Just when pressure is being mounted on the Cameroon government for gross human rights abuses including crimes against humanity, mishandling of the Anglophone crisis, and to take immediate steps towards ending the conflict, the French president Emmanuel Macron with his divine right of intervention in Cameroon steps in to romance with Biya and assuring him to fear not. It should be noted that the US Ambassador to Cameroun, Peter Barlerin recently condemned Cameroun government of war crimes against the people of Ambazonia after meeting Cameroun President at the Unity Palace on May 17th, 2018.

Macron sympathises with him for the lose of his forces, but fails to make reference or sympathise with all the innocent civilians who have been brutally killed by the military since the start of the crisis.

He praises Biya for generously welcoming refugees from neighboring countries, especially in the Boko Haram Far North, but fails to acknowledge or even mention the 40,000+ anglophone refugees forced to cross into Nigeria for shelter and the thousands more who have been internally displaced and now living in the forest under subhuman conditions for fear of being killed by the Cameroon military.

This romance letter sent in the name of congratulatory notes on Cameroun so called National day on 20th May goes ahead to fortifies Biya against his atrocities in the Former British Trust Territory of Southern Cameroons cum Ambazonia. It gives Biya the leverage especially after the powerful outings of the US Ambassador to Cameroun condemning Biya’s military and virtually indicting them for war crimes.

Macron’s “Love Letter”

The timing of the romance letter is no coincedence, given the strongly worded interview and accusations of war crimes levied on the regime by the US ambassador to Cameroon.

If you were wondering who has been on the forefront blocking all international effort to mediate in this matter and who has been encouraging the regimes brutality, look no further.

The shuttled note of consolation to Biya is just short of saying, “don’t worry about what that American said, I have your back”. My question is; for how much longer?

By Eric Acha with inputs from Mark Bareta

  1. Nonsense. France is the colonial master. It was France which installed Biya. He is illegitimate. What a rotten system.

  2. Ambazonians, we should be very vigilant as some elements of the french military are presently training on some US aircraft carriers off the coast of Virginia. This should tell us that the french leeches are training for a wider war especially as they have their slave boy ever ready to do as his master pleases.


    Celebrating 20th May 19, 2018 lrc Deception

    la republique du cameroun can celebrate their 20th May, 2018 deception all they want. lrc deception of unity with Ambazonia is a tale that will never become truth- it’s polishing excreta. This fake unity will turn around to destroy lrc FROM WITHIN!! Living in water never make stones become fish, so is lrc thinking they can force OR MAKE Ambazonians become lrc. Ambazonians have no part in lrc fake celebrations. lrc preaches unity while killing, maiming, abducting, raping, torturing, robbing, imprisoning and burning Ambazonians alive in their homes and villages. France can give biya all the soldiers killing machines biya wants BUT AMBAZONIA WILL RESIST, RESIST, AND RESIST lrc TO THE END. The world can watch us defend ourselves as the UN, AU, France and Britain have shamefully stayed silent.

  4. Too late, France. The US already spoken and they stronger and can beat France with hand tied behind their back.

    1. Too late, France. The US already spoken and they are stronger and can beat France with one hand tied behind their back.

      1. How many bameleke did you manage to kil so far? Word and always words from a Gandja smoker who has being brainwashed. tribalism and crazeman

        1. dougghy ask the french how many bamilekes they killed, they dumped thousands from the back tipper trucks, severed heads stuck on posts, bassas, bamouns, nordists(where is Ahidjo?). Why don’t these yellow belly cowards form their own resistance and liberate themselves from tyranny like RWANDA ( now speaks English and Swahili and developing fast). See how far Ambazonia has come in just 1 year. can you useless frogs (francafrique, dumb, stupid fucks do it in a 1000 years? If so, SHOW ME!!!!

  5. Only a fool and a traitor of Ambazonian decent will wake up the morning of May 20, 2018 to celebrate the day of his/ her enslavement with the terror house of biya’s la republique du cameroun. SHAME!!!!

  6. Too late Macron, the French operation of Africa will not go unpunished. The evil that men do lives after them. When Pharaoh refused to let the people of Israel go, the first-born of Egypt died. When Herod killed the children, he was eaten by worms. The blood of innocent is never spilled in vain. Oppressors never go unpunished.

    Southern Cameroon within a short time transitioned power peacefully.
    The Republic of Cameroon has never done so in 36 years.

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