Sisiku Ayuk Tabe





The Ambazonian People’s Revolution and the Interim President’s Call for a Coalition of the Willing

There is no doubt to the fact that, Ambazonia’s Independence Revolution is the people’s revolution. The people have consistently proven this fact in their actions on ground by taking their destinies into their own hands. All successes recorded in this restorationary movement this far are because, the people have for this one year collaborated swiftly with leadership at anytime called upon to lead them to their destination. In fact, in this type of revolution where the people know what they want and are determine to get it, nothing can stop them. They are determined to get to the end point.

In the early hours of Monday 20th November, 2017, the President of the Interim Government of the Federal Republic of Ambazonia, Sissiku Ayuk Tabe, in a release from London, commended all Ambazonians for their sacrifices made so far in the quest to arrive Buea, the Federal Capital of Ambaland. The President called for inclusiveness, unity and a working partnership amongst front line leaders and the PEOPLE of Ambazonia under the banner of a “Coalition of the willing”, a unity platform based on the foundational principle of purpose. Mr. President resounded the the lyrics of RESOLVE, UNITY AND DISCIPLINE as he reiterated that, the Southern Cameroons revolution at this juncture is not about groupings or factions as that stage of the revolutionary voyage has been crossed.

In a somewhat Presidential and same time hash tone (asserting his authority and also sounding dictatorial), the President also cautioned that revolutions do not succeed in the midst of disunity and indiscipline; emphasizing the fact and need for UNITY of PURPOSE and UNITY in ACTIONS amongst the PEOPLE and REVOLUTIONARY LEADERS.

Equally informing the people about work in progress in the complete formation of the interim government, Sissiku reverberated that the activism stage of the revolutionary struggle is over and now is the nation building stage.

In concluding, the President extended a 48 hour ultimatum to all who want to be part of the coalition of the willing, while warning that; “All of us as leaders must either choose to work together for the good of our people and our country or accept being rejected by our people.”

The President’s release came shortly after the political Desk of BaretaNews had advocated for a COLLABORATIVE step up of self-defense measures in the homeland amidst the increasing brutality and mayhem on a peaceful people by colonial forces, and the double-faced diplomatic disposition of the UN, the main arbiter in this revolution. Truth be told that this revolution is at its climax, where all ideological positions by different leaders on reaching the homeland must be on the table and so, they are bound to work together for the SINGLE GOAL of total liberation of Ambazonia. The leadership metamorphosis since the beginning of the struggle is testament to the fact that no individual has been ordained to single handedly pilot the revolutionary train from the station in Yaounde -La Republique du Cameroun to Buea -Federal Republic of Ambazonia, the people’s destination. At each stage of this leadership metamorphosis, the people have always decided who takes the lead even without any universally enfranchised process.

At this point in time, it is time for ALL revolutionary bigwigs to prove to all Ambalanders, especially the suffering masses on ground zero that they are truly in this revolutionary course for their cherished freedom and history of Ambazonia, and nothing else. If everyone acknowledges that Restoration of Independence was declared on October 1st 2017, then this is the time to work as a government and a people. This is the time to sign deals with willing and supportive nations/organizations, NOT as SCNC, SCAPO, Consortium, AGC, SCYL, RoA, MoRISC, SCACUF, etc, but as the Federal Government of Ambazonia. This is the time to make diplomatic in roads for the struggle, NOT as individuals or group of concern individuals, but as the Federal Government of Ambazonia. This is the time to target and strike the colonial genocidal forces of LRC, NOT as ADF, SOCADEF, DoD etc, but as the Joint Revolutionary Forces of Ambazonia. This is the time to unanimously claim responsibility for a strike on the extortionist enemy forces NOT as the Commanders in Chief of splinter armed groups, but as the Commander and Chief of Joint Army Staff, and/or Commander in Chief of the Joint Revolutionary Forces of Ambazonia. This is why BaretaNews and its CEO Mark Bareta has called for a Collaborative platform of all defense groups based on tolerance, sense of purpose, mutual respect wherein they share intelligence, human resource and man power. Such a Join Revolutionary forces for strategic sake must expressively not be under the IG so as not to tain the diplomatic gains but must covertly under the IG and they must as a matter of fact must not challenge the authourity of the IG. This is the collaborative platform BaretaNews yearns

While some Ambazonian opinion leaders like Akoson Pauline Diale have objectively reprimanded the dictatorial tone of the Interim President in a believed call for unity and collaboration amongst all leaders and the people; others have argued that people must not necessarily unite or combine forces to achieve the liberation goal. Comrade Akoson Pauline is absolutely right to caution the tone of the IP at this nursing stage of the leadership building process of Ambazonia, especially at a time and situation where the leader is trying to build collaboration amongst leaders and people. As she argued, we are building an Ambazonia where leadership shall be responsible to the people, and the people must not through their political docility and sycophancy build or condone dictators in the land.

