The January 5th Abduction of Leaders of Ambazonia is a Catalyst for Victory
Since the beginning of this phase of the fight for the liberation of Ambazonia, sudden arrests of leaders have always helped move the struggle from one phase to another. That was the case when leaders Mancho Bibixy, Agbor Balla, Fontem Neba and co were arrested. It was the fuel of the struggle until now. The more arrests the terrorist forces of La Republique du Cameroun have made, the more radicalized and resilient the people of Ambazonia have become. Now, although the identities of the armed forces are still to be confirmed, the same terrorist forces of La Republique du Cameroun have decided to take the struggle to a whole new level by arranging the abduction of President Ayuk Tabe and many other government officials, as well as elderly statesmen like Pa Nfor Ngala Nfor of The Federal Republic of Ambazonia. This must be nothing more than the last push to the finish line and the total liberation of Ambazonia.
First things first, no power vacuum should be allowed within the ranks of the government of Ambazonia. That’s what a solid government is and I am sure the draft constitution of Ambazonia makes provisions for this kind of situation. An acting president should be sworn in as soon as possible before La Republique du Cameroun begins to sing and claim the capture of the leaders of Ambazonia even as it is not yet confirmed fully that forces of La Republique du Cameroun are the ones that carried out the operation. That acting president should take up leadership from where it stopped and ensure that all other cabinet members abducted have deputies to ensure the smooth continuation of the government while the crisis is dealt with.
Secondly, the people of Ambazonia must beef up security, tighten their ranks and watch out for moles among them. For terrorist forces to have infiltrated them so deep as to capture the hardcore members of the government, it takes an inside person or security lapses to pull that off. Ambazonia is at war and vigilance is the watchword. If the Secret Service of Ambazonia was not aware of that, this arrest is the right alarm. Henceforth, Intel and classified matters should be treated with utmost care and unnecessary talks for the purpose of social media heroism should stop.
Now, looking at how this incident helps the revolution, the first thing I can think of is that it is a true test of how resilient leaders and the people of Ambazonia are, regarding the struggle for the liberation of the territory of Ambazonia from the grip of the occupiers. Shall Ambazonians wither in the face of this inhumane act? Shall they begin to deny they had anything to do with President Sissiku Ayuk Tabe like Peter did when Jesus was arrested or they shall stick with one of their slogans: “La Republique du Cameroun’s terrorist forces will have to arrest and or kill all Ambazonians in order to stop the struggle.” This we will know in the days ahead.
The way forward is one and only one for now: to speak the language that the terrorist forces of La Repubique du Cameroun understand; the language of war, sporadic attacks, wanton killings, abductions and human rights abuse. This is the language the occupier has been speaking to Ambazonians ever since the struggle started. If Ambazonians don’t speak a similar language, then there is no communication going on between the two parties. That is what has stalled this struggle for so long. The language of peace, no violence, the power of argument, respect for human rights, brotherly and sisterly love got Ambazonians so vulnerable that right now their most precious inner circle has been infiltrated. He who doesn’t fight back right now is not an Ambazonian.
With peace plants in hand, Ambazonians got beaten up, molested and shot dead on the streets. They decided to stay at home and leave the streets to the occupiers. Yet the occupiers invaded their homes, raped women, forced entire families to flee their homes and villages while the occupiers stayed, plundered and shared their booty. Now the insatiable occupiers have decided to also invade the refugee camps where the people of Ambazonia are barely surviving, bringing the terror from home to the refugee camps, what’s left as an option than to fight back?
The line of Designated Survivors is as long as 8million Ambazonians standing up to say no to state sponsored terrorism from La Republique du Cameroun. Ambazonians are going to speak the language the terrorist forces understand. Wait and see. The days ahead are pregnant with tit-for-tat activity.
Ndoh Emmanuel
For now Sisiku shall remain our president. It is his best protection.
You should be realistic and stop deceiving yourselves. Where were the guys in blue ties running around your so called IP as security guards?
Look at a simple protest in Iran, the US calls for UN security council. Look at what has been going on in Southern Cameroon for more than one year, has there been any security council meeting about it?
Wake up guys, only the poor back home are suffering and dying, no matter how long you guys keep up with this fake battle, no president will allow a country to be separated by rebels.
Stop scamming people
My francophone comrade we were deceived 57 years by the french Camerounians presidents with the aid of chosen house negros. So please stop your nonsense. There are enough examples of split ups (former USSR, East Timor, Yugoslavia,…). I am not Moses but your senile dictator acts like a Pharao. Let us go!!!
Martin Luther King did not win over slavery in America via UN. He won because God said so. The guns of the Francophones will kill themselves like the prophets of baal in the Bible. Watch and see. Wars are not won by chariots and guns. God is on the Side of the Anglophones.
People some of us are so short sighted and naive.
We hear arrest and start hallucinating, crying and panicking. This is nothing.
Calm down, the world is govern by different laws not the savagery of LRC.
In my opinion, whether La Republique had a hand in it or not, this is the renewed energy we needed to push the struggle forward. This incident has given President Ayuk Tabe and his cabinet a million dollar publicity globally. Don’t be surprised to see that it is this incident that will mark the beginning of the genuine dialogue that we have been calling for. God works in a mysterious way.
this mr song should never appear here again. he irritates me.we know that ,they have been enjoying and wants to remain in it while we die in poverty. ambazonia is what we want mr song.