mass murder scheme in ambazonia







When Facts Don’t lie:Not in my name by Mark Bareta

Off course facts don’t hide. It is a fact that La Republique soldiers began killing us as far back as december 2016, three months into our revolution. It is also a fact that on September 22nd and October 1st, 2016 our people went out after calls from the then GC to peacefully commemorate. They went out with peace plants and peace plants they had only. They were met with La Republique barbarism. They massacred our people mercilessly. We all saw it with hundreds wounded, mass graves. That was a red line for us. That changes everything about us and made us to finally consider self defense in its entirety.

No, I refuse vehemently the fact that the actions of our self defense groups are causing La Republique to act against us and commit atrocities. Barbarism is inscript into the veins of La Republique. That is all what they know. They have shown it to us repeatedly.

If La Republique forces were man enough, when few “terrorists” acts as they decided to call our defense forces, they will not go out to burn civilians alive, burnt properties, chase them to bushes and kill our people. A responsible military as powerful as they claimed will protect the community from the so called “terrorists” and chase the so called terrorists to bring them to book. But what do we see, we see them going against the very population they claim to protect. Let’s look around the world and see if any revolution is same as ours with military not going against the said fighters but chasing our people.

We cannot give a pass grade to La Republique soldiers because we want to proof a point or because hatred has over taken us. It is never done. This must be condemn. The actions of La Republique is not strange to us. We have seen it even before self defense groups started acting. What they did to us on 1st October is more than what they have done to us since self defense started till now. In fact, our self defense groups are only trying to reach the equilibrium of 1st October. Let’s say things as it should be.

We have had Boko Haram, the real terrorists group acting up north and committing atrocities, why are they going after them and protecting the population? Why don’t they roast the population as they are doing in Ambazonia?

Why? This is because La Republique considers all Southern Cameroonians as terrorists. Whether you belong to a defense force or not, they consider all of us as accomplices, as people who offer them space so they don’t go after our defense forces but after the population. To them,we are dogs etc

Not in my name that I should ever give La Republique soldiers a pass grade and put the blame of their actions on self defense actions carried out by self defense groups. Any responsible military will go after the fighters and protect the people so as to win their confidence but because Paul Biya has declared war on us, they don’t care.

We must come out loud and clear as Ambazonians to immediately start destroying this thought. It’s a very dangerous line some people are trying to thread on. To leave La Republique soldiers and start putting blames on the self defense groups actions rather than offer advice, ideas on how to change strategy, support is a line no leader must cross and it is something which scares me.

For the second time I am afraid ever in this revolution. #NotInMyName

Mark Bareta

  1. I am not afraid at all. Things are very clear. Our uprising has exposed the real face of the oppressor. We are not few. We came out in tenthousands on 22nd of September. The first time in my life I felt so proud of my people. Dignity, hope the yearning for freedom.

    1. Maybe you should ask Mark to fund the struggle with the 20,000US dollars he collected from donations to buy a car for the consortium leader, he wants everything to be made public but he hasn’t disclosed what has happened to the 20,000US dollars. Stop barking MARK and fund the struggle not even with your money, the donations you have collected – BLACK LEG.- IDIOT. It’s just a matter of time before you find yourself in Kondengui.

    2. You are so right, The first time in our lives WE felt so proud. Everywhere, home and abroad and ever since, it has been that way. WE are free.

  2. Mark stop barking and bring the 20,000dollars that was donated for a car to the consortium leader, this is the time to use the money to fund the struggle. I have every reason you are one of the back biters, you have your own hidden agenda.

  3. Mark stop barking and bring the 20,000dollars that was donated for a car to the consortium leader, this is the time to use the money to fund the struggle. I have every reason to believe you are one of the back biters, you have your own hidden agenda.

  4. On point Mark. You are absolutely right.

    We will continue killing those nasty animal BIR and drive the slave masters and colonizers out of our nation.

    1. @Mali,
      You are absolutely right, but do not talk about war crimes as BIR are less of a human. You guys are soo funny to talk about war crimes when you have all these armed groups on ground zero killing, kidnapping and preventing students from going to school. Please take your fucking idea of war crimes far away, the world does not care about your terrorist organization. Do not take it from me, listen to your IG Crist Anu about what your stupidity has done to our communities.

  5. My dear Amba people I don’t know how you felt when you saw the images and videos coming from Muyuka on 22nd of September. I cried for happiness. On that day our people got there dignity back. Everybody knew that we feel the same. We go now through dark times but remember that feeling. That is the sweet taste of freedom. That is what LRC doesn’t want.

  6. Ambazozo are the criminals, it is proved that you killing, kidnapping then hide in the forest.
    You are intimidating the population. But all these will stop, we will make sure you propaganda stop.

  7. Ambazozo are the criminals, it is proved that you killing, kidnapping then hide in the forest.
    You are intimidating the population. But all these will stop, we will make sure your propaganda and terrorism stop.

  8. Stop complaining. You should have expected this from the very first day the rebels declared war against LRC.

    When you start guerilla warfare in your territory without having enough military power it would be stupid to expect your opponent not to burn down houses and destroy property. This is the warning that was given even since January 2017.

    LRC will use its airforce if necessary.

    What self defense are you talking about when people attack gendarmes and then run into the bushes while innocent civilians suffer? Why not stay and face the army face to face to protect civilians?

    There are war crimes on both sides.

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