Interim Government of Buea
Southern Cameroons Presidency




Father Gerald Jumbam is calling on Ambazonians to unite in purpose and that we must not blink in the face of Cameroun atrocities facing our land. In this next episodes of his letters to the people of Amba, he writes:

Why we must not Blink

The gory happening unlocks a new vista of examination and investigation into the dynamics responsible for the near-total extinction of an internationally recognized people, the Southern Cameroons. The recent Southern Cameroons’ massacre underscores the calamity writ large on a government that has traded human rights to the swamp of political bestiality and momentary economic trappings. It has advertised the intoxicating dangers staring the two Cameroons for exchanging basic human values for political gains and injudicious consolidation of power. It illustrates a frightening portrait of the alarming dangers that we face for the simple reason that we have downgraded the importance of human life in preference for oil, pomp and power. It is as scary as it is intimidating and the pogrom visited on Southern Cameroonians recently, pictures a horrific harvest they stand to gain from the families of the victims. History never forgets, it only delays and when the time comes, they will face International and Divine Justice.

In the best of times, catastrophe is unavoidable for any regime on the verge of a high cliff of self-infliction. But under Paul Biya, the decimating conflict started since 1984. It has been worsened by Biya’s inflexible narrow-mindedness and, deplorably, compounded by old age. A thoughtless gerontocrat and inflexibly narrow-minded decides to bastardize the promising lives of innocent peoples in an attempt to carve us into his banana republique that stands stupidly tall as metaphor for the wretchedness and misery of my people.

What is more, the rise of brutality and mayhem among Paul Biya’s political surrogates is connected to another disease: that of impunity. By impunity I mean the failure of national and international bodies to prosecute powerful individuals guilty of crimes against humanity. It is our job to counter the narrative of the Paul Biyas who think they have a divine right to mess up our lives.

We Must Unite

The problem-du-jour in the Southern Cameroon’s leadership is fairly obvious: the case of the hundreds of lives slaughtered by Cameroun republic’s military, the thousands of our strong men in bushes and forests, and the huge numbers kidnapped to unknown detention camps. Little wonder that most young people today now beat the drums of war at ear-tearing decibel. Many howl for blood. The social media has burst at its seams with campaigns of freedom fighter warfare. Facebook, twitter and whatsapp are teeming with all types of terrific propaganda. Each person believes he has the truth, and half-truths and entire lies are winning the day. All this boorishness makes the blood boil and the emotions threaten to jump out of the body for combat. I have seen individuals come out and daringly proclaim their willingness to die for the cause they so passionately promote. It is so terrifying; and it is no more mere feeling that we are already in war. These are real concrete sentiments especially when we consider what bullies from the Cameroun republic have wrought on innocent souls in homeland. Our people are justified in their fire and anger.

The fact is, regardless of whatever provokes the fighters, warriors would still come to the debate table one day. Even in the nastiest of combats, people must still bump into each other at some point to negotiate. So why not spare ourselves the pains this time and rekindle the fire of our non-violent fight which in the 21st century is more compelling than gun and bomb. Grief-stricken by the pictures of the innocent blood that has flown as a result of military bestiality and therefore the thousands of lives lost in this genocide, we can be tempted to passivity or complaisance.

  1. Father GERALD JUMBAM is a TERRORIST in a Roman Catholic cassock, just like late Bishop AALBERT NDONGMO, who was a maquisard. Things didn’t end well with NDONGMO the maquisard.

  2. The imbecile MUKONG SMEAGOL (GOLLUM) is back! How low can IMBECILES like you go? Very low!


    How low can imbeciles like MUKONG SMEAGOL (GOLLUM) go? VERY LOW!!!

    MUKONG SMEAGOL (GOLLUM), A CROSS-BREED of a RABID DOG and a PIG, the most educated guy in the VILLAGE of IGNORANCE, LAKUNLE said the following: “Our Powercam, Cameroon Bank, Tole tea plantation, Ndu tea plantation, Produce Marketing Board, Nangah Company, Formenky Company, Victoria seaport, Mamfe airport, Bali airport, Tiko airport, Yoke hydro-electric plant, Buea mountain hotel, Ringway Hotel and many more are all ruined because of imbeciles who are more interested in enjoying a good life by answering yes sir all the time to the french leeches at the expense of hard working Ambazonians.” MUKONG SMEAGOL accuses Mr Biya of being responsible for the failure or bankruptcy of private companies, like Nangah Company, Formenky Company, etc. What has the ownership and running of private companies, hotels, Ndu tea plantation, Tole tea plantation, etc. have to do with Mr Biya and his successive Governments over the years? MADNESS!!! MADNESS!!! WHEN NEXT YOUR WIFE IS PREGNANT KNOW THAT IT IS MR BIYA, PUT HIS NAME ON THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE AS FATHER. THE CHILD WILL LIVE A LIFE OF LUXURY IN SWITZERLAND. BIYA IS SHAGGING YOUR WIFE! And this IMBECILE lives in the USA. Do you blame the US Government for President Trump’s past bankruptcies?

    MUKONG SMEAGOL (GOLLUM), says the land of his ancestors is full of dark forces. The Governor was just trying to help get rid of some or all of the dark forces so that MUKONG SMEAGOL could return to the land of his ancestors. Trump doesn’t like people from “shithole” or arsehole countries.

    The land of YOUR ANCESTORS IS IN UTTER DARKNESS and it has been TAKEN OVER (100%) BY INNUMERABLE, AND INDOMITABLE FORCES OF DARKNESS that CANNOT BE OVERCOME by SHIT-NO-WIPE-LASS ambazonia terrorists, “to God be the Glory as come rain, come sunshine”.

    Did you escape to the USA because of the forces of darkness in the land of your ancestors? FORCES OF DARKNESS KNOW NO NATIONAL BOUNDARIES, AND YOU CAN REST ASSURED THAT THEY KNOW WHERE YOU’RE. NO HIDING PLACE FOR THE WICKED. THEY ARE ALREADY TAKING OVER YOUR BRAIN, that is what is behind your RANTS. That is why you should answer my questions with alacrity before the takeover is complete and you are 100% BONKERS.

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