Boh Herbert, MoRisc Spokesman



Masked Pro-Biya Gunmen Busted Trying to Recreate Chibok

WASHINGTON, DC, 5 November 2018 – Masked gunmen launched a series of terrorist attacks Sunday night and Monday morning in four towns of Ambazonia (formerly Cameroon’s English-speaking regions), kidnapping 81 students and a teacher from a boarding school, killing two primary school children on their way to school, amputating fingers from the hands of several plantation workers and lynching a civil servant on camera in a crowded street Monday morning.

The kidnapping of the students was ostensibly aimed at reenacting the kidnapping in April 2014 by Boko Haram of 276 Chibok Girls in Borno State (Nigeria) and, along with the other gruesome attacks and cold-blooded murders, signaled anew the extent to which the colonial regime of Mr. Paul Biya is willing to go in a desperate effort to convince the international community to list Ambazonia’s Independence Restoration Quest as a terrorist movement.

Video of the kidnapped students surfaced online. It shows the kidnapped students, hurdled together in captivity, and prompted by their captors to accuse Ambazonian Freedom Fighters for their abduction. The students identify themselves and their parents by name and claim that they were kidnapped for simply attending school. Pro-independence Ambazonian groups promote a school boycott campaign.

Sadly, for the masked men claiming to be Ambazonia Freedom Fighters, their interrogation of the kidnapped students on the video unveils their glaring French accent. Ambazonian groups picked that out immediately and pointed to the fact that their campaigners are all native English speakers.

Upon finding out that they were being blamed for a terrorist act they did not commit, genuine Ambazonian Freedom Fighters launched a search-and-rescue operation. They reportedly combed through the Nkwen neighborhood until they uncovered the hideout, forcing the masked men to flee and releasing and returning the students to their school.

Two young students – aged less than 10 years – were not so lucky Monday morning, when they were reportedly shot dead on their way to school by another group of masked gunmen in Buea, capital of Ambazonia. Video on social media shows the wailing parents and relations of the slain students viewing their mortal remains, laying side by side, on a hospital bed.

Pictures posted on social media show no fewer than five plantation workers admitted in a hospital in the town of Tiko in Ambazonia’s Southern Zone. The five display bandaged hands and their accounts are similar. They claim that they were stopped by armed gunmen on their way to their duty posts in the biggest agro-industry in Ambazonia and given the choice to have some of their fingers amputated with a machete or take a bullet. The workers say they all opted for the lesser of the two evils. The crime is seen as conveniently picked to ensure that the blame falls on some Ambazonian groups which have called for the amputation of those who do not support the pro-independence campaign.

A third social media video shows armed hoodlums destroying a car and lynching a civil servant in broad daylight in a crowded street, while screaming into the video camera that they are members of the Tigers, a genuine Ambazonian self-defense group. Members of the Tigers have said the claims are not believable. “Even criminals do not provide their identity to a video camera shooting video they post to social media”, a source close to the Tigers has said. The Tigers blame pro-regime secret agents operating like those who kidnapped the students for the gruesome lynching.

The Biya regime is not at its first effort to demonize the pro-independence movement. As early as January 2017, the regime paraded three individuals they claimed to have arrested in the home of the then leader of the movement in the town of Mbengwi, in Ambazonia’s Momo State. The regime claimed and those supposedly arrested confessed on camera to have been in possession of explosives.

When the leadership changed to someone else from Manyu State, the regime staged a similar montage, claiming to have uncovered an arms cache. The regime also paraded young men on television who were reportedly arrested for burning down a market in Victoria, one of Ambazonia’s main coastal towns. Lately, the regime has also claimed to have arrested 47 Nigerian mercenaries coming into the country armed, each, with AK47 assault rifles.

One thing common about all those individuals confessing to crimes on camera is that none of them has ever been heard from ever since the so-called arrests. While Ambazonians armed with mere machetes, hunting knives or hunting guns are shot to dead on sight, not only were these “criminals” not molested, none of them has ever made an appearance before any court of law.

The real terrorist is the Biya regime. They declared war on 30 November 2017 lumping all Ambazonians into one category: describing them as terrorists and secessionists. Following the official declaration of war, the Biya regime invited civilians to vacate villages, promising to treat anyone who does not vacate as a terrorist. In nearly one year of a full-fledged civil war, over 6,000 civilians have been killed or injured – nearly 2,000 of them from lack of medical attention and starvation in the bushes and forests into which over a million have fled as government forces have looted and burnt over 140 villages to the ground.

