The dispatching of various delegations to different parts of the world in a bid to solve the Anglophone crisis not only endorse the BANANA nature of this republic but exposes in a vivid manner the intellectual limitations of the one we call a president. In the wake of the Anglophone Crisis, the so called BILLINGUALISM COMMISSION was created (January 2017) with MUSONGE at the head. Many including top CPDM bug wigs expressed skepticism as to its raison dêtre of this commission because we shouldn’t forget that AHIDJO created similar commission in the 1970s with BIYA as the head and it failed woefully. Some like MAMI GERA, the Southern Cameroons activist even went as far as mentioning that Biya created this commission to give Musonge enough money to take on a second wife after the demise of the first. This assertion holds water because the said commission has gone dead ever since its members were installed.

The million dollar question was how a second commission was going to do the magic. However, Biya adherents expressed satisfaction as usual and asked for the Secretary General to be installed and the entire working team that was headed by CHI ASAFOR of the BAFORCHU MAFIA (in the same orientation as the BETI MAFIA) and for a 700 million xaf budget that was not voted in the 2017 budget nor was it approved by The NATIONAL ASSEMBLY to be granted them. After all, Biya who is the god of Cameroon runs the country as though it were his personal family enterprise as he is above all the laws and he is answerable to none.


The anticlimax of it all is that a right-thinking president would have used this commission to dialogue with the Diaspora but not a single member of the so called Bilingualism Commission was included in the various delegations that have been dispatched abroad. I challenge anyone to give me the name of a single member of the commission that was included in any of the delegations. We havent had a single declaration from this commission nor any meeting they have held with any stake holders, at home or abroad to provide a solution to the crises. On the contrary, it is the journalists, politicians and some civil society activists who have mounted the stage with solutions, all except the Bilingualism Commission.

Of what use then is the Bilingualism Commission and why was it created?

Once again we see that this commission like various commissions and other appointments are done to please friends of the same demonic cults, to reward political friends and to compensate friends and former girlfriends that do not serve the interests of the Cameroonian people but serve the whims and caprices of the one who does them. Biya has no genuine intention of solving the problem.

Ambe Emmanuel

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