US Senator




US Law Makers Start Mounting Pressure On The Rogue Yaounde Regime

They call on Cameroun government to publicly release the findings of any investigation they claim to be conducting. After claiming to have killed the suspects, I wonder what they will be investigating. Let my American friends be informed that investigations of this nature in Cameroun can take time, as there’s a long queue of pending investigations, such as

1. The Bepanda 9
2. 2008 killings
3. The Ezeka train accident
4. Msgr Bala
5. Multitudes of military killings
6. ……… read more

The public is still waiting on all of the above

Menendez Statement on Death of American Missionary in Cameroon

October 31, 2018

Menendez Statement on Death of American Missionary in Cameroon

NEWARK – Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Ranking Member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement on the killing on Tuesday of an American missionary in Cameroon.

“I am deeply saddened to learn of the death of an American missionary who sacrificed his life working to improve the lives of the people of Cameroon. As we wait for the details surrounding his death, I extend my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends during these difficult moments.

“I understand Cameroonian officials have opened an inquiry into this tragic incident. I call upon them to publicly release the findings of their investigation to ensure transparency and thoroughness, and to strictly adhere to the legal process for swiftly bringing those implicated to justice.

“Reports of increasing violence in the Anglophone region of Cameroon are alarming, as are allegations of human rights abuses by armed actors. I urge all actors on the ground to engage in dialogue to resolve political disputes, and to refrain from violence against civilians. I also call on the Trump Administration to provide appropriate services to the victim’s family, and urge State Department leadership in Washington to engage the Cameroonian government at the highest levels to find a peaceful solution to the Anglophone crisis.”

1 comment
  1. May his soul rest in perfect peace. For two years biya has been killing Ambazonians, West Cameroonians, for being terrorists in his eyes. While the US, UN, AU, France, Britain and the EU looked the other way because biya called us terrorists, it’s becoming clear that Missionary Wesco was not a terrorist though killed. Let US see for themselves what Ambazonians have been going through in the hands of a lunatic such as biya and American Lrc trained soldiers. Let America investigate all the atrocities committed on the peaceful people of Ambazonia and see the senseless killing of people who are only trying to protect themselves from the criminal Cameroon francophone government. More than 3000 innocent people have been killed, 170 villages burnt and more than 4000 imprisoned, 400000 exiled and displaced by Biya’s government. Ambazonians are tired of America’s duplicity, UN abandonment and AU negligence. Ambazonia shall fight till the last man standing to be free from the claws of the Cameroun evil regime.

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