penal code

The Marginalisation of Southern Cameroonian footballers started from from day 1 after the 1961 plebiscite.

Ahidjo organised a football match between the two nations in 1961 emediately after Independence in Yaounde .ie La République vs Southern Cameroons.

Out of the 22 players on the pitch, Only Humprey Mosenge was from Southern Cameroons. ( Former prison buea player) It was more of a LaRépublique vs La République.

We had one one of the most interesting football leagues in West Africa with teams like PWD kumba, CAMARK Kumba, PWD Bamenda, Prison Buea, Power CAM Victoria, Ekata Famers, Ndu tea challengers etc

The passion and rivalry between local teams was great PWD vs CAMARK Prison Buea vs Power CAM Victoria. etc Ahidjo Biya and La République slowly destroyed our football by closing all the Companies that were sponsoring these teams. They even dismantle our local Football Associations ( West Cameroon FA.)

Football in the Cameroons started in Southern Cameroons Victoria before moving to Douala La République. Our football league was more organised than theirs. There was too much influx of footballers from LRC to Southern Cameroons to play football.

We had great players but they were often overlooked by the national team after reunification.

The first Southern Cameroonians to be selected in the National team of LRC was Humprey Mosenge from Prison Buea in 1968 after a revolution by prison Buea fans.

Epie Nzams from PWD kumba and Ngo Frankline from PWD made history to become the first Southern Cameroonians to play in an official CAF game against Zaire . ie 18 years after joining French Cameroun.

Our parents were discourage with the way football was promoted in Southern Cameroons. They started discouraging young men to pursue football as a profession.

Despite all we still managed to produce some great footballers like Ben Bolla Forcha, Ajebe (Shaka) Tataw Eta Stephen, Ndip Akem Victor, Ashu Nchong, Ashu Hope, Njume Ntoko Roland, Agbor Hans, Njang Sunday, Simo Augustine , Ndiefi Pius, Ndip Tambe, Eyong Enow, Fai Collins, Clinton Njie, Marcus Mokake , Atem Valentine etc.

Dear Southern Cameroonians.

The Anglophone problem is not just about our Judiciary and educational systems . Even our football Associations and music industries must be protected by our own political institutions.

Our children will never forgive us if we stop this fight.

Nganguh Delasius

  1. Like it is often said, “Truth crushed to the ground will rise up one day”. Frankly speaking, this is the time to put an end to this criminality from LRC. History will not forgive us if we decide to saddle our children and the future generation with this cancer that was initiated by Ahidjo and continuously being extended by Biya with the overt and tacit complicity of Southern Cameroonian enablers in Yaoundé.

  2. Correction: Simo Agustine and Pius Ndiefi are not Southern Cameroonians. They are bamileke who were raised in our country. Simo even said it loud and clear in a posted youtube event when he was hosted LRC citizens, most of whom were bamileke. He ridiculed the fact that his name Augustine, was spelled with an e at the end, unlike the french spelling which ends with n without the e at the end. He said his parents moved from Bangante or to Bamenda, thus his English Augustine name. Know and check your fact before you post, Mar! Soon, you will tell us that the yaounde man called Zachary Kwo, the bassa man called Peter Esoka, a bamileke man from dschang called Patcha and the bamileke man called Njomo Kevin are Ambazonians just because they grew up in our country, speak english and took opportunities that were meant for us. I was told that there are some bamileke people infiltrating our events in the diaspora and we need to stop that. They should simply respect themselves and do the right thing by taking the initiative to stop attending our events, because sooner or later we start denying them entry at the door. Just because you speak english or grew up or were born in Ambazonia does not make you an Ambazonian. You are fighting the wrong fight and we shall start denying you access to our events if you don’t respect yourselves and stop coming. Especially in the USA and DC metro area. You know yourselves. Ambazonians, if they are your friends, tell them that they have been cautioned. Don’t let me start calling names. You cannot have it both ways and then go back and laugh at us with your LRC country people and meeting groups, which we are not privy to attend. You can dress in our traditional wears as much as you can but you will never be one of us. Get out!

