The Catholic Church is refusing to collect the remains of the late Bishop of Bafia fromm the Government. Bishop Balla was brutally murdered and dumped into River Sanaga
New updates regarding the late Bishop Jean Marie Benoit Bala say the Catholic Church has refused to collect the remains of the late Prelate, who was assassinated and thrown into the River Sanaga to make it look suicidal. Sources say after heavy pressure from Vatican on the government to produce a clear investigating report on what killed the Prelate, the government is in such heat that they want to dispose of the corpse in their possession.

Cameroonweb reporting on this latest development says things are getting tensed between the church and Cameroon government, since the government is pressuring the church to collect the remains of the Prelate and bury it.


According to the source, the church is insisting that Unless the result of the autopsy be made public, and the culprits whom report say tortured, electrocuted, broke his arms and legs and mutilated his genital organ, before throwing him into the waters of the River Sanaga are brought to justice, they will rather prefer the cannibals eat the remains of their game.



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