Landmines planted in strategic parts of Manyu and Meme County, left two Camerounese soldiers dead, on April 20, 2018.

According to information dished out by the United Nations High Commissions for Refugees (UNHCR), the landmines were destined to serve as killer-traps for the Ambazonian soldiers, who are alleged to be attacking from the bush.

“…on 20 April, a Cameroonian army vehicle went over a mine in Eyumedjock, southwest, Cameroon killing two soldiers during clashes with separatists, which also caused internal displacements in Cameroon,” UNHCR said.

This information comes to confirm the fact made by BaretaNews recently, indicating that LRC has planted landmines in Ambazonian soils with the aim of killing anybody.

Just recently, another pile of landmines exploded in Kembong, killing over 70 of LRC soldiers. As the story goes, the terrorist soldiers planted these landmines and didn’t tell their reinforcement that just came into town. Reports say the trigger-happy soldiers had their trucks caught in their own mines, killing and injuring many of them.

Antipersonnel landmines are weapons that cannot discriminate between a civilian or a soldier, and wind up killing and maiming civilians that step on them or pick them up long after a conflict.

The 1997 Mine Ban Treaty comprehensively bans the use, production, stockpiling, and transfer of antipersonnel mines, and requires states to destroy their stockpiles and clear all mined areas as well as assist landmine survivors.

A total of 162 states have joined the Mine Ban Treaty and are making progress in achieving a mine-free world. Despite banning production, acquisition and transfer of antipersonnel mines as well as their use except in the Korean Peninsula, the United States has yet to sign the Mine Ban Treaty. Human Rights Watch is a founding member of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), 1997 Nobel Peace Co-Laureate together with its coordinator Jody Williams, and contributes to its Landmine Monitor report.

By Lucas Muma,

Managing Editor – BaretaNews

  1. Talk of a people who are just born dumb. Oh yes, zombies of the french. They plant mines to incapacitate our people and then become victims of their own traps. Are these the type of people some say we should continue to associate with? That is just impossible as the treachery of the french leeches shall not be duplicated with this generation.

  2. GOD works in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform. This and other incidents are forebodings that they, the francophone of la Republique du Cameroun, will not win this war of aggression against us in our own country; we shall be the victors. They will be foolish not to heed these warning signs. But then, they have never exercised any modicum of wisdom and they are not about to do so now. Moreover, empty pride and shame will not let; they will die as a result.

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