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Ghost Town Operations To Intensify In Ambazonia As French Cameroun Economy Go Down In ruins .

By Mbah Godlove .

Ambazonian commanders and front line leaders have begone reacting to a recent drama staged by colonial enablers in Bamenda suspending ghost Town Operations in the territory.

Earlier on Wednesday December 28,flyers allegedly from Ambazonian leaders calling for an end to ghost Town activities were littered across Bamenda .

The flyers which have now turned out were the handy work of French Cameroun agent also carried information mandating all fighters to drop their guns and return to the barracks.

The information was circulated in the city barely days after the colonial minister of finance revealed that the country’s economy was sinking, reportedly stressing that total revenue could only barely be equal to total expenditure.

Why is the economy in bad shape?

Since the outset of Ambazonian war of Independence in 2016,the French Cameroun economy has been crippled especially by the Monday ghost Town Operations.

The colonial government thought that they were going to win the war in two weeks but has now been compelled to stretch for five years, leaving the economy almost in ruins .

As a means to stop the economy from completely sinking, French Cameroun and it’s enablers are currently working out a plan to put an end to ghost Town Operations across Ambazonian.

While efforts of restoration forces need to be supported by intensifying ghost Town Operations.

One way to cut off supplies from French cameroun soldiers is by completely drowning it’s economy.

Mark Bareta, a front line activist is one of those who think that intensifying Monday ghost Towns will bring glory to Ambazonia.

In a one minute 8 second video tape currently making rounds on social media,the BaretaNews CEO said coup plotters have failed,entreating Ambazonians in Bamenda and beyond to consider intensifying Monday ghost Town Operations To bleed the French Cameroun economy to death.

He said ghost Town Operations most not end until independence is achieved .

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