The attack on Ni John Fru Ndi’s compound, like all other similar attacks by arsonists, by killers and rapists targeting schools, business premises, or aimed at and effectively razing homes or entire villages (Kembong, Tadu, Kwa-Kwa, Bole, Boa Bakundu, Muyenge, etc…. all these attacks which have led, sadly to great and unacceptable loss of life and property, must be condemned in the strongest terms. Anyone who believes in or wants to enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of association, the right to life; all who believe that political problems are best solved using peaceful, legal non-violent and diplomatic means must unreservedly condemn this latest act of political intolerance.
This reliance on Stone Age approaches to solving political problems must be rejected, whether they come from the colonialists in Yaounde or from those promising us freedom in Ambazonia. The “argument of force” or the “argument of violence” will never resolve political problems, as Mr. Biya’s failure so far proves. In fact, they can only worsen such problems. True Ambazonians cannot own or take credit for violence, especially violence that you cannot ascertain was perpetrated by you or your supporters. In fact, the violence through fire that has hit Ni Fru Ndi’s compound bears the signature of the evil CPDM regime… this is the handiwork of the CPDM party whose logo is fire itself. This is the party/regime that has been burning down schools from the very beginnng. They are the only ones out at night during a curfew they alone enforce for the purposes of hiding their crimes and atrocities.
Ambazonians cannot unwittingly take credit for such violence and bail out the colonialists whose evil hand wrecked this havoc. Our revolution has been peaceful and non-violent for a reason. We have refused to take the bait thrown out at every turn by the colonialists. Please, join in on upholding the right of all – even ouur opponents – to hold and express political opinion without fear. We must uphold this right even as we travel the Road to Buea.
What we are, politically as we are on this Road to Buea, we will not change once we get there. Those who believe the contrary should check out President Donald Trump. He is Governing the USA as he campaigned. If we want an Ambazonia where freedom reigns, where our political opponents have freedom to run a credible, legitimate and republican opposition, we must hold all movements and leaders to that yardstick today; not hope, in vain, as Americans did, that a wannabe president who campaigned promising something they don’t like will govern by providing what they hoped for even though the aspirant did not promise. I have said my own.
Ntumfoyn Boh Herbert (Yindo Toh)
Spokesperson, MoRISC
Please Ntumfoyn Boh Herbert (Yindo Toh) stop lying, the Ambazozo groupuscule:
– Asked for school to be closed
– Asked SDF to not take the convention to Bamenda ( Done without incident)
– Asking people not to work because the so called ghost town if not they will be killed
Only politics of fear that you are doing.
It will not succeed
Ambazozo group are the only responsible for burning school, killing population cawardicely and then hide in the forest.
All what interest is to make money by asking people to donate, please stop giving your money to people who to kill and destroy.
All your plans will fail, believe me.
Long live Cameroon
Before you start evil plan have you ever heard a school burnt in cameroon not only in SW or NW. Never
Now you come with ISIS like manner of doing things, but be assured that you will pay for your cowardise.
Have you once hear anybody killed by cameroon army, you started it all and you will be punished accordingly.
Please, you people who believe in peace and respect human being, stop donating your money for those so called Ambazozo whose only agenda is to destroy and kill.
Long live Cameroon
Once again the evil CPDM led regime failed to divide Ambazonians. Whole Bamenda is full of LRC terrorists. Now they attack Fru Ndi house. His neighbours already blamed that soldiers loyal to Biya tried to burn down his house.
Very funny how desperate the state paid trolls try to tell a different story. Hahaha. LRC is full of dump asses.
Stop liying. Did listen hear abt tappan ivo trial? The money the consortium raise in mars 2017 was to finance the burning of school. Is it lrc saying it u guys self. Just know that all that r documented n we will hold u accountable. Well we see how Bareta will ever renew his passport since he is no EU citizen. Him n Bareta when the one who started financing terrorism.
Boh Herbert’s wife is not only bamleke but actually a full bamleke francophone! Bad as it is to marry a bamleke so called Anglophone, the francophone one makes it even worst.Boh knew that that naturally disqualifies him from any leadership role in Ambazonia. That is why he created a mostly Camerounese group called MoRISC to make himself look important and he actually thought he could lead us! With a bamleke wife?! Who the hell told him that someone with bamleke or Camerounese genes can be our first lady/gentleman or leader us? French is the first language in Boh’s house. Not english.
You are really a mad man, is this how you guys think your new ambazonia will look like? An ambazonia must marry only and amazonian, it’s really nice this your country exists only on FB.
You are really a mad man, is this how you guys think your new ambazonia will look like? An ambazonia must marry only an ambazonian, it’s really nice this your country exists only on FB.
Atem please behave. You should have enough confidence in our struggle. We are united in the purpose. I know enough Bamileke who are even more radical than you defending Ambaland.
