PATRICK WANWA ( guest writer)

The first tests of the determination, education and willingness of the Ambazonian to fight for the home which they as a people have so ferociously desired have been proven with the ingenuous daring with which they have almost bare handedly resisted and subdued hundreds of the terrorist forces from across the span of la République du CameroUn. Forces that are armed to the teeth.

Those tests must remain hallmark of their leadership and the cornerstone of the society upon which a prosperous, vibrant and powerful Ambazonia shall be built.

The magnanimity, in deep contrast to the wanton fascist behavior of the Paul Biya soldiers, with which errant and misguided students from the University of Dschang were captured in Lebielem, admonished and released to return home in spite of the grave danger their (the students’) activities had posed to the civility and sense of purpose of the people of Lebielem demonstrates an awe inspiring willingness and determination of a people through their fighting youths to stick to the basic tenets of human rights’ obligations and respect for human dignity.

The release from captivity of the teacher and registrar of the GCE Board, Ivo Leke, primarily on health and age grounds speaks volumes. Among Ambalanders and those sympathetic with their plight and their valiant struggle to fend off the yoke of colonization from La République du CameroUn the debate has been very heated and passionate against the freedom of one (Ivo Leke) whom most consider a traitor to and a collaborator of the regime in Yaoundé.

Yet it must be observed that no matter other plausible reasons proffered the gesture of the Ambazonian freedom fighters contrasts with the reckless, irresponsible, and murderous rampages of the CameroUnese army. For whatever it is worth, the release remains a beacon of hope that the future foundation of the nation is bound to be solid.

Even under the best of circumstances mistakes shall always be inevitable. But the losing of a few battles must NEVER be allowed to define the outcome of the war.

For those who have failed to understand the absolute necessity of the Ambazonian to free themselves it must be made clear that it is impossible to have fought so hard to free oneself from the easier yoke of British indirect colonial rule just to be voluntarily subjected to the heavy burden of la République du CameroUn’s brutal, corrupt and assimilative colonial rule.

In the months after the British Southern Cameroon dabbled with the question if establishing a federation with la République du CameroUn the despotic leadership in Yaoundé devoid of any democratic experience struck against her like a viper. It was simply a matter of discerning who was willing to betray whom among the British Southern Cameroonian leadership, and at what price. And whom was physically disposable if the option to buy proved untenable.

From its first leader, El Hadj Amadou Ahidjio and especially since the appointment of Paul Biya at the helm of la République du CameroUn both men have shone in their almost supernatural abilities to recruit thieves whom over the decades since the end of direct European colonial rule to neocolonial rule have displayed unrivalled mastery in crumbling an economy and wealth potential more than mere words can describe.

The Ambazonian people have had to fight because since the usurpation of their independence every single matter of their daily living from the trivial, the most pedestrian to the most grave has been transferred to Yaoundé, a veritable CROOK TOWN.

And even under the most irrelevant official visit they must count themselves lucky to escape the clutches of its corrupt officials with a franc in their purses and at rimes even with their lives.

The soldiers of LRC with the assistance of the Chadian Armed Forces have ordinarily shown acts of ‘bravery’ as over the years they have engaged the Boko Haram forces. Yet an undesirable excess if boldness has blinded them to follow the whims and caprices of a dead regime to fight a dirty and unwinnable war against the people of Ambazonia.

These armies surely would attack the waves of the ocean itself in Victoria and Kribi if so ordered by an octogenarian with absolutely zero Generalship.

The youths of Ambazonia have had to fight because their homes and houses have been plundered and burnt to ashes. They have had to fight because their mothers, wives, sisters and daughters have been raped. Old men and women from localities like Kwa Kwa and Batibo and countless more have been slain in their beds and some burnt alive.

They have had to fight and continue to fight because citizens who have sought refuge in the temples and houses of worship have been cut down even as they clasped the altar of God.

The people of Ambazonia have been forced to defend themselves because tens of thousands of their loved ones, the old and sick and fragile as much as the young and innocent ones have had to flee their homes pursuant to administrative directives into refugee camps in southeastern Nigeria.

The people of Ambazonia fight because the fate that La République du CameroUn has reserved for them is a Holocaust unlike anything the world has seen since the Hutu genocide over the Tutsis in Rwanda.

  1. For 56 years Ambazonians have been the scape-goats of lrc brutality, mismanagement and corruption. biya and his thugs have no mercy, no regard for the people of Ambazonians, reasons why he is setting up military barracks to continue to rape, imprison and kill as many Ambazonians as possible. the thousands he has killed and forced to Nigeria as refugees indicates what will follow next – total elimination of Ambazonians off the map of Africa. We must resist biya in any way possible. Ambazonians must fight back now with what they have!

      1. How can you fight back while hiding in behind your keyboard in diaspora, hit and run by the few sponsored thugs back in NW and SW will only add the numbers of those displaced and those killed. The few thugs you send money to back at home has only helped to escalate the situation. LRC brutal army was already killing but your actions have tripled the killings

        The new strategy is that more defence groups should be formed. There is a lot of money involved, $2+ million USD https://mytriptobuea.com. Let’s get more political parties and take more money from the diasporans. For your information, some of the donations will even reach your dream ambazonia because i can also start a defence group just by sending 50k to some few guys idling around 🙂

        1. Oooh are you frustrated little LRC thug? Those Ambazonians are so resilient not so? Don’t worry our brave soldiers are gaining slowly ground. Yesterday, they overun a military post in Lebialem. The fat belly gendarms run into the bushes while our boys captured their assault rifles and ammunition.

          Long live Ambazonia

  2. @homeboy your shithole lrc does not understand the power of keyboard technology in this era because your colonial government has no effecient electricity,ability nor human rights freedom,those keyboard people will teach your primitive people a cyber war lesson,no amount of military,borrowed loan will give old french Cameroon dictators victory,all patriotic Ambazonians diasporas will continue to fund this struggle till the winning end,the diasporas have mature powerfully with intelligence, civilisation while the dotage regime stays regressive, has nothing to offer appart from killings,our patriotic SCs fighter will get all the support,funding and encouragement to drive all those colonial lrc from our land and resources they have been embezeling for 57 years,a wall shall be built to stop corrupt, theiving lrc citizens to enter SCs BV freely

    1. Thumbs up for your comment. Our diaspora is highly educated and has the economic strength to support the struggle heavily.

  3. They are not fools,they reassemble their father Lucifer.but they know God has never lost a battle.you will surely meet an army of angels on your way , you can even raise 100 billion. Dollars and bring along British and USA army ,no one will remove 1 cm2 of my fatherland.

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