LRC’s military whisk nurses for treating Amber fighters.
By Mbah Godlove
The colonial military of La Republique du Cameroun has arrested nurses in a private clinic for allegedly treating pro independence fighters in their health facility. The medical personnel, amongst them a breastfeeding mother, were rounded up in Tatum, a village in Bui County, Northern Zone of Ambazonia.
Sources in the area say the proprietor of the said health unit, is being pressurise to sign that he would henceforth not attend to injured restoration fighters. However, it remains unclear if any Ambazonia fighters had being treated at the clinic and weather the proprietor had yielded to the call from the occupational forces to stop providing medical care to Restorationist.
Locals of Tatum, have described the incident as unfortunate and regrettable giving that the 86 year old President of French Cameroon had announced a window dressing dialogue due to commence at the end of September 2019.
Bui County is one of the areas in Ambazonia where clashes between the Colonial Army of LRC and Ambazonian fighters have being recurrent. The Bui warriors have this far being able to bring to earth the war mechanisms employed by the colonial Administration and have on several occasions resolved to fight untill the territory is free from colonial occupation.
The imbecile MUKONG SMEAGOL (GOLLUM) is back! How low can IMBECILES like you go? Very low!
How low can imbeciles like MUKONG SMEAGOL (GOLLUM) go? VERY LOW!!!
MUKONG SMEAGOL (GOLLUM), A CROSS-BREED of a RABID DOG and a PIG, the most educated guy in the VILLAGE of IGNORANCE, LAKUNLE said the following: “Our Powercam, Cameroon Bank, Tole tea plantation, Ndu tea plantation, Produce Marketing Board, Nangah Company, Formenky Company, Victoria seaport, Mamfe airport, Bali airport, Tiko airport, Yoke hydro-electric plant, Buea mountain hotel, Ringway Hotel and many more are all ruined because of imbeciles who are more interested in enjoying a good life by answering yes sir all the time to the french leeches at the expense of hard working Ambazonians.” MUKONG SMEAGOL accuses Mr Biya of being responsible for the failure or bankruptcy of private companies, like Nangah Company, Formenky Company, etc. What has the ownership and running of private companies, hotels, Ndu tea plantation, Tole tea plantation, etc. have to do with Mr Biya and his successive Governments over the years? MADNESS!!! MADNESS!!! WHEN NEXT YOUR WIFE IS PREGNANT KNOW THAT IT IS MR BIYA, PUT HIS NAME ON THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE AS FATHER. THE CHILD WILL LIVE A LIFE OF LUXURY IN SWITZERLAND. BIYA IS SHAGGING YOUR WIFE! And this IMBECILE lives in the USA. Do you blame the US Government for President Trump’s past bankruptcies?
MUKONG SMEAGOL (GOLLUM), says the land of his ancestors is full of dark forces. The Governor was just trying to help get rid of some or all of the dark forces so that MUKONG SMEAGOL could return to the land of his ancestors. Trump doesn’t like people from “shithole” or arsehole countries.
The land of YOUR ANCESTORS IS IN UTTER DARKNESS and it has been TAKEN OVER (100%) BY INNUMERABLE, AND INDOMITABLE FORCES OF DARKNESS that CANNOT BE OVERCOME by SHIT-NO-WIPE-LASS ambazonia terrorists, “to God be the Glory as come rain, come sunshine”.
Did you escape to the USA because of the forces of darkness in the land of your ancestors? FORCES OF DARKNESS KNOW NO NATIONAL BOUNDARIES, AND YOU CAN REST ASSURED THAT THEY KNOW WHERE YOU’RE. NO HIDING PLACE FOR THE WICKED. THEY ARE ALREADY TAKING OVER YOUR BRAIN, that is what is behind your RANTS. That is why you should answer my questions with alacrity before the takeover is complete and you are 100% BONKERS.