Mr, with due respest is Mr Boh the the only ambazonian having a francophone wife? Pls be try to be honest.You must not cmment if u don’t have anything to write.
Well spoken George. This Atem guy is really a mad man. Not sure what is his problem, maybe he got rejected by a Bamileke girl! For your information Bamileke are not the one running the country, in fact they are also marginalized as Anglophone. I strongly suspect that you are a bulu/beti with goal to turn Anglophone against Bamileke, but you will fail.
Ambazonians shall be fee by law to marry from every nationality, except cameroun and marriages between Ambazonians and camerounese shall not be recognized under Ambazonian law and their children not considered Ambazonian or given any Ambazonian rights.
This struggle is not Francophone vs anglophone. It’s the Biya government against anglophones.
Oh yes. Just like Cross Rivers State in Nigeria is Ambazonia and “Ambaland have fully” Nigerians… Keep dreaming! Bamlekes and camerounese did not conquer or inherit any town or village in Ambazonia when international borders were drawn. That is the only law and manner to claim ownership of a village, town or country. What ever piece of “plot” they currently sit on now is just thanks to the hospitality of the hosts (us), just like China Town in various countries. China Town in South Africa or US will be China! To show how ungrateful bamlekes are, they were quick to identify themselves and show their similarities with and side with people like Niat Njifenji who helped implement illegal laws to force them onto Ambazonians from Tiko to Nkambe. We will send you all packing back across the borders to cameroun with your bassa, doula, hausa, betua and younde folks. If you don’t believe me, WAIT AND SEE!
you’re now proving me right that you have been programmed. You accuse others of being agents of LRC, but you portray all the traits of a spy. You know quite too well that when you’ll take on a particular tribe you’ll create distraction, and you now seem to be enjoying it.
No need to hide under that screen name, we all know you’re from NW with Bamileke ancestors.
Your madness can still be cured.
Tyty don’t mind this idiot, he is an instigator.
We know that Biya is the master of rule and divide. But this time he will not succeed. Pa Fru Ndi even he is a fool and is neglecting his only heritage is a Southern Cameroonian. Any trial to blame that attack on his own brothers is going to fail. I pray for Fru Ndi to finally wake up like his elder brothers Foncha and Muna did in the early 90s.
This Atem guy is talking nonsence.
Let prophet boh tell me how the the money violence can work , boh let me remind you that the people of AMBAZONIA are peaceful, but will never stand idle when violence is brought on them no human beings can stand idle but self defense is an option not only to the oppressor but also to those who allined to their agenda and SDF bears full responsibility for any action resulting to this incident
Please Sir, you want to see only what you want your ayes to see.
Ambazozo are the only responsible for this coward attact.
Ambazoz are treathning people to follow their satanic ideology, but it will be just failure.
Nobody in cameroon will such satanic ideology,
– Ambazozo torched school
– Ambazozo torched churchs
– Ambazozo beheading the population of SW and NW
Please to all of you who believe and respect human being, stop funding those terrorist called Ambazonia
Long Live Cameroon
@ Saa
The only thing you know is to insult people.
I dont need to insult you to make you understand that your ideology is satanic and it is just make money and kill people of NW and SW cameroon.
Everybody know your agenda, but fortunately it is a failure in any way.
Keep hiding in the buches, we will find you and punish you accordingly.
You will get no issue, believe me.
Long Live Cameroon
The comments I find here are pregnant with personal attacks on personal points of views which might or might not be of any substance tot he struggle. Boh from day one has always stood for non-violence like many revolutionaries in the world and he has the right to preach his gospel of peace and non-violence that is characteristic of the people of Ambazonia. He has the right to say NO to violence against his friend and leader who braved the ONE PARTY system when no one else could dare.
But time has passed since the 90s when we were kids and we saw the society changing engineered by Fru Ndi and his Suffer Don Finish party just to find ourselves in SUFFER DON COME as the determined regime of assimilation and exploitation set the stage to eliminate the anglo-saxon culture as facts and testimonies come to the open.
Today more than yesterday, we have documents, we have proofs of who we the Ambazonians or British Southern Cameroonians are, why there are who they are and why they are in the situation they find themselves today. Its not a question of individual opinions but of historical, factual and documented facts. Therefore no matter the line of comments we make, those facts will never be raised away forever. Human history shows that oppressors and exploiters would never freely give up their mines without a fight. The fight for the restoration of the dignity of British Southern Cameroons shall never die even if the oppressive regime and their master are doing everything to suppress. They are only delaying and making things worst. Time is changing and justice shall be done one day.
Anyone can live anywhere in the world no matter your colour, race, origin, culture… but respect of the people and their values where you find yourself is important. Francophones, chinese, Japanese… can live in Ambazonians, Marry Ambazonians, work in Ambazonia as it happens all over the world but that does not remove or erase the fundamental values on which Ambazonians uphold.