Cho Ayaba
Fellow Ambazonians,
We will henceforth hold monthly briefings of our people. You shall be able to hear from our top defense leaders; our diplomatic experts and our policy and strategic thinkers; the unseen faces behind the National Liberation Plan. Education and information are the key to your liberation. We remained occupied for more than 50 years not only because of the absence of courage in leaders but also because of a manipulated population indoctrinated to believe that Cameroun was one and indivisible and that we truly voted to become slaves. All through the past four years incessant manipulations constantly propagated by individuals have become the reference point for our battered population.
The Ambazonian Governing Council has faced enormous opposition from the elites of our society because it has engineered a paradigm shift in our body politics. A knowledge back approach to policy formulation and articulation. A vigorous debate of issues and a high degree of scrutiny on leadership. This is antithetical to the nepotist politics characteristics of our continent. A politics based on a reward scheme. One where there is fear to debate issues, The AGOVC has defeated all those nepotist constructions introduced in our struggle through persistent and systematic education of our people and scrutiny of the actions and policies of leaders. Each time the AGOVC has raised objection to policies and actions of others, they have explained the reasons and most importantly proposed an alternative model that can benefit our liberation struggle. Rather than engage in such vigorous debates, others have turned it into a personality fight. A contest of ideas drastically reduced to a contest of personalities.
I urge AGOVCist to follow policy lines, respect the content of internal memos, remain civil and avoid being perceived as attacking others. Prisoners cannot defend themselves and we must not cross the line. I equally urge all never to be frightened to contest and debate issues. I have always asked you to see yourselves as liberators. Based on the arrogance and entitlement mentality in some, I will strongly advice all of you to study the art of governance. Ignore the noise, it has no teeth. Focus on the issues and never allow anyone or groups of persons to intimidate you. Keep arming our people and sending the Bulus to the gates of hell
Face the People will take place on Saturday 25 July 2020. All your worries and questions will be answered. Your fears eliminated and the weapon you need to soar like an eagle handed to you. Do not blink.
Dr Cho Ayaba
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