I Edwin Boye Kinga born in the part of the world, documented in the archives of both the League of Nations and the United Nations Organisations as the British Southern Cameroons represent no one. I just like to air out some views so that I could have some element of peace in my heart and in my soul.
I like to see a world that does not feed fat on the tears of the poor. I like to see and live in a world without any double standards especially when such perrenially favour the vantaged and rich over the poor masses. What use does any system provide if it gives undue rights to the ruling oligarchs while depriving the basic human rights to the rest?
I condemn in the strongest possible terms the murder of my brothers and sisters for more than a year now with no one to speak out for them, just because they state out historical truths and seek under universally accepted standards in a sytem imposed on them by the now mute U.N.
I condemn the torture and looting, the rapes and gruesome hardship meted on our people by soldiers, police and other wings of a fascist military that seem to be hungry for the blood of harmless human beings.
I seek to condemn as an individual, all the persons and institutions that humanity looks up to as their moral refuge for remaining silent in a time as bad as this: the MPs of our people for their cowardice, the state media for nefarious and consistent lies that do untold damage to truth and history, the regular state institutions for branding our people a priori as terrorists, dogs, rats etc in order to plunder them at will and even for unconstitutionally calling our people separatists and secessionist thereby misleading the uninformed world. All the other institutions such as religious and cultural have not met the expectations of the stranded and volatile masses who find nowhere else to go.
I condemn the hate propaganda on social media against our people even though I forgive the perpetrators of this hate agenda because many do so out of ignorance . For the most part they have no historical roots and depend largely on their political leadership and state media both of whom are as tied to French interest as is a dog to a chariot. And history proves me right.
I condemn the sickening silence of major international organisations: the U.N., the African Union, ECOWAS as well as the main news outlets of the world. Our people have been on the streets all over our territory for about a year to make their legitimate voices heard in vain. They have taken to the streets in France, Germany, Japan, Spain, the UK, Canada, South Africa and even in Kuwait of all places. The various states of the U.S. have seen us but paid no attention. Do we not belong to planet earth? Did we ever remain silent at any point in history when horror stroke? We cried with you when terrorists stroke the UK, Spain, Belgium, Somalia, Nigeria the U.S.A. and so on. We joined the world actively when disasters stroke such as the horrendous hurricanes, earthquakes and even the controversial Ebola. I remember how the proprietors of the world rallied in France when that nation lost 12 citizens. What crime then did our people commit that we are battered to pieces for months while the world waits in silence and uninvolved? Is it true that the gains from the trade in arms has a higher bargaining power over our lives?
I condemn you, the political elite in Yaoundé for allowing yourselves in Machiavellian fashion for letting the “honneur de la patrie – La France destroy your sense of objectivity to the effect that you are consistently murdering other Africans. History will be your judge.
Why did the League of Nations decide to divide the German colony of Kamerun into two and give them to the British and the French respectively?Why did the United Nations adopt the responsibility of ascertaining the preparation of the aforementioned territories towards self rule?
If the U.N. herself stands aloof in a conflict whose very origins she is, where else could a stranded people turn?
I stand with you my peopl. I feel bleeding in those whose limbs are torn to peices by the military on rampage. I feel the pangs of prison torture from afar praying for each and every single prisoner. I share fully in the pain of every family that has lost a brother brother or sister, a father or mother. I am with you in the pains from the raping of our loved ones by the uniform officers, who, acting like beasts and with impunity have treated us with a dignity unworthy of human beings.All these keep my eyes open all night when I pretend to sleep.
But we shall rise, my people. Do not ask me when and how. And things shall never ever be the same again.
For real,our hearts are bleeding as we are overwhelm by what our fellow brothers and sisters are going through.My heart was pounding on the night of the 30th as i kept wondering what was the next stop of the beast.Yes the 1st came by and the blood of innocents dwingle down the streets of southern Cameroons.These were our heroes and they shall forever be encraved on the minds of southern cameroonians.I imagine whats running through the minds of those executors.All i say is judgement belongs to our God and the grace of forgiveness be with us at this most trial moments.For the families of our fallen heroes ,rest assure your are in my prayerlist and stay strong at this trial moments in your lives.To our God be the Glory.
Edwin Boye thanks for this piece and your optimism, we are WINNING. It is just a matter of time, the devil in cameroun is dishing out its last kick. larepublique is crumbling from all corners, inside, to the east and north and thieves are fighting among themselves.The UN and other international organisations will come in, let’s keep the pressure up. Let all MPs SENATORS, Clergymen, civil servants, business people join the revolution by resigning and contributing in any way possible. God is with us. 8million people can not disappear under any devil, biya junta, multinational criminals. They are over 2 million God loving Ambazonians abroad, we will overcome. Stay tuned for STAGE 3. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY.
Man, forget about the international community,UN and others. Has any the ambassador been called to the foreign office? We got to do it ourselves. We are being blooded to protect foreign companies exploiting our natural resources. From now our resources shall remain unexploited until we can do it ourselves.
God will deliver us from the plans of these world principalities. The people of Ambazonia have decided the world including biya should respect that.