Interim Government of Buea
Southern Cameroons Presidency







Together we can end revolution with a victory!

The blood of every Southern Cameroonian killed in this revolution can not be spilled in vain. The limb of every Southern Cameroonian lost in this revolution cannot be lost in vain.
The certificates, homes and property of every Southern Cameroonian burned down into ashes by LRC all can not be sacrificed in vain.

Yes I say they cannot be spilled or lost or sacrificed in vain because LRC is very wicked, yet neither indomitable nor invisible. For LRC has already lost a key battle in this revolution. The battle for winning the hearts, souls and trust of the people of Ambazonia on ground zero who now live in constant fear not knowing who LR’s next victim would be?

My dear comrades, even more important is the fact I want to bring your attention to that, NO one man or one group or one village standing alone can defeat LRC in this revolution without others. LRC can only be quickly defeated when there exist real interdependence between the various groups and various leaders.

I need not belabor the point here again that SOCADEF & ADF need each other, The RED DRAGONS AND ARA need each other, the IG, Ground Zero and the Diaspora populations need each other. And finally, we need the presence of our ancestors and God between us if we must continue to enjoy their blessings and guidance throughout this struggle up to restoration day in Buea.

And now to all my people on ground zero (who own this struggle and who are the true leaders of this revolution), let me equally assure you that regardless of the level of interdependence and seeming divisions between our different groups and different leaders, this struggle only gets better with each passing day, week or month.

The more divided we appear to be in the eyes of the public, the more confused LRC appears to be with each new strategy designed to kill our people and ultimately reconquer us. To put this theory into practical perspective, simply ask yourself this question; if LRC sent you to bribe Ambazonia to stop fighting for our restoration, which leader or which group will you bribe that standing alone is capable of selling and killing this revolution ? I leave you to ponder over the correct answer to this question yourselves.

Haven said that, let me emphatically conclude that we still badly need each other, And the sooner we learn that, the better for our revolution for total restoration.

Togther with courage, hope, unity and love, we can end this revolution with a resounding victory right now. Let’s end this war with a victory for all our wounded. Let’s end this war with a victory for all those whose certificates, homes and property have been burnt down. Yes, we can end this war with a victory for all those who have paid the ultimate price. Yes, let’s do this for future generations and for mother Ambazonia.

Dr. David makongo

  1. Thanks Dr. Makongo. People pretend to be friends because simply bevause they want to work against other persons in the revolutionl eg Ayaba/Tanku against IG, Ayaba/Akwanga against IG but now at each others throat, Ayaba/Nkongho mega agaisnt IG, ARCC agianst IG, Alex Mbianda/John Mbah Akuroh against Milan Atem, Henriette Fomenki/Nkongho mega against IG/Milan Atem, Ayaba/Martin Achou against ASC, Akoson Raymong/Ayaba against Nkongho mega (in the past as Ayaba/Nkongho now have an enemy in IG) etv etc. Why can’t they pretend to be friends against frenchCameroon? Self centeredness/personal interest?

    1. The revelation this past weeks blew my mind, unbelievable.

      Still, we do love most of them and with honesty, they can find some middle ground and free themselves from their past.

      What we do not like is not the fact that they make mistakes but the fact that they seam to be so self centered, self righteous and simply are unable to learn for their mistakes and let got of their past.

      Right now, one can clearly see that thing are rapidly moving ahead despite all their wahala. In all dimensions the struggle has mature and is no more so sensitive to such behaviors.

      A lot of surprise lies ahead of them if they continue as such.

  2. The issue at this point of the struggle is that the majority of Ambazonians in the diaspora are afraid and scared to death like babies, and of what, only God knows.

    Also, some of the few in the diaspora that stood up and took the lead are only causing more confusion day in day out. Those days of protesting are over. We need a new set of activist that don’t talk but act.

    Ground zero has proven beyond the shadow of doubt to itself, to LRC and to the western world that they are not scare of LRC, Biya BIRs, or the international media houses.
    The people on ground zero are slowly realizing the falseness, weakness and cowardness of the majority of those abroad. They are slowly seeing us as just noise makers, entertainers and social media addicts.

    The diaspora is not powerless at all, but with all our numbers, money, education, … we are unable to constructively do a single thing right. Who or what the diaspora is scare of, no one know.
    Some of us are only good in polluting the social media with nonsense, useless videos, and so on.

    I am loyal to the blood that brought me forth and the matrilineal lineage that brought me into this world, first, before any other thing. No nation, no organization, no group, no other people, nothing else on this earth come before this.
    There is no way, not even in heaven or hell, that I am going to have affection, an attachment, loyalty to this shit hole nonsense called Cameroon after all what it has done to the blood, lineage, women, people form which I come from.
    No God, can change my stand on this. I hold this same position towards any Ambazonian who refuses to take the side of our people, I don’t want them close to me even if it is my own family, for they are wicked and satanic.

    The one thing that we in the diaspore must do, to prove to ourselves and those on ground zero that we in the diaspora are not just cowards, opportunist and noise making lost souls, is to unconditionally unapologetically together through concrete actions, not spoken words or empty actions, show to our selves, our people back home and most important to ever other entity, people, …, that we Ambazonians put our blood first before any other thing, even before Ambazonia.

    We do not hate other people, but we love our blood so much, that it comes first before every other thing. If other people don’t love their blood that much to value it as such but instead put some other thing first, that is their problem, not ours.

    Long Live The Federal Republic Of Ambazonia.

    1. What do you mean the diaspora is scared? Let’s not forget the past successes, who finance SCBC, who sent delegations to international organisations to plead our forgotten case to the world, who sent massive tweets to Al Jazeera, BBV, CNN, US Senate, City of Lowell Massachusetts, who first organized funding, who set up Ambazonia website, who organized the massive success of Sept 2017? We have come a long way in a short time. The diaspora has to work in a racist world just to survive and contribute, they support their families and those in ground zero. There are crooks everywhere, we are smart, here are some simple solutions. Follow the money with rigorous accounting, check citizen levy, check credentials of leaders; employment, property, criminal records (atanga nji), honesty, loyalty and call out and the culprits. Let’s be patient and continue to give the right solutions to our problems instead of complaining needlessly or finger pointing.

  3. Dr. Makongo, thank you very much for you could not have said it any better. God bless Ambazonians. We have always been a loving people before we made these demons from LRC.

  4. Even Atanga Nji Paul is a mad man including Musongue and they’re not even Cameroonians, and they’re telling lies about the situation of the country to the world.

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