Apostle Johnson Suleman Southern Cameroons

The Prophetic Inconsistencies of Apostle Johnson Suleman & the Southern Cameroons Revolution

Ever since the commencement of the Southern Cameroons Ambazonian revolution, Nigerian tele-evangelist Apostle Johnson Suleman of the Omega Fire Ministries has made a series of inconsistent prophetic declarations in relation to the revolution. From every indication, the controversial Apostle appears to be caught up between speaking for the colonial, tyrannical and demonic government in Yaoundé in order to protect his church investments and his future crusades in the Cameroons OR speaking for the oppressed people of Southern Cameroons who are fighting for TRUTH AND JUSTICE and get banned by the Yaoundé regime from ever entering the country.

Let’s consider the two most recent inconsistent prophetic declarations made by the Apostle and examine possible underpinnings behind these inconsistencies.

Suleman’s March 2018 Prophecy

In march 2018, Apostle Suleman in a Live Sunday service declared that the nation of Cameroon has been sold to the devil long ago by a group of people and that he risked being banned from entering Cameroon if he revealed all what he saw about the nation. “what the lord showed me about that nation, if I should say it all, the authorities will never allow me enter that country again.” According to him, the real problem in Cameroon goes far beyond the Anglophone-Francophone divide but a demonic stronghold that is out to drink blood. He stated that there is a strongman who is sending soldiers to kill people for him to drink their blood

According to Suleman, the solution God revealed to him was that All pastors in the 10 regions of Cameroons should do a 21days fasting and prayers at the same time back to back and all these will die down (We doubt how possible this can be considering the denominational, ideological and many other differences and disagreements between religious leaders).

He added that Cameroon has been praying for the war to stop, instead they should pray for the strongman to be brought down. According to him, the conflict was getting to a point where soldiers would be gathering people together in groups and killing them.

September 2018 Prophesy

Yesterday Sunday 2nd September 2018 Apostle Suleman made another declaration, this time speaking in support of the colonial Yaoundé government and edging them not to spare those he called the rebels who are burning villages and spoiling the name of the government. These were his words;

“The problem in Cameroon is because of the prosperity I see in that nation and what God is about to do. But the reason I want to speak to Cameroon is what God told me this morning. There are certain people who are capitalizing on this war. These ones are neither in support of the Anglophones or Francophones, they are just rebels. When they kidnap people, they will ask for money. They come to people’s houses and say they are looking for them.

The lord is saying there is a leader of the rebels who anytime they do what they do, they lord told me they will come and settle the leader. God says the leader is the leader of the rebels. I have always said this… My first country is Nigeria and my second country is Cameroon. So, if you see me interested in Cameroon it is not because there is anything I am connected to but God told me. I heard this from God. I was praying for America to conquer America and the Lord said to me you are a voice to America, Europe, you are a voice to African countries but I make you a Prophet to Cameroon. I heard it from God, it’s not something I can claim to myself…

The next people that will be destroyed in seven days if they don’t repent are the rebels. Seven days… all the people they have kidnapped… release them…let me tell you all of you in Cameroon, you don’t know what is happening. Some of these people in the bushes are not there because of this war. Some of them were carried there because of the rebels. Some of you don’t even know… you are blaming the government meanwhile some people have hijacked the issue. They are feeding fat. They arm themselves and are busy making money and you are busy blaming the government.

I have a message for the government… The government should not spare these rebels because these rebels are spoiling their name. But I stand as a prophetic voice to the nations and I declare Lord the rebels in Cameroon who are hurting people, taking people’s wives, taking people’s daughters, I scatter them. Let them begin to fight themselves. Peace enter Cameroon Peace enter Cameroon…’

So what went wrong?

From the change in Suleman’s Prophetic tone in support of the regime, Southern Cameroonians who watched him and critical Christian believers are now questioning the position of the cleric between supporting TRUTH and JUSTICE which the Ambazonian people are fighting for or the EVIL, FALSEHOOD, INJUSTICE AND COLONIALISM of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC).

Has the colonial regime extended its shopping for lobby firms to the religious circles? The tone of Apostle Suleman on the Cameroons last Sunday sounded more like that of a clergy who has been lobbied by some Yaoundé elements to clean the image of the evil colonial Biya junta, to the believe of his many fanatical followers in Southern Cameroons.

Ambazonians do not deny the fact that there are bad elements within the revolution who are sponsored by agents of the colonial regime. These bad elements have been going around abducting and extorting monies from innocent Ambazonians in the name of Amba boys just to set the people against the restoration forces. Many of such fellows have been arrested by Restoration forces in the passed weeks and the phone numbers which they use to call their victims were even published online.

However, it is very hypocritical and a fat lie of the century for a respected religious figure like Apostle Suleman to claim that many of the villages razed down have been burned by the rebels to spoil the name of the government. Is Suleman telling us that the affected villagers who have been making confessions in videos have all been lying that terrorist Cameroun forces invaded their villages killing and burning innocent civilians in their homes and in some cases clearing down crops in their farms?

