The Minister of Water Resource and Energy Basile Atangana Kouna signed on behalf of Cameroon while Jean-François Arsenault represented the French Government.
The Nachtigal Hydro-Power Company is expected to provide one-third of Cameroon’s Energy by 2020, and to supply power to the aluminum plan in Edea. The company will in the Months ahead complete the construction of 420 megawatts power dam on the river Sanaga. It is estimated to cover a distance of 40 miles transmission line.
According to the agreement, the French Government will have a 40% share of the company and the Electricite de France will exploit the dam for a period of 35yrs while Cameroon, on the other hand, will have 30% share. 30% of the project will be funded by the International Finance Corporation.
BaretaNews Statement: We of this platform do not trust France. Anything France and Cameroon is very exploitative. We cannot recall how many times electricity companies have been created to solve the Country’s failing energy sector. However, Cameroonians suffer a lot from electricity problems, if this company could solve this once and for all, then it is a step in the right direction.
God is still saying something.
1 comment
That was on public private partnership base. We desperately need the investments if it will come from France I am ok with it. And again it on build operate and transfer base