Boh Herbert

MoRisc Leader

  1. The evil barbaric lying regime of biya is a shame for a humanity,Ambazonians are too smart for all these dotage french puppets,now is the time for the IG and all self defense to take this criminal acts of biya over to their slum lrc,the daily killings of SCs,staging propaganda,the suffering people in the bushes and refugees must come to an end,there are simple man made means to flame lrc why is all the big talking, funding,generals,not showing concrete results for over 2years? SCs men must unite,talk the walk and 🔥 lrc,’ tit for tat’must now be the game changer!

  2. The international community knows biya and his criminal, corrupt regime commit crimes in Ambazonia and blame on innocent Ambazonians. biya’s evil is already haunting him. biya will run but will have no hiding place. The world knows biya is the terrorist in cameroun but must look the other way because the dictator gave leaders of the UN, AU, Britain golden statuettes to look the other way. One of these days, those statuettes are haunting them to their graves. Ambazonia shall overcome and shall be Free. The TRUTH shall set Ambazonia FREE.

  3. paul biya BUTCHER of AMBAZONIA. All defence groups, step it up, get lrc cowards to terminate each other. Where is yellow belly coward, ” president ” kaaammtooooi!!!; Francofools, Franco cowards, Franco french slaves. Lots of noise, all rubbish talk no action, what fools.

  4. This french slave call Biya wants to stage all these criminal acts as a way to deviate public and international attention away from his so call swearing in ceremony.

  5. What are you evil citizens always trying to insinuate.?that all of a sudden you claim holiness all the time mean while orders are coming right from your marijuana smoking leaders to kill,kidnap and post on face book to gain likes,share and intimidation of the common people..Repent,this your gost have began catching up with people at home who surpoted you .do not think you are far away you shall soon begin to deliver yourself to them one by one.

  6. What are you evil citizens always trying to insinuate.?that all of a sudden you claim holiness all the time mean while orders are coming right from your marijuana smoking leaders to kill,kidnap and post on face book to gain likes,share and intimidation of the common people..Repent,this your gost have began catching up with people at home who surpoted you .do not think you are far away you shall soon begin to deliver yourself to them one by one.
    Instead of arguing here call you Tawtaw and Ayaba or pastor Saku or the made Christ Anu or what so ever their signature is on all that and everyone of you are witnesses to yourself to know what you campaigned for.


  8. I pity those who keep fighting for those whom when they die they usually honor them by handing them over to the dogs while clasifying them as bandits ,imposters,rapist ,terrorist and all what not.

  9. Well done sir. Keep the defense flowing with your fingers on the keyboard. The Biya regime will fail and sooner or later it will be brought to book for all it’s crimes.

  10. If only we could put this type of energy to those 8000 Ambazonians killed. All this noise is only to protect your self.

    Diaspora doesn’t care about the people back home. Biya can kill all our people back home you people will not even do as if something happened. But when something pops up that you feel can be used against you, that’s when you guys suddenly become conscious of righteousness.

    The only thing that matters to the diasporans is their stay in Europe, America, …

