinyuy, Secretary of homeland security can’t be seen. He was in that meeting also. That the number may go up to 13.

5. That lawyers are currently following legal process to address the current situation and that the IG needs money now more than before. Therefore, all are called upon to contribute at

6. That Ambazonians must not panic and they must not listen to CRTV or any other contrary information. That the IG is in total control of the situation.

7. That world wide demonstrations at various Nigerian embassies have been activated henceforth. That country heads must coordinate this protest to call the attention of the Nigerian Government in abducting refugees and other nationals.

8. That Ambazonians home got just two things to do to keep the tempo up. Individuals must enforced Ghost towns and school boycotts. That everyone must take it as a duty to engaged in these actions.

9. That the Vice President whose name they will not reveal now for security purposes is in charge. That the VP gives instructions and the Cabinet follow. That we must recall the VP is on ground Zero.

10. That we must live free or die

This is BaretaNews briefs from the IG Communication Live show updates on SCBC.

Mark Bareta
CEO and Publisher, BaretaNews

  1. Now your so called IP is a refugee after he was arrested. How desperate are you big head Mark? In your interview with RFI english you weren’t able to answer to direct questions, you now claim all your FB IG members are refugees. You are next,

  2. I Always remember that cameroon was very peaceful until you guys decided it otherwise with this secession nonsense .

    Now you make me look like a biya supporter – but god knows how much i hate him .

    1. Who killed more than 100 peaceful demonstrating people between 22nd of September and 1st of October 2017? You write such nonsense. Peaceful what does it mean for you? Living in submission? Drinking 33export on your Veranda? Lawyers and teachers were peaceful but your president decided to use all means to crush dissent. Your Eastcameroun was never peaceful. With the aid of the french you killed the UPC leaders while our parliamentarians peaceful argued against each other in Buea. French Cameroun is built up on lies. One and indivisible and all that other halfsided historical nonsense of German Kamerun.

    2. You have no idea what “peaceful” means. To shallow minds, peace is defined as the absence of war. That’s not the case. Peace also includes peace of mind as a result of economic and social justice, freedom of expression, and overall satisfaction with one’s life. If you were satisfied with the way Cameroonians lived, especially those of the Anglophone extract, then you are pathetic.

  3. Keep it going, we the people are in charge.

    LRC never expected such a swift reaction from us, they thought they will surprise us but it did not happen, thus a big win for us. Again this is just all psychological and they failed big time.

    The Ambazonian revolution is not a physical human body, it’s a ghost, an invisible spirit. When the physical body it is presently in gets physically restricted, it leaves and enter another physical body and continue it work.

    praise and glory to the Federal Rebublic of Ambazonia.

    1. @Malis continue to put your savings to and also donate to Mark. Where is the 20.000dollars that Mark raised to buy a car for the consortium leader? Don’t be stupid, they are investing in LRC while your family is starving in Southern Cameroon

  4. @song with that your lrc slave fake name,your are envious of Mark as he had a bbetter life unlike you who is s puppet lrc slave, lrc is the worst slum dictator country where you weak guys have no voice, bribery, corruption,embezellement,looting, lies,theiving are the only things that bind you idiots on common,a fee refugee is better than a lrc barbaric slave,SCs are no longer part of dirty slum lrc,biya cannot solve national problems, dumb head for 56 years in politics he cannot speak a simple English dentence,french colonial slaves beggars,there are millions of patriotic SCs fighting in this struggle,your old puppets will be fighting an everlasting war which they will never won,get over yourself weak non existence human

    1. Maybe Mark gave up their location to LRC since he’s so corrupt and trying very hard to make money after so many years in the streets of Brussels with nothing to show for. Shine your eyes my brother, before the peaceful protest and fight for equality was hijacked by this hungry guys, did you ever hear about them? Compare your so called Mark’s life now and before the struggle, he is doing better now after collecting donations from go-Fundme and bribes from LRC. Be wise and let the poor people in Cameroon send their kids to school, I only have one problem with the approach, poor kids must go to school.

      The rich SCnians have their kids in LRC or in Nigeria going to school meaning that there shall never be equality in your dream Ambazonia bc those in school now will always have an upper hand.

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