The Ambazonian Joint Restoration Forces (AJRF) have set free, Prof Ivo Leke Tambo. He was set free late this afternoon. Contrary to popular opinions and reports from Camerounese media in setting their agenda , information entering our news desk from our local office in Menji reveals that, AJRF freed arrested Tambo, with no financial or conditional bargain. He was simply sent to deliver a message to La Republique du Cameroun (LRC).

According to reports from inside the virgin Lebialem Forest where Tambo has been since Saturday, the slave of LRC had to undergo a series of covenants in fulfilment of the natural laws of the land, before he was freed- we learned.

As part of the covenants, he made series of promises on behalf of the other slaves serving in LRC, and swore some oaths, all to the satisfaction of the Ambazonian Army.

Most especially was the fact that Prof Ivo Leke Tambo was asked to deliver a letter to the Colonial Governors of Southern and Northern Zones, Paul Atanga Nji, Philemon Yang, and Paul Biya.

The message in summary, is to alert them of the imminent takeover of the land of the Federal Republique of Ambazonia. The Amba army has repeated for the umpteenth time, for the Camerounese government to show prove of the existence of the abducted leaders of Ambazonia.

The Amba army has also vowed to continue cleansing the land of all bad seeds that are facilitating the infestation of the Ambazonia.

In that effect, they have sent a palpable signal for all slaves hypocrites who are intending to organise LRC elections in Ambazonia, to desist from it or they face the wrath of a deprived people.

“CPDM party has officially been banned from Ambazonia. Anyone coming there to carry out any activity linked to LRC or CPDM, will face the wrath of a deprived people. I like to also add that, no elections will take place in Ambaland. We shall arrest and pass flagrant delicto judgements on anyone trying to go against our norms,” one Amba force hinted BaretaNews.

It should be recalled that Prof Ivo Leke Tambo was arrested on Saturday March 17, 2018, as he attempted to mobilise sycophants to celebrate issues of LRC. He was detained in the dense Lebialem Forest, and only freed today so he can be a testimony to others.

BaretaNews posits that this singular action which shows Prof Ivo leke Tambo released unharmed, is proof to the testament that the people of Southern Cameroons have grown mature into what they really want. It shows the people don’t intend to inflict torment their own but will not fail to send a message and even more to those who help Biya perpetuate genocidal actions in Ambazonia. We like to tell the world that we operate as the oppressed, wishing to restore our God’s giving rights. LRC has enslaved us for long.

The time of our freedom is now!!!

By Lucas Muma,

Managing Editor – BaretaNews

  1. Very good. No more la Republique in our homeland. They can continue with their bribery and paternalism in LRC.

    The warning is clear for all blacklegs and traitors. For them there will be never business as usual again.

    1. Rubbish he wasn’t freed to take a msg baraliar. The army was closing in on them after 30 of them were killed as for Sunday n dat baraliar didn’t dare to report. What happened to the ultimatum. Why free him n not the others 🤣🤣🤣🤣 poor ambafools.

      1. On one day you are somewhere in Ndian division on the very next day in a Western country. That makes your statements in that forum not very credible. Infact you create fake stories in your desperation. Just to inform you the students were released before that idiot professor. But our boys gave them a warning not to come back anymore. About your so called army. They are in high motivation since Biya cannot pay them anymore. In Mamfe they beg my people for food.

        Long live Ambazonia

    2. @George, don’t worry this kidnapping will end like the conclave in Nigeria. I haven’t heard the FB thugs organising a conclave again since the so called leaders were seized. BTW, it seems you guys easily forget and just continue with other stupid acts as if nothing happened

  2. Extreme traitors like Atanga Nji, Philemon Yang, Tabetando, Ngolle etc and the rest must not be spared such as this individual if any of our restoration forces happen to lay hands on any of the mentioned pigs.

    1. Thumbs up. They are going to pay the price for enriching themself on the death corpses of hundreds of Southern Cameroonians.

    2. do not worry, just a matter of time, soon Ayaba cho, Mark and the rest will find out that there is no more hiding place for them, They will be picked up in Europe soon, just a matter of time, let them continue kidnapping and causing the death of civilians

      1. LOL little homeboy is in full desperation. Belgium will extradite those freedom fighters to your banana republic. Hahahaha. I would rather say that Europeans laugh about your shithole french colony. When it comes to killing of civilians your patron is the master.

        Long live Ambazonia.

  3. To those who have ears and cannot hear the cries of our mothers and sister, it is time to sit up and listen.
    To those who have eyes and cannot see the crimes of LRC in Ambaland, it is time to begin to see the hand writing on the wall.
    To those who have brains and cannot reason because of the crumbs from LRC, this is the time to start thinking about the fact that there is consequence for every action in Ambaland.

  4. This is a very clear message and warning, and I hope all those nigger and brain damage entities gets it.

    There is no way we are going to standby and watch how our women, young boys, girls, babies, mothers, fathers, family, … are been forced to live in inhuman conditions in there own motherland. This is not going to happen.

    Remember, no one can stop time, there is forever time and those who goes against the law of Ambazonia should just cross over to LRC.


    Long Live The Federal Republic Of Ambazonia.

  5. No matter what we say in favor of or against his release, Prof Leke and his family will live to know that he is a lucky man and that God gave him a second chance to be alife. Chiefs, Fons, BIR, politians can claim they worked hard to secure him but he knows that God alone did. If they did safe him as claimed, why haven’t they secured thosed adopted before him? This is a special, rare, one in a million chance and many in his circumstance will never live to tell the story. Let him tell his story, let others learn from it and stir clear. Those who want to be Thomas will have themselves to blame. This revolution is real
    We are escalating it slowly but steadily and let “anyman comut for wa road”

  6. What a baloney from nonsence people! you can spin this release as much as you want, the fact still that you guys have no backbone or core. I told you before that nothing was going to happen to the professor? You guys asked for 100 millions nothing happen then you went down to 20 million and then to zero. What message you guys are talking about that we haven’t hear before? You guys finally realized that prosecuting a war is not as easier as you taught! Anyway I am happy for the professor and his lovely family.

  7. This pussy’s beat more than they can chew. ADF my ass, criminal element using a state or insecurity to commit crimes and ask for ransom and DUMB “keyboard warriors” encourage it. You will be hunted down like the vermin. Mark Bareta included.

  8. This is what i hate about bareta news .

    A lot of misinformation here . i understand that it is to keep the morale of your fighter and the people up but you know what .instead of lying about certain things better stay quiet .

    If you really think that you can defeat cameroon army with this , then i will only say good luck .

    Hate biya like we also hate him also –

    But show respect to cameroon / biya is not cameroon or else . . .

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