    Enjoy this essay!
    The day you SUB-HUMANS who did not invent schools showed your animalistic instincts by ordering the boycott of schools is what doomed your cause. It is not surprising as you NIGGERS never invented the English language but today act more English that the English man and his institutions. White people are busy planning their kids future by starting their education at Pre-K and Kindergarten levels with different head start programs. Sub-human monkeys frustrate a whole generation of innocent kids by burning down schools, threatening kids and then ordering BOYCOTTS in pure dictatorial manner. You achieved your education and now frustrate innocent peasant kids. Most of them have gravitated to peaceful Francophone areas where they continue their education unperturbed. Who is fooling whom??The right to intellectual freedom and EDUCATION is enshrined in the UN Charter .Why do you Baboons think it it okay to breach these rights? Show us the classrooms and other infrastructures you have created and show us any letter from global institutions and bodies accrediting the PUTATIVE Ambazonia department of Education??Do you pay fees for the kids ?PARENTS-YOU AND YOUR KIDS ARE NOT SLAVES TO ANYBODY AND THEREFORE THEY SHOULD ENJOY QUALITY EDUCATION.YOU DO NOT NEED THE IMPRIMATUR OF PEOPLE RESIDENT ABROAD WHERE THEIR KIDS ARE WELL FED AND ATTEND THE BEST SCHOOLS ON EARTH TO TELL YOU WHAT TO DO.THESE GUYS ARE INVOLVED IN NYONGO AND OTHER OCCULTIC SOCIETIES .DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM.
    COFFEE BANG FEN_OOOOOOOOOOO!ABE SHU!A BE SHU! Restoration of what FORCES punk ass Mark WIRKI SHIT NTUM???You guys better disband those gangs of baboons and FECAL MATERIALs of Barbarians called Restoration forces. Did you guys ever create Cameroon? Go sleep in trees where you lived when the white man came and discovered you. Nko NGONDZEN KIKIKILAKI!A Yua !ABENI!ABESHU.Nyam Ngiri!Nyam Nwerong !Nyam Fuka!
    Do not FUCKING call this pragmatic NEGROE and SLAVE for it takes a Slave master like Bara and Cho Ayaba and even Anu Tepong SATAN and Tapang Tsing KNKU to know and label or confer SLAVE status on somebody. You have hijacked the people of the North West and South West regions for your macabre NYONGO hallucinating schemes. For two years you and Ambazonia have brought nothing but ECONOMIC genocide in the form of GHOST Towns, TYRANNY and DICTATOSHIP as nobody can exercise their rights to freewill and democracy. Should I mention the rampant destruction and pyromania and thuggery as well as kidnappings for ransom???
    Let me teach you one thing that you PIECES of SHIT Baboons fail to know:
    You were walking butt naked when the white man came in the 1800’s and he helped clothe and feed us for we were cannibals.-No AMBAZONIA then.
    -You were taught the white man’s English and a bit of his institutions were imposed on you but you remained the same barbarians for Cho Ayaba and Bara and all Negroes can be taken out of the Jungle and Graffi lands of Cameroon but the Jungle will never be taken out of them.
    The white man invented the GCE, Common Law system, cars, Twitter, Facebook and computers Facebook, English is his language .
    HOW THE FUCK do you CHILD MOLESTERS who NEVER invented SCHOOL but would rather burn them down and HIJACK/PREVENT Innocent kids from attending them have the guts to even speak?
    You have to know your place ;Chirac -then French President said Democracy is a luxury for Africans and they can ill afford it. Sarkozy said the Africans have contributed nothing to History for they have had the same repetitive cycles of living over centuries. They are right. What has the PUTATIVE republic of Ambazonia created since November 2016 apart from violence, mayhem, NYONGO and cyber-terrorism???
    African countries including Nigeria and Cameroon belong to the former colonial masters like Britain, France, Spain and Portugal. All our president are not independent but only watch the PLANTATIONS that their countries are for MASSA the colonial masters. Thus BIya is not even autonomous but just an OVERSEAR of the plantation or HEAD_NIGGER_IN_Chief; a position some or all of you will never have even if you dream about the utopian Ambazonia until the year 3000!Chief Teze and other chiefs have credentials and are pragmatic unlike you hallucinating about republics that will never see the day!
    Why don’t you guys block Cameroonian petrol exports by deploying your Amba RED Devils and SATAN in the high seas and stop tankers exporting petrol with your ODESHI and Belo Kom Juju?

    What do you expect from a bushman from Kom who has never forgiven the Cameroon gov,t for yanking him off the sports desk at CRTV where he made trips abroad and fortunes in the form of out station allowances? What do you expect from a MONKEY who married his to a Bafoussam lady but pretends to hate his NGGER kith and kin because they were taught French and are called Francophones! What do you expect from a DUMB ass PUNK living in West Virginian mansion with rental property bringing him millions a month yet he preaches economic suicide and genocide for the poor masses of the North West and South West regions? What do you expect from a man who walked naked barely 90 years ago and when taught a bit of English and immersed into English institutions he now claims to be English? What do you expect from a man who is not pragmatic to know that white people created the IMF where he works, the UN and British and French will always secure their interest first and not that of a bunch of fakes, crooks, conmen and madmen called Ambazonia.Ask BOH Herbert if in his sub-human has ever constructed a classroom in Njinikom let a lone supply a borehole to his suffering and fellow poor dirty MONKEYS!The whole world is vindicated by what transcribed over the weekend on the Bamenda-Yaounde Highway.Boh Herbert’s drug addicts and kidnappers seized a caterpillar next to potholes on a road that was being constructed .Instead of filling just potholes they destroyed the road and then proceeded to chop off /mangle buses and also kill two civilians .They lined up passengers and extorted their phones, money and other possessions while destroying their Id cards. The Cameroon Army came to the rescue and the roads where repaired in a flash of lightening. Boh Herbert ,Njoh Limbe, Sako, Mark Bara and online generals and the PUTATIVE republic of AMBAzonia set up by nobody and recognized by nobody has been caught pants down and the chicken has come home to roost. Now Boh is crying wolf and trying or refusing to take blame for his atrocities. Shame Boh Herbert and take responsibility for your Killings, Ghost Town and the Saturday incident. Your PUNK ASS misfits and miscreants vamoosed into the bushes the moment a professional Army arrived! After decades in America and Europe, you guys behave like the VIOLENT Sub-Human MONKEYS online truly vindicates those who say that you can take a Black man MONKEY from the jungle but the jungle will

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