  3. Sometimes the difference between a wise man and a fool is the little wet-nosed boy and the grey hairs of an old man’s head………”Marginalisation has been dominant in the process of reinforcing the fragile political disintegration already in place in a country so blessed and beloved” A good society does not flourish on injustice and it is my humble belief that until justice is done or seen to have been done,those individuals who are hidding their heads in the sand and breathing throw straws will always be hunted by our prayers.

  4. 2002, the year of Macus Mokake After being the highest transfer record ever in the domestic league from Fovu de Baharm to Canon Yaoundé, after winning the all African games gold medal in Nigeria after winning the C.E.M.A.C cup, each time being the top scorer or best player of the tournaments, after qualifying Canon of Yaoundé to the group stage of the African champions league, after being shortlisted among the final 22, for the cup of nation in Tunisia 2002. But guess what? A Presidential decree, removed him out of the team, to create space for old and tiring Patrick Mboma, and for that reason a year that lrc, was supposed to have a third cup of nation in a row, had it been Mokake was treated fairly, the were bundled out at the quarter finals by Nigeria. And the marginalization went on at the confederation his unknown team at Cano de Yaoundé Ngona Jam was selected instead of him. Saaahhh L.R.C let us go

  5. Please are moving towards victory,the Almighty God is fighting for us,lets takes courage,Southern Cameroon shall be recorded historically .We all are expecting fruits between the month end and the month of July. I have being telling our communities regarding our up coming celebration .

  6. It’s things like this and many others that makes me really scare of and wonder the true aim of Southern Cameroonians who want to remain subservient to LRC. Every action, every did, everything from LRC show that they are scare of us even before the fake nonsense so called reunification.

    They are scared to death of our potential and with their inferior and arrogant personality sees no other way other that our extermination, suppression, oppression, destruction. They knew exactly the evil, demonic act there were doing back then and now.

    This current struggle has thought me one of the most important lesson in life that I always knew, seen other get transformed by it but somehow was reluctant to transform my self.
    I don’t blame others who are reluctant to accept reality. From now on I just make sure they are as far away from me as possible and when they get into trouble It’s all their business.
    It’s either learn and survive or learn not then suffer and die. Not every human we see walking is mentally and spiritually healthy. I had my day of mental illness but they are sure over.
    LRC and its people are not oxygen, water, the sun or the creator. I don’t give a fuck about them, I don’t need them for anything in my life and will never ever need them. As such I will never ever behave as such. All I’m out it to make sure they get flushed out of Southern Cameroon.

  7. Nganguh Delasius thank you for telling a good history which so many Anglophones who are shamefully sitting comfortably with the attitude that they cannot be bothered with the struggle because the LRC system works for them,most of whom are voiceless, slave puppets, speaks Cameroon French as their working lingo,all their children abroad , they live in nice homes built with stolen government money, personal chauffeurs and house servants surrounded by slums and poverty, shamefully pretending to be francophones,this Ambazonian struggle is for self pride, freedom, liberty, self rights, the fight for justice and for the future generations who should never go through the same deplorable regime , for 56 year, LRC has planted evil seeds,forgetting that generations are growing, these seeds must be rooted now, destroyed from our regions for ever, those francophones living in Ambazonian regions who want to cause confusion, conduct CPDM matches or support LRC must be forced out by vigilantes, they are dirty parasites, holding the regions backwards only interested in money making, promoting bribery, corruption and division

  8. “LRC and its people are not oxygen, water, the sun or the creator. I don’t give a (…..) about them, I don’t need them for anything in my life and will never ever need them. As such I will never ever behave as such”. Yes Malis, you could not have said it any better. This is really what we call the winning attitude of knowing that you cannot succeed by playing the victim game. Besides LRC enjoys being slaves to the french leeches and cannot understand why Southern Cameroonians are refusing to be part of that madness.The time is now or never. Enough is Enough.
    However, we need to watch our language else we start talking and acting like the CPDM gangsters of LRC.

  9. How can you name West Cameroon soccer men of honour and miss out names like Dr Ekwe, Gwanullah, Goalkeeper Agwa the cat, Danjuma, Ngoran, Tabi Casara, Efficient, Mudeh Franklin or Nji Sunday! Oh P-Ton Ton. It’s not an error that till this day Canon Yaoundé has always been a wife to Ngia P.

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