Bamenda: A new Defense Group is Born.
Southern Cameroonians home are not giving up, with the near conclusion that the NERA 12-2 may have been murdered by La Republique as all thoughts processes are showing towards that direction, a new self defense group by name The Terminators Of Ambazonia-TTA has shown its moves. Though they have been around for a while, we are told they are now fully engaged independently-their base being Bamenda. This came immediately after senior slave Atanga Nji visited the Northern zone pretentiously holding peace plants with some Fons. The TTA says Northern Zone fons and all councillors will face them stage by stage as they help the occupier to perpetuate genocidal actions in Ambazonia. They promise that guerilla welfare will continue and intensify.
We are told the TTA made their first public move yesterday at Widikum at exactly 9pm with a show of force exchanging gun power with the colonial forces. Denizens from Widikum reported that what they heard and saw can only be concluded as the longest gun and fire exchange battle ever registered in this revolution as it lasted several hours. BaretaNews learned most Gendarmes and officers in the brigade took to their heels while a few stood their grounds to defend Paul Biya annexation of Ambazonia. Unconfirmed reports have it that the son of the brigade commander who came to pack his car at the gendarmerie office was shut in the hand. We are told the TTA forces took control of the office from 9pm till morning hours before they dash into the tin air. Casualties have been reported with some indicating that at least three gendarmes lost their lives in the battle with several wounded, we however, cannot confirm these casualties independently at this hour. We cannot as well tell if they parted away with weaponry.
BaretaNews learned that it seems one of the TTA was spotted in town during afternoon hours by the Gendarmes and was about to be abducted. Through muscle power, he managed to escaped from the dragnets of the regime forces. The TTA in return sent words to the gendarmerie that they are coming for them for daring to abduct one of theirs whose job is to protect the territorial space of Ambazonia. The gendarmes who took them for joking failed to understand the gravity of issues, at night it happened. TTA showed up.
As we go to press, the gendarmes are presently mounting bags of sand in the brigade building.
Mark Bareta.
Bags of sand can not save Paul Biya’s troops. Fact is that Ambazonians know their terrain better. Welcome TTA. We shall overcome some day and Ambazonia will be a reality. God bless the Fatherland.
Defence groups are now political parties in Cameroon, money is involved so more will be coming up everyday. I will also form one when i visit during the Easter holiday so that i can get my own share of the donations.
$2+ million USD who won’t want to have a political party?
If biya and his territorial slave were wise people, they would have sat down with Ambazonians to have a dialogue on the form of the state. They will not because the state of cameroun is built on lies, hence the TTA. The TTA will continue to defend Ambazonia as long as biya continues this genocide on Ambalanders.
@Mark it seems you are really confused since no progress has been made since November 2016. The NERA 12-2 as you claim, why can’t you get more information from the -2 rather than insinuating that the +10 have been murdered by LRC? The TTA will also disappear from the face of the earth as time goes on. You and the others roaming the streets of Europe will soon find out Europe is not more comfortable for you guys.
This struggle will not succeed as long as you encourage, fund or send petit cash to these guys to use for kidnapping or killing of military personnel which only cause more deaths to innocent civilians.
More groups are going to appear. Finally all groups have to merge into one liberation army.
Long live Ambazonia
@George by SISIKU CLASS $8,000 and help sponsor terrorism. You guys don’t own the internet or any of the payment processors. All payments are trackable, one day na one day money go chop pepper.
@George buy SISIKU CLASS $8,000 and help sponsor terrorism. You guys don’t own the internet or any of the payment processors. All payments are trackable, one day na one day money go chop pepper.
Whyusing gost profile ?show you face slave.
Wekeee Mark baraliar. Where did u pick this one from? U n tapang can’t stop lying to urself n ur followers.ur stories doesn’t hold cz such thing didn’t happen last night in Bamenda. Here u have stupid folk who can’t even check the story be4 jubilating here just to ease themselves from their failure. Ambazozo will only by a Facebook country n nothing else. So keep dreaming.
Why don’t you write the true story rather refuting what has been told? We were taught in the English system that in order to discredit an info you tell the correct version, otherwise you’re making a mockery of yourself.
I will love to read from you the true story.
Brothers you will be a fool not to understand that this whole struggle is a lucrative business. I will surely form my own group to make money if I have the opportunity. So don’t mind these peoples trying to cash in. If diasporians are doing it why not people back home.
The LRC thugs are confused. LOL
Long live Ambazonia
@George i’m starting my own defence group when i visit Cameroon during Easter and i must get part of the $2+ million USD Just to let you know LRC is not confused, our aim is to add your frustration level in diaspora.
LOL. Homeboy the diaspora is so frustrated because of you. Hahaha. Thanks again for advertising our struggle. And thanks again that you finally exposed yourself as a real agent of LRC. Can you travel with your asylum status? Don’t forget to meet the East Camerounian information minister. Maybe he will spend some 33 export for you.
Long live Ambazonia. May god protect our brave defence groups.
It would be subjectivity to naively think and believe that everyone can support you or a legitimate cause like the Independence struggle of Southern Cameroon or West Cameroon, or Ambazonia. What no one can stop is the Independence of UNO State of Cameroon which Mr.President Paul Biya is still trying to delay. But he knows that things have caught up with him through the double-standard game he has been playing with the Ambazonians. With or without Ambazonian forces, nothing is going to change-the independence is a concluded subject being effected. Mr. President Biya knows it, but it bothers me why he has to be sacrificing the lives of hundreds of young and senior soldiers and the killing of innocent civilians and destroying their property and means of livelihood for something he knows the truth and also knows that he can’t stop! Why ruin the lives of many people and a whole country and generation? You people should stop worrying yourselves over a game you don’t understand how it is being played!
Another terrorist group has been born. Unfortunately they are jobless and useless guys who think they can just surface to Kidnapp people and ask for money. Thieves. They are all corpses.
In the world of the wicked, savages, animals, … freedom is born for sacrifice, suffering, lost of life, agony, …
Just as the sun can not be stopped for casting its rays of life our in to the endlessness of space, little LRC bandits are unable to stop us from getting to our destiny, free Ambazonia at last.
The struggle continues.