Fru Ndi’s SDF Party goes against its Motto to Organize Convention in Bamenda, amidst a Ghosted town

After failing to secure two neutral venues for is party’s convention in Bamenda, due to massive pressure from the people, the defiant Fru Ndi, who claims to be a fighter (unfortunately against his own people), finally secured the Bamenda Congress Hall for the event. The Secretariat of his perceived enemy party, the CPDM party, in a rescue mission provided the podium where Fru Ndi stood to castigate the very CPDM for political malfeasance.

For the first time, Fru Ndi asked Yaoundé to send more soldiers to ‘secure’ his convention. What an irony! Human memory is very shot. The same people who have been standing as shields for Fru Ndi, the same people who picked up grenades for him, the same people who protected him from Yaoundé’s brutality, are today, the people he is asking Yaoundé to send terrorist soldiers to secure him from their anger.

Back into the convention hall, Cameroon News Agency (CNA) reports that, as the podium was sent for the convention speeches, the mayor of Bamenda II did not waste the opportunity of castigating the Yaoundé regime and calling for the release of Ambazonians kidnapped and illegally detained in Yaounde gulags. In the presence of the colonial governor, Adolphe LELE L’AFRIQUE, the Mayor, Balick Awah Fidelis, in a strongly worded speech demanded release of all Ambazonians arrested without further delay. The Mayor noted that this release will be a sign of good faith on the part of the colonial government that has promised security for its citizens. He also urged international observers present to take the plight of Southern Cameroonians to the internationally.

Taking the cue from Mayor Balick, the SDF Regional President, Hon Njong Evaristus, according to the CNA said Southern Cameroonians are frustrated with the colonial Biya regime because of its monumental failure and blatant refusal to listen to the voices of the crying people. To Hon Njong, it is time to flush out the New Deal government of Paul Biya for its failures to satisfy the needs and aspirations of the people in the Cameroons. The question however is, are Southern Cameroonians still fighting for regime change or freedom from colonial rule?

In his lengthy welcome address the, the self-acclaimed fighter and National Chairman of the SDF boasted that his party is the only to organize it’s Convention regularly and has succeeded in renewing the basic organs of the party both at the District and Regional levels even in challenging times like this with the Amba Revolution. He argued that, “It is only the SDF that can organize events in such circumstances. Bamenda is the democratic bedrock of Cameroon and in-spite the challenges.”

He officially announced his intention to retire from the colonial presidential race and leave the stage for the younger generation. It is however suspected that the chairman’s taste for political power has not been quenched entirely, as he may be re-elected for the position of chairman unopposed. This will be setting a new precedence in the party and party politics within the Cameroons, where a presidential candidate is different from the party chair. Such a scenario, as BaretaNews has learnt, is what prevails in the Nigerian political landscape.

Fru Ndi may have succeeded to hold his convention on the first day without any hitch. However, the people have sent him a clear message through the ghost towns and by compelling him to use the premises of his perceived enemy party the CPDM, for his own major party activity for the first time in 25 years. That is to tell him that, without the people he is nothing. Consequently, it’s either he and his party bigwigs humble themselves and succumb to the will of the Ambazonian people or they be swept away by the political revolutionary typhoon blowing across Ambazonia and the entire Cameroons.

James Agbor, BaretaNews Political Analyst.


    I say no. Only those who are shortsighted, thinking that the SDF is against the anglophones.

    SDF has been fighting for the rights of every citizen even while the CPDM has created an unlevel political field against opposition party.

    Tell me who has suffered more injustice than the man who had a presidential victory stolen away from him just because he was anglophone.

    Even then he has discovered that separation is not the way out.

    How can we claim that we want a better country when we don’t want to tolerate different opinions to the anglophone problem? That’s hypocritical.

    1. Your opinion is well understood. But now start thinking brother. What needs to be fulfilled in a federation that it works? How much are the majority willing to give up? Hundreds if not thousands of families need to look for new income sources in East Cameroun. Ambazonians will take over the control of their resources. That is for sure. The administrational and educational sector too. Ambazonians will not accept a sneaky peaky from LRC. Moreover the proposed 10 state federation is a slap in the face of Ambazonians. The conditions of joining in 1961 was a two state federation. Nothing else. Look that discussions are full of dishonesty. Yaoundé can never give up its rule. It is the core of the existence of that regime. Everybody thinking about a federation should understand that concept well. I have my doubts that especially East Camerounians have an idea of that. My personal opinion is that too much already happened to build up a true union of equals. You must solve the root cause.

      1. @George,
        It is very hard for someone to actually hate you. I see that all you want is a real change and I agreed with you. We cannot trust Yaounde, but times have change and if we seat down for a dialogue I honestly do not see how they can play us as before. If you have doubt about federalism, just look at Canada, the USA and even our big brother Nigeria. We are hard working people and no other states will be able to compete with us. Did you ask yourself why most francophone come to either Bamenda or Bua for education? Because we have a unique system and with federalism, we will apply this system all across the board. For one moment let’s put our emotion on the side and listen to our elderly.

        1. @Jojo, from “the Federal Republic of Cameroon” to “the United Republic of Cameroon” and back to “The Republic of Cameroon.” A dialogue in good faith? Not at all.

          I know “The Republic of Cameroon” remains indivisible, so is “Southern Cameroon.” If you are honest with yourself, who seceded?

