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Helikopter Crashes In Lebialem

The battle for a free Ambazonia changes everyday as the regime in Yaounde continues to ignore the need for a peaceful negotiations. Indeed, the struggle is ordained.

Since the arrest on March 16th and subsequent release on Monday 19th March, 2018 of CPDM agent Prof Leke Tambo by joint restoration forces acting in Lebialem, the self defense actions in Lebialem have seen a sharp increase with local self defense groups taking the lead in maintaining their block.

The colonial regime has responded sharply by sending elite troops in what they termed “Operation Clean Lebialem”, the denizens in that locality acting in different self defense groups have decided to fight back in self defense, to protect their community from experiencing similar actions as the military did in KwaKwa, Mbonge burning down homes. One of such groups are the Red Dragon whom today sent out a video to show case their military strength.
As a result of the fire exchange, many casualties were recorded on the sides of the military.

Contrary to popular claims that a Helikopter was brought down in Lebialem by the restoration forces, BaretaNews can now report that God works in mysterious ways and his hands are unto the restoration forces. An elderly grand dad reporting to BaretaNews from Lebialem says the Helikopter was carrying corpses from Menji heading out of Lebialem. It suddenly crashed in a village called Njenawung. Njenawung is a small village in Lewoh. Many denizens say they saw the Helikopter coming down. This is a war La Republique has not mastered especially the topography in Lebialem. No one defeats a Bangwa man. The restoration forces in Bangwa will triumph and host the first Ambazonia flag post October 1st Independence Declaration by President Ayuk Julius Tabe, Interim Government, Federal Republic of Ambazonia.

It must be recalled that restoration forces on ground zero needs lots of resources in all aspect. They are not yet equipped to carry out sophisticated actions that will entirely protect our people. We must give them that support including the morale aspect that builds that confidence and not those which divides them on the field.
We will overcome.
Mark Bareta

  1. biya is yet to believe that his armed thugs and Ambazonians die from his declared war. biya has waited for 2 years thinking Ambazonians will be toppled. biya is fooling himself to oblivion. As of now, AMBAZONIANS will defend themselves. This land is not in lrc. The longer they claim that it’s part of lrc, the more they die trying to contain Ambazonia. It’s Ambazonia or nothing. The Ambazonian native life plants will defeat the french-made machine gun ships used in shooting children, women and men in Ambazonia for not good reason.

  2. Human fatigue and mechanical fatigue, all kind of fatigue are going to hunt them down.

    As time goes on, the more allies we get.

    We shall see how long their machine can handle the stress of wars. I bet you they all are thinking twice about entering those helicopters.

  3. Dear Editor,
    Thanks forthe goodwork.ble if they
    I think the stories you report will be even more plausible, if they were accompanied by pictures. Please encourage your reporters on the ground to include images of what they are reporing on. It would be interesting to see pictures of the crash site of the allegely downed helichopter in the last story.

  4. Mark accident are frequent during war and there is no need to to be joyful about it. This accident is neither LRC’s weakness or a strength on your part, even the united states lost alot of war planes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    @Malis, you should be concern about our people now leaving in the forest with the raining season fast approaching, not LRC soldiers. Open your eyes, LRC have the resources and the will to sustain this war for the next 10 years, but our people leaving in the forest wouldn’t be able to.

    1. Are you part of us or you are for lrc?. Most we surrender because we do not have the resources and give the go-ahead slavery to lrc. If you are an agent of lrc,better watch out.

      1. @Holfman, are you kidding me? I am 100% against secession, you fool don’t care what people are going through now, your ego is all that is important to you.

    2. @Jojo, AKA internet troll.
      Let me ask you this, if you run out of ideas and stop writing on this forum will that be an accident?
      War is not only a physical encounter, it can take any form that is comfortable and with little resources and less risky and more beneficial and limited setbacks; spiritual, physical, ngambe, etc you name it.
      There is no accident in war, unless you consider your weak lamentations as an accident.

      1. @Moh Ewelle, You’re a fool in life you don’t just follow what is friendly to you. What I am doing is call “oposition research” Talking about accident during war, why repeating exactly what I just said? This is call plagiarism. About your last sentence, what a contradiction! Are you on drugs or do you forget to take your medication? “Zanax is a bitch” my friend.

        1. @ Jojo, aka internet troll,
          You may use all adjectives in the world to quantify and qualify me, it still cannot change anything about me. Just nothing. Only weak minded societal mishaps and uncivilized individuals do engage in public rants. You are just a misplaced individual who happen to be suffering from indecision, that is why you cannot identify yourself with a group of people who want a better tomorrow. If you are satisfied with the status quo why not send your contributions to Cameroun Tribune? If you can’t stand the heat please leave the kitchen. You are just full of nothing but your empty selve.

          1. My friend @Moh Ewelle what make you think that I am not contributing to Cameroon Tribune? Remember you don’t learn much from friendly outlets. We are in this predicament just because Biya spent 35 years only listen to people friendly to him, nothing from the opposite parti.

    3. Why don’t you tell us or show us what you have done to help the people. Do you want us to go back to biya francafrique slavery? We have been at war with these buffoons for close to years, we fight to the last person. If Rwanda, S. Sudan did with limited resources “yes we can too”. Time is on our side, over 3million in the diaspora, buluman is 84 yes there will be casualties let’s not falter now.

