Nfon V.E Mukete; Too Little Too Late. No FEDERATION in Ambazonia now and Forever.

The media in Cameroun for some days now have been reporting the automatic u-turn taken by one of the most respected Sons of Southern Cameroons, Nfon V.E Mukete. The paramount Chief of the Bafaws people , Southern Zone of Ambazonia is reported to have attempted going the Hon. Joseph Wirba way, this time not in the Parliamentary House, but La Republic’s Senate. He is said to have taken to the rostrum in a plenary sitting in the colonial capital of Yaounde, to decry the inhumane treatment meted on the Southern Cameroonians many years after staying in a farce and ugly union with La Republique Du Cameroon.

The centenarian Senator and Chief being the oldest in the Cameroun Senate came out clear to lament, owing to the fact that, he lived and participated in the so-called reunification of the then French Cameroun and Southern Cameroons to form the Federal Republic of Cameroon. He had earlier launched his book, which narrates an eye witness account of the reunification process, just after the crisis erupted 3 years ago.
After Nfon Mukete’s outing and getting comments from the public, BaretaNews crew thought it is of prime charge, to point out some issues relating to this move. It’s no doubt a welcomed step given that, as far as the struggle is concerned, it’s not very late to turn towards the right way. Being an elderly statesman and a great grandfather to many who are in the struggle today, we give his place and honour him as an icon as per the very nature of our Anglosaxon culture. However, we are afraid this has eroded because of the silence in the face of Cameroun barbarism on our people.

However, being in the CPDM, Biya’s party which turns people’s minds to seem as opium consumers the same moment they join the gangster party, the Chief may have been in a comma to see what an old man sees sitting down even though he is on a tall tree. Thereby allowing children rather on the floor to see far into the future of our existence.

Mukete being the leaders of the Chiefs of the Southern Zone of Ambazonia over these years has had golden chances to lead and stick to his people with truth, but he chose to stay indifferent to the massacre of his people. Even when this “NEVER AGAIN” generation of Ambazonia leaders asked the Southern Cameroons parliamentarians and Senators to leave Yaounde and convene on Buea, October 1st, 2017, Nfon Mukete and his group took these words as a joke. Until hundreds and thousands are being slaughtered even from his own kingdom, he is only realizing it now. Well, some have been quick to say its because he is losing a lot in his multi-billion investments to the ongoing war, so it’s only dawning on him. We won’t want to dabble into nitty gritty.

At BaretaNews, we appreciate his reversal but we are rightly informed that he still preaches federation between the 2 countries. Most annoying is the fact that he talks of 10 states Federation. Jesus!!!! It’s in our customs not to insult the elderly person, let’s be nice. But ask Mukete when Biya ever accepted anything near Federation. Before taking to the streets in October 2016, the teacher and Lawyers West of the Mungo, asked for Federation. Mukete should ask SDF what when down with their 4 states federation manifesto. Better still, ask Bar. Nkongho Felix Balla and Cardinal Tumi what’s happening to the 2 state federation crusade. These are terrible concepts that make the heartless regime of biya to think that Ambazonia cares about a union with them. NEVER!!!!!

Some have described the Chief’s move as brilliantly incomplete, last kick of a dying horse, while others say he is moving in the footsteps of his forefathers, S.T Muna and J.N Foncha who only threw the Unity towel few steps to their graves. It is important for V.E Mukete to know that, if he intends to side with his people, let him do it in all honesty and with clean hands, seeking their rights.

Ambazonia will never go back to her vomit, not when the rogue Yaounde evasive regime sees no remorse in slaughtering Our people. Let Him know that, what he did in the Senate, Hon. Wirba did better than that 3 years ago when they were mocking him and preparing schemes to end his life. SDF parliamentary group has done that on countless occasions. Ambazonians shall settle for nothing less short of complete Independence Restoration. The worst regret of your life will be going into your tomb with tears in your eyes for enabling an enemy to devour your children and future generation.
Ambazonia’s independence Is Non-negotiable!!! For those with weak minds, the best you can advocate for is a Referendum, for the people to stamp their choice of existence.

Sumelong EkaneBaretaNews 

  1. the dying colonial slave even talks of decentralisation,does he think that the PATRIOTIC Ambazonians shall continue to fight and die for the sake of the entire french Cameroon?not on our graves,any southern Cameroonian who has no self pride,sidelining with french Cameroon for money, status and position to facilitate the on-slaughter, burning of villages which they never constructed, they and their entire family shall perish,migrate for good in the francophone regions because their hands are covered in BLOOD if Ambazonians just like the biya regime.All those silent Ambazonians who pretend to be francophone just to fit in,pretend Cameroon is one and indivisible,smile when Amba boys are killed,pretend this war declared by biya to neutralise their people will be fished out after independence,some foolish Ambozonians doubters think Cameroon is one and indivisible.

    1. Cameroon is ONE and INDIVISIBLE!!!

      NFon Mukete is trying to have it both ways. Going to bed with amba terrorists and with the Biya government to achieve his personal objectives. Well, we shouldn’t blame him, but let’s blame the doublespeak on senescence (mental deterioration with age).

      Drop the guns!!!

  2. Where have you been all this while now you fighting for the legacy you will leave behind for your children and grandchildren for it not lost in the tin air Hmmmm but at least you have tried with words ..

  3. THE LOUD VOICE OF THE TRUTH AND REASON FINALLY PREVAILS. As a traditional ruler of the Bafaw, a significant group of indigenous inhabitants of Kumba, Nfon V. E. Mukete is to be hailed for his decision to listen to his conscience attentively and only abide by the truth. It is a landmark development for the Ambazonian people, who have for long looked up to an older generation, who have lived history as it was and will always be and not history as it ought to be. By openly admitting that Special Status is too little too late for the Ambazonian people, Chief Mukete has finally hit the nail on the head. He has sent a decisive message to Mr. Paul Biya, who must do everything possible to come to the negotiation table for a definitive settlement of the Ambazonian question with a view to the immediate independence and sovereignty of Ambazonia, whose independence on October 1, 1961, was sanctioned by the United Nations. After an unnecessary blood bath, it is time for everlasting peace to be given a chance, the only condition being Ambazonia’s independence and nothing less. LONG LIVE THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF AMBAZONIA.

  4. Mark Bareta must be careful not to derail the Ambazonian revolution. A genocide is taking place and you refuse to see it. Your position is rather suspect. AMBAZONIA TODAY, AMBAZONIA TOMORROW, AMBAZONIA FOR EVER. THOSE WHO HAVE HAD A SHARE OF BLOOD MONEY MUST LEAVE AMBAZPONIA AND SETTLE IN LA REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN. TO HELL WITH CHIEF V. E. MUKETE. LONG LIVE THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF AMBAZONIA.

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