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Ambazonian Human Rights Lawyer Not Relenting, Even as Colonial Regime Appears Deaf to his International Campaigns

The desperate political jaywalkers and colonialists of La Rpublique du Cameroun (LRC), through its manipulated Kangaroo courts have continued to thwart the genuine efforts of Ambazonian Human rights lawyers to get freedom for incarcerated Ambazonians. Also, all efforts by these lawyers to get access to the President of the Interim government of Ambazonia, Sissiku Ayuk-Tabe and his Team, kidnapped in Nigeria in January and purportedly deported to LRC and kept incommunicado have been futile. But these Ambazonian legal luminaries are not giving up in their international campaigns anytime soon.

One of such Ambazonian Human rights legal mind and former President of the Consortium is Barrister Felix Nkongho Agbor-Balla. He has in recent times embarked on an international campaigned to tell the story of Human rights abuses, WAR CRIMES AND GENOCIDE in Ambazonia, and the incarceration of Ambazonian revolutionaries by the rogue state and gerontocratic regime of LRC. Barrister Balla has not failed in using any platform given to him internationally to decry the human rights abuses in Ambazonia, and to call for the immediate released to revolutionaries being illegally held in the gulags of LRC.

Speaking recently in Mauritania at the 62nd Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and 36th African Human Rights Book Fair, the Barrister highlighted the Biya’s war on Ambazonia, the predicaments of Ambazonians in the hands of the blood sucking regime and expounded the need for an urgent solution to stop the reckless killings and destruction in Ambazonia by the desperate colonial regime of Paul Biya, through its terrorist forces.

A statement issued by the Communication team of the Human rights lawyer after the session in Mauritania read as follows:

“In Nouakchott, Mauritania for the 62nd Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and 36th African Human Rights Book Fair.

Speaking to human rights defenders and civil society organizations from around the globe, highlighting the Anglophone crisis, ongoing armed conflict, humanitarian crisis and need for an urgent solution.

This was an opportunity to call on all human rights defenders who fought for my release from prison, to join the campaign for the freedom of Mancho Bibixy, Terence Penn Khan, Tsi Conrad and thousands of Anglophones detained in various prisons and facing military trials in Cameroon since the start of the crisis.

Urging all human rights defenders to speak out and hold the government of Cameroon accountable over the incommunicado detention of Ayuk Tabe Julius and others extradited from Nigeria. They ought to have access to their lawyers and families.”

24 hours after issuing this statement, the colonial regime as usual, rather instructed its Kangaroo military tribunal to slammed heavy jail sentences to some of the Ambazonian detainees in its Kondengue gulag. So far as Ambazonians are concern, these sentences are laughable and a 21st century joke.

The colonial regime shall beg to dialogue with Ambazonians. It is just a matter of time and we shall know who owns the sovereign territory of Southern Cameroons. Desperate Yaoundé will even go as far as trying to cajole some of the people she presently calls terrorist to accept dialogue with them on moderate terms, but it shall be too late. Let them continue the colonial dance as Ambazonians mobilize for Freedom. Declaration of war, arrests, killings and burnings in Ambazonia by their terrorist forces will and cannot stop the impending birth of Ambazonia. Of course, when God wants to destroy a proud and arrogant regime, He first of all make them proud and conceited.


James Agbor, BaretaNews Political Analyst

  1. The IG has better& plenty patriotic Barristers within this struggle to speak to international,why rely on Balla to speak for this struggle and on behalf of SCs? he was amongst some doing the same when Patricia Scotlands fake visit to Buea yet nothing good came of it,some SCs will never learn which is the reason french Cameroon has been taking advantage of us for 58 years, ask yoursrlf,how come Balla after being a prison in lrc, pardoned by a rogue regime,goes around talking against them,yet goes back to lrc as a free man? while many innocent SCs are arrested & locked up in jail,Balla can never promote SCs independence he will be on exile,what ever he says openly is different behind closed doors,he traded his freedom to serve lrc, anyone in this strugle who have faith in him prompting anything positive towards this struggle is naive,weak and not to be trusted too, period!

  2. Mr. Ndolloz and George,

    Balla’s case or more appropriately, his stance on southern Cameroon’s struggle for independence is one that I feel strongly about. Consequently I won’t pass up a chance to comment about his commitment or lack there of to see us free from the clutches of Etoudi colonists.

    Since his release, Balla has been posturing in clear cut language for the need to stay in the forceful marriage with la Republique, advocating for school resumption, for lawyers to return to the courts and many more positions in line with the ‘one and indivisible country’. While it is his right and choice to ‘campaign’ for staying with Yaoundé, it is not true to say that “brother is slowly changing his stand”. As Balla gallivants the globe, each of his responses in regard to the free state of Ambazonia has been very measured, at times surreptitiously in Biya’s favor. That’s why Yaoundé is letting him roam free. Under the cloak of his human rights organ, Balla appears to be politically neutral but in reality he craves the role and function of his country man (Ayuk Julius) who he is on record as challenging his selection as interim leader. Were Balla offered the interim presidency today, his tone will change unambiguously.

    So, broda George, the man nova change at all. And he don’t have to because, as one writer always says, there is no turning back, Balla or no Balla. Short live the struggle, Long live Ambazonia.

    1. I don know how to Describe or define Dr. Balla, but I can say he has his ways which means you can not understand his mindset and when that happens with someone supposedly a leader, his followers are in a roller-coaster of peak & nadir. At the peak you go “yeah” Dr. Balla has changed positively and at the nadir, you go “what the hell” is he saying/doing again. This happens when you as a leader is trying to get it both ways.

      I will expect him to say in any interview that he stands for Federalism, in a one and indivisible Cameroon but his stance which was popular when he started what has become the Ambazonian/SCian revolution is now unpopular, majority of people no longer believe in Federalism. An that the best way to gauge what the people want is by a referendum. This will be a fair thing for him to say anywhere anytime without drawing criticism

      Dr. Balla has the right to what he believes in. There is nothing he said in that video that made me believe he has changed his stance. When I read some tweets about the video and listened to it, I thought I was yet to listen to the video referred to in the tweet. The deference is that he mentioned the 47 extradited without due process from Nigeria. He had normally stuck to Mancho BBC, Penn Terrence and others. If that is beginning of something bigger to come, it remains to be seen. I understand he is walking a fine line. I don’t want him to be jailed. Hon. Wirba always say Western Cameroon and not Southern Cameroon. We are saying the same thing and I respect how he calls it if it is within his immunity to do so and not be jailed.

      I joined this revolution in Feb 2017 after listening to Dr. Balla’s famous interview in 2016, then some Ayaba Cho videos. I can say Dr. Balla and Dr. Ayaba inspired me to join the revolution, but I now follow the revolution and not individuals.

      In all, Dr. Balla, is surely a nice Husband, uncle, father, son, brother, friend to those who know him.

  3. I agree; we need folks who are consistent, resolute and unafraid of the tyrannical regime of the banana republic of la Republic du Cameroun led by a diaper wearing octogenarian savage from Mvomeka, to be at the forefront of this on-going struggle, of which Ambazonia shall certainly and surely emerge victorious some day. Be that as it may, we also welcome all those who have been transformed through moral introspection and now support the Ambazonia cause categorically and absolutely, never to waver again.

    1. @Enow Takor, “Ambazonia shall certainly and surely emerge victorious some day” what is some day and how long you think people in refugees camp can wait? How about all the villages now deserted? Barrister Balla is absolutely right, dialogue is needed now. How do you expect to change the game, while playing outside the field? #my opinion.

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