  5. When biya declared this war, he thought the bir will take a few weeks to kill all Ambazonians. The bir never believed they will face the tigers and the ADF. Now the bir is meeting fierce resistance. biya can sustain the war for 10 years since he declared it and has the stolen resources to kill Ambazonians. Having resources does not mean bir will not be killed. arrogant biya is killing at will because Ambazonian stolen wealth can buy him gunship helicopters to shoot and kill armless Ambazonians. biya loves killing Ambazonians to make francophones think he is keeping lrc united. francophones know the truth and once the opportunity opens up, they will rise up against biya. biya, then will find it difficult to label francophones boko – haram as he did to Ambazonians. francophones are deceived to think they are free from biya’s claws. Wait and see – the same fate will befall my brothers in east cameroun. Make man no run!!

    1. @Sunshine, you are perfectly right is Biya a dictator? Yes is Biya a blood sucker? Yes is 95% of Francophone happy with Biya? No. Is there any Anglophone problem in Cameroon? Yes.
      The problem is that we should have come together as one pleople just as we did in the 90s to chase this clown and his chronic out of power then sit down for serious talk about our future. Instead some of us choose to bear arms, creat division and hatred all for personal gain. I am still hopeful, but my concern is what to do about our parents in refugees camps? This is exactly what Biya wanted, but it’s unfortunate that we didn’t see it coming. Our Diaspora people are the idiots here, our leaders back home try to warn them, but they didn’t listen and here we are.

  6. an accident can happen anytime anywhere, for your information, another political party (defence group) has been formed ‘Red Dragons* they are asking for support, please fund the struggle (SCAMMERS). You can listen to the video from the link below and get it clear it’s all about money, you haven’t achieved anything and segregation has already started, listed to the video yourself ‘Bamenda man’ in play hahahahahaha

    1. every evil thing is there to stay, even though boko haram is been defeated, the evil things they did will stay in the memory of the kids forever. So ambazonia will also remain in the minds of kids who have not had the opportunity to go to school for the second year. There is no positive in your movement, LIST one achievement of ambazonia for the past 15 months. Just one achievement.

      1. It is normal that for you East Camerounian our movement is bad. We stop that you people exploit our soil. Get used to we are millions.

        1. @George LIST one achievement of ambazonia for the past 15 months if your movement is not in the wrong path

    2. @Nkwoh, my parents raised me not to ever wish bad on people, so I don’t know where you are coming from with this stupid statement. I only wish that your evil idea fail and that peace and stability come to our land. We are peaceful people and we deserve to leave in peace.

  7. @George, note that @Homeboy is absolutely right there is misplace of priority here, let us stop the hatreds and focus on our one and only ennemi who is Biya. I personally don’t take any joy when a so call self defense soldier die, why because he is doing his job and the same goes to LRC Soldiers, because most of them don’t even want to be there to start with.
    George I hope you will agreed with me that in war no matter the reason you kill, that the image of the killing will hunt you forever. Remember what PostTraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can do to someone!

    1. Hahaha go to East Cameroun and try bring down your dictator. With elections hahaha. We Ambazonians are finished with LRC. You waste your time.

        1. @Homeboy, please stop wasting your time with this guy. You are asking for an achievement, which is something measurable and he is talking about unity of command. He probably forget to take his meds today.

  8. @George, what unity are you talking about? Do you know that it’s your unity that landed your 47 IG where they are now? Lol, fucking unity when your people are literally self destroying themselves in diaspora! After two months let’s talk about unity again. It’s just a matter of time before people like your god Mark disappear. Your acts are nowhere different from that of LRC that you spent all your time here bashing. Man no run, you guys chew more than you can swallow. I am confident our military will take care of those back home causing trouble and we will take care of those leaving overseas.

    1. LOL. In your wildest dreams JoJo aka homeboy. Your army cannot win a war against one people. You can even wait 3 months. LOL.

      Long live Ambazonia

  9. @George, what one people are you talking about? You should said one group of people, because you have zero support from your countrymen. Those who support your evil idea is just because of fear of retaliation.

    1. Go and consult a good doctor. You suffer amnesia Jojo aka homeboy. The thousands of people marching on 22nd of September 2017 in Muyuka and other places all over Ambazonia did so because of fear of retaliation? What nonsense you talk. If a marriage doesn’t work go for consultations or divorce. We Southern Cameroonians divorce from you East Camerounians. As I said it before. We are finished with you people.

      1. @George you are perfectly right, when a marriage don’t work you divorce, but a judge get to decide not you. In this parricular case, you guys want to be the judge at the same time.
        By the way your god Mark is extremely quiet today, no information on elections back home, what is going on? I see depression is setting in!

  10. Please some of us are beginning to give credibility to madness. Understand that you can put a gold ring on the nose of a pig and it will go and wallow in the mud. Please stop responding to these thugs who are in the pay of the Biya/Beti mafia.
    And for clarification sake, when two people decide to be roommates, that does not mean marriage. When we continue to repeat this mistake, talking of marriage then you gave these clowns from LRC a talking point that make them think that we owe them something. The crux of the matter is that on the contrary, it is LRC that owes us a lot from the pillage and continue plundering of our resources as the coming together was of two people to form a union of two equal parties. Unfortunately,it has turn out to be a complete nightmare and the other roommate has the right to move away. Period

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