The Biya regime and Men of God

We all know that the evil colonial regime under Paul Biya has consistently proven that it is anti-GOD, by banning certain members of the clergy from entering the nation or through judicial intimidation and the assassination of many members of the clergy. For instance, in 2009, the regime through the Ministry of External Relations blacklisted and banned popular Nigerian Prophet T.B Joshua from entering the Cameroons. Many Bishops and Priests of the Roman Catholic Church have mysteriously and controversially died and some openly murdered in the country in the past years; some have either been wounded or shot dead in the course of this revolution while others have been intimidated with litigations for daring to stand with the oppressed people.

Most of these men of God in both Cameroons have decided to stay mute for fear of their lives. It is therefore not surprising to hear Apostle Johnson Suleman now siding with the same government he had earlier described as blood sucking and demonic, and calling on them “not to spare the rebels.”

Is Suleman saying that the colonial government should not spare those who are impersonating Amba boys to kidnap and extort monies from people or what does he mean by government should not spare the rebels? How will the so-called government he is advising not to spare the rebels distinguish between the real rebels fighting for freedom or restoration of independence of Southern Cameroons and those impersonating to kidnap and extort monies?

BaretaNews considers Suleman’s call as open support to the terrorist Yaoundé regime to intensify its onslaught, indiscriminate and genocidal killings against the innocent people of Southern Cameroons. If there are any so-called rebels today, it is because the regime declared a war on the entire peaceful people and every young boy in Southern Cameroons today is an endangered species.

Instead of calling on the genocidal government not to spare the so-called rebels, we challenge Apostle Suleman to call on the government to declare an end to the war he started and then meet Southern Cameroons leaders at the negotiation table. Only then shall we be able to know those using the present conflict to perpetuate criminality. Telling government to deal with them when the war is still on is telling them to kill more young men and women as they have been doing.

Southern Cameroonians are GOD fearing people who respect the authority of their men and woman of God. But these men of God must not think that they can exploit and manipulate the ignorance and fanatism of some of their followers for their own political or monetary gains, at the expense of the will and interest of the people they are called to lead. Religion may be an opium of the masses where people blindly follow doctrinal instructions without basic reasoning but Southern Cameroonians and Ambazonians are wise Christians.




  1. This Suleiman. This fake islamist maskurating as a pastor must not be allowed into Amba territory. This is a dangerous man. Amba poeple should boycott the church of this fake preacher in disguise, a Moslem man called Suleman perpetuating as a Christian preacher.

  2. Johnson Suleiman is not a prophet of God. God does not contradict Himself. The Almighty God is consistent and does not contradict Himself.

  3. Please don’t drag the Muslims community into this. The pastor has proven himself false by contradicting his word.I pitty his followers and those who believes in him.
    It is really a shame.

  4. A true prophet shall prophesied what he shall live to see accomplished. Muslim pastor prophesied a governor will win election last month the opposite happen. A Canadian prostitute he impregnated proof he was the conjugator….he threatened her. It’s time to burn down his false controversial church.

    Thanks bareta for this just analysis of a fake prophet…fake pastors are dangerous for amba revolution

    1. Do you burn down every place that belongs to someone you don’t agree with?
      The Etoudi palace is waiting for you to go and burn it down.
      If that is too hard for you, why not burn down the governor’s office in Buea your capital?

      Maybe you should even burn down the whole Northwest and Southwest regions. Oh, I forgot, you are doing that already.

      It is painful to watch how such a golden opportunity has been hijacked by a band of morons and a people are being catapulted decades back.

  5. A new version of Atanga Nji reincarnates, only this time of a different nationality and profession, specifically I will say an Apostle.

    This makes sense.

    We shall see if this version came with some updates. He gave seven days, so let’s help him count day.

  6. This fellow call Suleiman belongs to a line of criminals who continue to cause irreparable damage to religion. If one can imagine that for over 70years (seventy years,) over 300 (three hundred) catholic priests in a single diocese in Pennsylvania, USA were involve in the systematic sodomization of thousands of young children while those in the leadership of the church simply looked the other way; tells us that we should be vigilant and unapologetic in making sure that we call out all these wolves in sheep clothing’s who are masquerading as men of God. Like Buhari, he is just answering the roll call from the french leeches after getting his own pay check.
    Make no mistake as with these fake religious men, money dose the talking for them.

  7. This a perfect example of the false prophets JESUS CHRIST said will appear in the las days and deceive many people! None of his imaginary fake and false prophecies has ever come to pass. Ambazonia or UNO State of Cameroon must place a permanent ban on this Fake prophet and scammer never to ever set his feet on our land. He is the son and agent of Lucifer. May Satan reward him for serving him very well!

  8. How dare you pronounce satanic prophesies on Ambaland with people more righteous than you.Glory to God for making you expose yourself. All your satanic prophecies back to you, In Jesus Name. THE BLOOD of JESUS COVERS AMBALAND.

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