Anglophone teachers in a conclave today in Bamenda agreed to continue their strike action. They raised a number of issues with the Prime Minister press release. The teachers complain that the communique from the Prime Minister office is not legally binding on the Government.

BaretaNews had earlier in the day declared that the Press Release from the PM’s Office by all official standard is not legitimate. It has no reference number, no official seal, no visa etc. BaretaNews called on the teachers not to work on such a document. We opined that such a document was supposed to follow official standards. As it stands, we prayed on the teachers to reject the document because the PM has no power. BaretaNews continued that if what the PM said was true, what stopped the President to offer a Presidential decree? He has been doing that even from abroad. As it stands, those are just promises the PM made on his own without any Presidential approval that is why it carries no official seal. It is only meant to stop the strike. BaretaNews is happy the teachers listened to our calls and rejected the document while calling for clarification.

Anglophone Teachers Communique
Anglophone Teachers Communique


While asking for clarifications, the teachers condemned the brutality meted on students from the University of Buea and made the following demands.

– The Colonial Governor of SWR be sacked
– Dr. Nalova Lyonga, VC UB be sacked
– All UB students in Detention be released
– UB Campus be demilitarized

The Anglophone teacher’s communique also did observe with dismay, Biya’s government unwillingness to address the Anglophone problem but rather chose to indulge in blackmail, propaganda and looking for scapegoats. The press release stressed that the Anglophone teachers union’s stand still remains the same.

It should be noted that since the horror in the University of Buea, BaretNews have been calling for the resignation or sacking of the Vice-Chancellor

As it stands the strike action continues

God is still saying something.

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