366 Days After Fake National Dailogue: French Cameroun Counts Failures
By Mbah Godlove.
One year after a window dressing National Dailogue convened to look into the ongoing Ambazonia War Of Independence, French Cameroun has came under heavy criticism as the Conflict deteriorates hour after hour.
On September 30 2019, French Cameroun hand clappers assembled in Yaounde to divert International attention under the pretext of seeking measures to address the long standing conflict in Southern Cameroons.
Exactly a year after the colonial convention, the Biya regime is being indicted for exacerbating instead of deescalating the crisis.
Unarmed Ambazonians have continued to toil in brunt of brutality meted out by colonial soldiers.
Extrajudicial killings, rape looting and razing of homes as well as villages have taken central stage.
Speaking at the ongoing UN General Assembly earlier this Wednesday, La Republic du Cameroun’s External Relations Minister paradoxically declared that the conflict was much under control.
Less than 24hours to Ambazonia’s Independence Day observed every October 1, Ambazonians are not giving up as they continue to press for their liberation.
1 comment
The Grand National Monologue was held instead of a Dialogue. Most of what we saw of it were new strategies to reinvent a so-called “one and indivisible” Cameroo(oU)n, which only demonstrated a VERY DIVISIBLE CAMEROO(OU)N. It was a blatant failure. The occasion instead only displayed Cameroo(ou)n’s vulnerability and divisibility. Paid fake “repentant” Amba boys, the innovative strategy of Paul Atanga Nji,’ did not only fail, but died soon after, as most of those actors naturally vanished into oblivion. They themselves were not convinced of the roles they played.
The entire stunt was a farce, adding no value whatsoever to a definitive solution to Southern Cameroons’ independence stolen since October 1, 1961. Instead of sitting down to work out modalities for the SEPARATION of a fake union and a smooth return to the status quo of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC) as legally mapped out at independence in 1960, and Ambazonia, as it had always existed under its appellation British Southern Cameroons (West Cameroon) since the 1800s and at independence in 1961, the monologue tried to come up with a spurious federalism, a whimsical “decentralization” pulled out of the air and a “Special Status” gimmick that only exposed CameroUn (synonymous with CPDM) to ridicule.
The main challenge for Paul Biya and his colleagues was to demonstrate why one of the two states equal in status that came together in a fake union with the other should give Southern Cameroons Special Status. CONCLUSION: As an equal partner Southern Cameroons (Ambazonia) has requested that LRC earn the Special Status title under its legitimate appellation of La Republique du Cameroun as mapped out at independence in 1960. THEREFORE LRC REMAINS LRC. AMBAZONIA IS ALWAYS AMBAZONIA. PROBLEM SOLVED.