Of Pastor Suleman Prophesy And Prayer Point.
There is a recent video circulating from Nigerian Prophet Suleman asking Men and ministers of God from the Cameroons to start fasting and praying for 21 days straight for the war to end and for Cameroon to have peace. The man of God articulated that the issue happening in the Cameroons is not Francophone/Anglophone but concerning some people sucking blood for whatever purpose. No one should reduce our revolution to some spiritual nonsense about some people needing blood to drink. Such lines mocks our revolution as if Biya’s spiritism is in control. No man of God, there is nothing like some people sucking blood, it is an ongoing war like it happens elsewhere and a certain military who pride themselves as la Republique Forces are committing genocide on our people deliberately. We started this revolution on our terms and we will end it on our terms-separation.
These days we challenge men of God. Pastor Suleyman should give us some break. The issue going in the Cameroons literally is not Franco vs Anglo but deeply it is evidently so. It is because some people are seen as ‘Anglophones’ that’s why the military is behaving the way they are doing. Pastor Suleman colleagues few days ago in Buea went for a photo shoot with colonial slave Atanga Nji in Buea, I wonder if they told him the truth and what must be done.
As per praying for peace is concern, Of course we need prayers. I do not object people from praying. I am only interested in prayers that ask God for Justice because God knows that without justice there is no peace or happiness or salvation. That is why the Bible talks of judgment day before paradise where we shalll live and be happy. On judgment day God will be rendering justice so that happiness and peaceful paradise can happen. Any prayers asking for peace for the Cameroons is misguided and political. We need justice. Our people need justice and justice should be our prayer points.
Any pastors, priests who go out there asking people to pray for peace for the Cameroons is only helping Paul Biya and Cameroun. Such prayers points must be rejected. It is political and our God is not a political God. He sits on the thrown and knows that the hundreds killed since December, 2016, the houses burnt, the sleepless nights of our people in Bushes, the burning alive of our people, the thousands as refugees in Nigeria do not need anything peace to return to the mess that in the first place sent them out. Our people need justice. Our prayer points MUST be only about asking God to render Justice. Once God renders justice peace will flow.
Peace is a direct reflection of a society. A just society is naturally a peaceful one less peace remains only temporal. We need permanent peace and to have this only JUSTICE can do that to us.
So if you are a Christian praying for peace, you are being political and a hypocrite. Period
Mark Bareta
If justice is the absolute requirement for peace, then praying for peace is absolutely asking for justice.
I pray that we avoid attacking men of God for what ever reason.
Good write up. Too bad the current generation is full of minds saturated with distorted basics of theology, as such many have a view of a partial instead of a complete (Holy) creator….We can’t pray for peace when injustice prevails in the land. The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob is not only just (1 Jn 1:9), but loves justice (Is 61:8) and has always stood for the oppressed (Ps 103:6). Being the Almighty who does what He pleases (Ps 115:3), He is able and can decide to use anything (including violence)to accomplish whatever brings Glory to Him..
Prophesies do not depend on theology or what the bible says but on what GOD says. What God says may be related with flaws. Do not therefore tarry on the form but accept the content. What is coming out clearly from Suleman’s prophecy is the absolute need for prayers which we all agree we do. Peace and justice are like two phases of a coin. Pick the coin up looking at one phase and you automatically have the other.
One thing is certain, this world is not govern by justice, righteousness, honesty but by democracy, capitalism, … We Ambazonians pray and has been preying even before this genocide, massacre on us. We will pray till we die, but will not sit, watch and wait only for God. It might be too late if we do that.
If all we do is pray, the world will joyfully sit by and watch how we are literally wiped out of existence. As a matter of fact, with the only difference that we Ambazonians said NO and stood up, and are pushing them back, the world is just watching in peace.
I don’t hold the world responsible but us Ambazonians and I know we will fight to the end be it with fasting or not. Those who want to suck blood will be given more than enough so that they get drown in their madness.
No negotiation, no retreat. The evil ones must be ousted.
Developing countries did not pray and fast to change the living standards and welfare of their people, the people fought and died for human freedoms, equality,honesty, transparency, care and compassion, many of these Preachers,appostles, pastors in Africa have taken advantage of many vulnerable, sick, poor, voiceless people due to their uncaring government thus making a living for themselves via these followers who give most of their harvest,money to drunken fake theives in the name of God whose own families are dysfunctional,with no Godly heart,if some African think God will solve all their problems, they will stay in darkness for ever, hard work,honesty, care and compassion is what they must be focusing on