Akere Muna




As UN plays Double-face Diplomacy, Ambazonians must intensify Self-defense

The struggle for the complete decolonization of Southern Cameroons/Ambazonia is gradually entering its crescendo. For one year and counting, Amazonians have been diplomatic, peaceful, nonviolent and patient, even in the midst of many blood baths and the most humiliating treatments meted on them by the occupier forces of La Republique du Cameroun (LRC). In fact, peace plants have almost gone into extinction in Ambaland, as the people have been determined in their resolve to show the UN and the world that Southern Cameroonians want to be free from 21st century colonialism, not through an arm struggle, but through nonviolent revolutionary actions.

The Southern Cameroons people, through a mental revolution have come to the knowing that, the 57 years colonization of Southern Cameroons by LRC is largely the responsibility of the UN, with the complicity of Britain and France. By the very clean and legally rooted nature of their case, the people have believed in the force of argument and not the argument of force to liberate the homeland. They are therefore fully cognizant that this restoration movement is not a domestic affair in the Cameroons, but an internationally driven crisis, and so continue hope that the UN takes her responsibility by applying preventive diplomacy in order to forestall a conflict situation, especially as the large majority of the people’s minds have been made up.

However, what happens when the arbiter, being the UN continues to play diplomatic games with the peoples lives, as LRC forces continue to perform genocidal actions on people? The response of the UN so far has not only been lackadaisical, but also double-faced. Despite the mayhem and brutality on the people, Antonio Gutierrez, and his boys and girls have merely been rhetoric and sometimes even contradicting themselves in their releases. For instance, just few days back, while the UNCHR, through its experts’ report on the crisis, blew hot and pointed fingers at LRC’s barbarism, their brother, François Fall of UNOCA immediately contradicted the tough talk with a pampering statement for Yaoundé. Unfortunately for Ambazonians, these rhetorics cannot bring back the dead and the people cannot also continue to sit and watch themselves continuously being maimed and annihilated in the name of being nonviolent.

This is a genuine, very clear and undisputable case that needs no controversy in its resolution. If the UN by her lukewarm and double-face responses is telling Ambazonians that preventive diplomacy still has no place in the 21st century, then they are equally telling the innocent, peaceful and nonviolent Southern Cameroonians being killed and brutalized in the homeland by colonial forces that, TWO WRONGS CAN MAKE A RIGHT, and the people seem to be understanding this language these days.

Self-defense of the people must now be a priority project for the revolutionary leadership. As the harassments, brutality, intimidation, manslaughter and extortion by colonial forces continue, the people must be schooled and empowered to respond accordingly in self-defense. It must therefore be made a rule by the revolutionary leadership that “Any Ambazonian shot by colonial forces (whether dead or not) is a loan taken by those forces and payable with their own blood, so long as they continue to occupy the homeland.” If this is what will force the international community to start talking straight, then so be it.

With the brutal events of last week in Muyuka, Munyenge, Akwen village in Manyu and presently in Bamenda, it is visibly clear that the time for condemning attacks by whoever on colonial agents on ground zero is over. If it is Amba warriors involved in such attacks, they must be congratulated henceforth for taking the risk to defend the people and the blame thrown at the occupier, LRC.

Since the the UN and the international community wants to continue blowing hot and cold at the same time, while LRC continues the killings, torture, arrests and extortion, the Interim Government (IG) of Ambazonia and other front line leaders of the revolution must collaborate and also play double-face.

BaretaNews can confirm from a sample of opinions on ground zero that, many young Ambalanders feel they have been provoked and humiliated enough, while the world watches in silence. To them, it is better to die or be arrested trying to claim their inalienable right of self-defense, than to sleep in their houses and still be shot at or bundled into colonial military trucks, and taken to detention camps for no crime committed.

The only crime of the people is their demand for the Restoration of the independence of Ambazonia. The colonial government sees all Ambazonians as dogs. Whether you support the struggle or not. Whether you are a Nationalist or Federalist. It is better to be a German Shepherd dog that barks and bites. The most useless of dogs are the “ngong dogs”. Fellow Ambazonians, which of the dogs are you?

Agbor James, BaretaNews Political Analyst


  2. It is an establish fact that receiving gift from a criminal means that the judge has been completely compromised. To imagine that the very Portuguese who yester years used to victimize and humiliate Africans in Angola and Mozambique are the same Portuguese who are now flocking to these African countries to look for jobs is a lesson for us to understand that a Zebra will never change its strips. Hence, we should not expect much from this United Nation head. The African Union though docile or the ECOWAS and maybe friendly Nations should be our target. There is no turning back.

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