However, for those who say a united and collaborative coalition is not still necessary at this level, they need to think again. That was true at a particular stage of the revolution. Of course, unity in this case is not uniformity in ideologies or organizations, but conformity with the revolutionary leadership for much more consolidated and synchronized actions for the interest of the people and their own security. Tolerance, reciprocity, sacrifice, self-abnegation, truthfulness, love, recognition and patience are just some of the needed characteristics expected of all at this level. And only such characteristics will grant political power to any revolutionary leader in a completely Free Ambazonia.

As the Editor in Chief of BaretaNews pointed out, pride comes before a fall and this goes to all front line leaders, social media warriors, country heads etc. Any Ambazonian leader, individual, group or leadership who hinges his/her mantle on pride, ego and arrogance is bound to fall. Ambazonia is here today because every Ambazonian has made sacrifices in different forms. The revolutionary movement might be building dictators without the people realizing; and when they come to know of it, such dictators may only get up one day to realise that their wings had been clipped by the people. If the people have chosen to resist Paul Biya and LRC to the end, they will certainly not hesitate to resist their own leaders who decide to fight for themselves and not for the masses. As the revolution forges ahead with the call for a collaborative platform where all sons and daughters must contribute in their own ways according to their means and capabilities, Ambazonians must do so with love, honesty, humility and most importantly mutual respect of each other, considering where the revolution started, where it is and how far it needs to go.

Ambazonia Shall be Free.

Agbor James, Political News Editor

  1. What we are seeing today all over Africa is the consequence of some Africans acting exactly in ways Fela Kuti said we should not. Why is it that some of us think that politics is to be use for personal gain? Can we not see that our people are suffering immensely and that we should put our heads together and work to make a better life for our community? Yesterday after watching this footage of a father being forced to walk on his knees in front of his children I thought I was going to suffer a melt down. The question was how could this criminal police have the audacity to exhibit this type of barbarism to one of our own with impunity?
    Our beloved sister Comfort Konfor had repeatedly asked that people at home should have whistles and to blow them when someone is being mistreated or is in danger. Yet, Yesterday Sunday, what I saw was the opposite. Despite the indignity that this father had to endure, people were walking by like it was normal. Please instead of this constant bickering about power, let us do a better job of educating our people to be each others keeper maybe that might help make some of us better collaborators. The task before us is daunting and at stake is the very existence of our people. Let us stop all this nonsense back-and-forth talk of power for we do not need to be repeatedly school to the fact that “United we stand, divided we fall”.

  2. Those complaining about the tone in the letter are those choosing to chase the shadow instead of the substance. There substance here is H.E.’s desire to work in unity with other front line leaders. He has shown his willingness to work with them in private with futility. Now he has brought it to the court of public opinion, in an attempt to get their followers bring them on board (if they have followers). What else do they want from our interim president. He is under pressure to form a cabinet with expectations from citizens of Ambazonia and the same time being pulled back by political wannabe cum front line leaders. If he has given them 48 hours to respond and per your characterization it being dictatorial, it is becasue you do not have an appreciation of the back and forth he has been having with them, from their arriving at the conclave without respecting their invitation time and staging a sort of walk out. He has shown patience with them and has to move on with his agenda. So, to me the 48 hours is ok, even if they need to consult a “gambe-man” to make that decision, 48 hours is more than ok. He has an agenda and a timeline and owes SCians the duty to lead them to Buea, not some if-no-me-no-one-else leaders.
    They had pulled out of SCACUF, yet wanted to take part in SCACUF discussions in the first days of the conclave where SCACUF was taking stock of how they had fared since the birth of Governing Council in July this year. To them, it was ok to accept them sit in a club meeting that they do not belong, in fact, a club that they chose to not belong. Turn around and make noise. MORISC stands for independence of SCians through diplomacy while AGC/SCYL (actually same people claiming to be different e.g. last time I checked Dr. Cho Ayaba is AGC president and SG for SCYL and Dr.Akwaga is SCYL president and AGC SG) stands for the use of force get independence. They have now identified a common enemy in Ambazonia instead of LRC and are actively working against him and by extension working against SCians. After Boh Herbert of Morisc got to Nigeria, he was convinced by Ayaba Cho and Akwaga to not attend the conclave if they were not to attend from day 1 and that they can make their own conclave sometime in early December (This is from Chris Anu’s SC Journal Editorial after the conclave.

    To those who say the Interim President sounded dictatorial, give me a break.

  3. I welcome the letter of our interim president. For god’s sake unite for our common goal. There will be enough time for politics in Buea. But now you have responsibility for 8 million Ambazonians. Use the chance to render the future of our state. Argue when necessary but fight together against our enemy.

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