          The Republic of Cameroon came together with Southern Cameroon to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon. If by law since 1984 we are back to “The Republic of Cameroon” explain to me where is “Southern Cameroon?”

          Explain to this audience what happened to “Southern Cameroon?”

          1. @AmbaVictory,
            You are 100% right, but we brought that to ourselves, our leaders did not said a word when this old man from Yaounde was cheating us. My point is that Foumban was a failure and we have a chance for a real deal that will benefit both parties with lots of Caveats and preconditions. This fool from Yaounde is resisting federalism for a good reason. To me this is an opportunity that we can make a lot out of it. With this we can have our court system, our military, our law…we will prosper.Washington for example don’t tell Texas what to do, this is bfederalism.

    2. Ni Jack could you list the achievements of the SDF after its formation over 20yrs ago just only in Bamenda please?
      Why should we listen to man, today is calling LRC soldiers to come and protect him from same people who protected him in the nineties. Referring to the people abroad as dead body cleaners is a bit silly for a man of his age and who is supposed to know better. Even if some do, at least they are making an honest living, but I can’t say same to the politicians back home because they are fantastically corrupt and are stealing from the people they represent.

  2. Please you people shut up and learn. The Bamenda hall is the people house and it doesn’t belong to the CPDM party. After all noises and threats you guys made, our convention still went well, you should all take this as a sign that you biafra descend have no place in either NW or SW.

  3. A leopard will never change its strips. Fru Ndi has taken the benevolence of Ambalanders for granted for too long.
    Many original founders of the SDF party died questionable deaths and have never been given their full credit by this man. Yet he will never stop grandstanding at the expense of others.

    1. It’s the same way innocent civilians are being slaughtered today in NW and SW because of stupid guys like you with borrowed laptops and internet connection. How are you different from Fru Ndi? Idiot? How many kids are without a future today?

      1. My brother that is very dishonest by you. What kind of future our children have in that country? Graduates as taxi drivers or buyam sellam? Look at the realities. I am wondering which innocent people you’re talking about. Who killed and beheaded Sam Soya and his cousin? The violence was started by an regime which is ignorant and arrogant to its own people. Let us solve the root cause of that problem.

  4. It’s the same way innocent civilians are being slaughtered today in NW and SW because of stupid guys like you with borrowed laptops and internet connection. How are you different from Fru Ndi? Idiot? How many kids are without a future today?

  5. @Abducted,
    I understand and I hate the way our brothers and sisters leaving overseas are playing with our people back home life. Through the SDF chairman, our erderlies have spoken and we should trust them. Mark should spend his time explaining what federalism is all about and let the people decide instead of advocating for more killings and chaos. I haven’t seen a country with a federal system that is not prosper, unless someone can prove me wrong!

  6. It impresses me to see people who claim to be intelligent, caring, loving, all knowing, smart, … complain, condemn, accuse innocent people who are fighting to survive genocide, but are unable to mention one word to themselves and the slave masters about their evil, genocide, …

    When you see evil, Satan, you know it.

    How on earth must a people be killed, their villages burnt down, their lovely once get raped, brutalized, massacred, slain, treated as inhuman just simply because they demanded to be the one that is educating their children and themselves?

    To hell with Cameroon, those who love to be slaves, abused, … can keep it, not Ambazonians.

    We Ambazonians are done with all these madness for LRC, we are not going to sit and watch our nation turn in the devils toilet. We will fight to the end, nothing can stop us. Bring them all, SDF, CPDM, … we will defeat you all. These parties themselves are failures, what makes them think they can defeat anything?, failure can only fail and that is what we are finally seeing.

    1. @Malis, it’s easier to key in your madness here, go home and lead the struggle. How many of your family members have been slaughtered? Look at what happened in Nigeria when book haram started his own ideology, it’s the same nonsense you guys have started with your borrowed laptops. I have friends whose family members have been butchered, it’s really painful. LRC is worst but this is not the way to go. For every single military personnel killed + 10 innocent civilians are slaughtered, asked yourself if any of the +10 is your relative

      1. But that tells you more about the regime than about the people who fight for freedom. By the way I lost relatives and that is very painful. Others run into the bushes. But does it mean we should stop fighting for justice and freedom? There is something fundamental wrong in that country. And that has something to do with the coming together of two states.

  7. By the way, since when has the governor of the Northern West zone become an SDF member to the point where he is now sitting as the right hand man of Fru Ndi. He who cannot decipher the “two-side-cutlass” nature of Fru Ndi by now must be living in another planet. So he expects us to demonize the governor and Biya as murderers and to treat him with kiddy gloves as if he were some savior despite his frolicking with these two evil men?
    Thank goodness that the truth has finally reveal itself. Things will never be the same again with this opportunist called Fru Ndi.

    1. Mukong it is one system. The main source of Fru Ndi money is Biya. What shall we expect. Pa Fru Ndi knows very well how to solve that crisis. That man is not stupid. But he is opportune. It would have been very easy for the SDF to but immense pressure on the terrorist regime. But he choose a way of deceiving. Look all this theatre in the national assembly was useless. Fru Ndi knows that if he had ordered his MPs home Biya would have been needed to act. But ask yourself why he did not.

  8. @Mukong,
    The current situation has nothing to do with SDF rather, SDF is seeing as the only one that can bring about a real solution to this crisis. Our diaspora brothers and sisters have hijacked our struggle with the so call secession that it’s hard for someone who really like his people to stay silent.

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