The wind has been rife with the name of one Atanga Nji Paul who claims to be a minister even though he does not know his portfolio in the present animal farm. What clouds his head is how to steal big and looking for an escape route.
Well my point today is not about his nowhere tobe found job at the highest palace in the land. What concerns me more is the rhythm he tried to sing at the stage of gentlemen. Many people have described him as a song bird, a lose pigeon that needs to be caged, some call him a sell out and my good friend Ndansi Elvis claims he might have drank something before mounting the rostrum to air out his stupidity to the nation and the world. Allow me use some of his excerpts to portray how gullible and wayward some of the people who claim to govern us are.
Nji claims that there is no Anglophone problem because the head of state has a special place in his heart for the Anglophones.

He demonstrated this with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of independence and the military mascaraed that took place in Bamenda in 2010. For one thing Nji exposed himself here is his stupidity to understand governance and leadership. Any political or right thinking human being will understand that it is not only stupid to use such a statement but buffoonery to claim that a particular part of a country should be happy that their president has a special place for them. Is it a duty or a responsibility for the president to love the entire nation equally? Am not sure Atanga Nji Paul knows that what Anglophones are looking for is equality and not a special place. (SINCE HE IS MINISTER OF SPECIAL DUTIES, HE THINKS EVERYTHING IS SPECIAL) If we go by the term special place, how do you justify the various cries thousands and millions of Anglophone Cameroonians are crying on. What does special place do to us as a people? Does it change the fact that we have been left at the mercy of foreign countries to survive? AtangaNji Paul needs to go back to school and take off from his form three where he left.

The very essence of insinuating that there is no Anglophone problem leaves me with the conclusion that this man has lost tract or is not living on this planet with us. If there is no Anglophone problem why is his PM running to Bamenda? Why will the CRTV take up whole lot of time to question him on a subject that is not existing? Why will the international media waste all their energy and resources to report on something that is not existing, why are they arresting people and shooting others, why can’t they say since you Anglophones don’t want the special place in the heart of the head of state, we push you out so go your way? I guess these questions are too much for a form three student. After all wearing a suit and a tie does not make you educated.No doubt Paul Biya understood that he cannot man or run a full fledge ministry but compensated him with a no portfolio position to be running some errands for him. Am sure his secretariat position on the security issues of Cameroon are just to fulfil Paul Biya’s idioms that set a thief to catch a thief. Those who have ears certainly know what I mean.

In exposing this greed from a man with whom I share the same surname, makes me sick to the core. Some have even advise me to change my surname which I will not do because I know great Atangas who are standing for the truth and nothing for the truth. (I MAYBE ONE OF THEM). Such issues remind me of the great works and actions of history. One of the greatest weapons of the oppressor is to use part of those being oppressed to oppress their brothers and sisters.

Paul Biya certainly has learned this from the British system of Indirect Rule that was tasted in Nigeria. Maybe he got his notes from Adolf Hitler who used French men to govern France after he over ran France during the Second World War. But what Nelson Mandela sees in this is that the greatest weapon that you draw against the one you consider your brother is more sharp and dangerous than the one drawn against the enemy. This system certainly angers us to the core and we are left with nothing than to start vomiting some of ours in the struggle for social justice and equality in Cameroon. For a record, one good thing about posterity is that it brings out the truth and vindicates those who stood by it. Until then, Atanga Nji Paul should continue drinking from the master’s table and the day that same master will turn against him, his nose will dive more than the tip of a sword.

God is still saying something.

1 comment
  1. Those who carried placards demanding for a 10 state federation where sponsored francophones who infiltrated the Anglophone population

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