Transparency International

Transparency International Says Election Observers in Yaounde Claiming to be it Agents are Impostors

The international anti corruption watchdog, Transparency International, has distanced itself from some election observers in the October 7, 2018 colonial elections in French Cameroun claiming to be its agents. In a press release from the secretariat of the anti corruption body and published on its website, it states that they have “no international observer mission in Cameroon.

The press release comes after members of an election observer group claiming to represent Transparency International, told the State propaganda broadcaster Crtv that the colonial presidential election from their observation was free and fair.

“The individuals shown in the report have no affiliation with Transparency International… We have not sent an international election observation mission to Cameroon. Our local chapter in Cameroon has established a reporting mechanism for use by the general public, and worked with a network of citizens to report possible irregularities to the chapter. However, none of these activities are part of an official election observation mission.” stated the release signed by Patricia Moreira, Managing Director of Transparency International.

“A deliberate attempt to impersonate Transparency International or knowingly portray non-affiliated individuals as employees of the anti-corruption watchdog is completely unacceptable.” She added.

But why should the colonial regime go to this extent of impersonating an international agency like Transparency International just to give some sort of credibility to a failed electioneering system? Is it desperation at its peak? There is need for the said international observers who claimed to have been observer of Transparency International to come out and clear the air on the actual organization they were representing.


Below is the full version of the release from Transparency International.

International election observers in Cameroon are not affiliated with Transparency International

Transparency International confirms that it has no international election observation mission in Cameroon. A recent television report featuring individuals described as working for Transparency International is false and untrue.

“The individuals shown in the report have no affiliation with Transparency International,” said Patricia Moreira, Managing Director of Transparency International. “We have not sent an international election observation mission to Cameroon. Our local chapter in Cameroon has established a reporting mechanism for use by the general public, and worked with a network of citizens to report possible irregularities to the chapter. However, none of these activities are part of an official election observation mission.”

A deliberate attempt to impersonate Transparency International or knowingly portray non-affiliated individuals as employees of the anti-corruption watchdog is completely unacceptable. At this critical time for democracy in Cameroon, Transparency International and Transparency International Cameroon urge all parties in politics and media to act responsibly and with integrity in their communications around the election and its results.

For any press enquiries please contact

Michael Hornsby
T: +49 30 34 38 20 666

  1. These Beti/Bulu?Ewondo criminal gangs will never avoid their incessant display of grandiose level of ineptitude.
    When someone spends their lifetime telling lies, it is just a matter of time and they will soon begin to believe their own lies. What a bunch of buffoons.

  2. Three white people brought in by who knows, monitored the entire election process in an African nation larger than the UK.

    Even worst they have no video footage and were not even seen in any of the voting stations.

    Bunch of thieves.

    All the gold status, grandmasters, … did not help the grandpa in Etudi.

  3. Forget these crap. Kamto can win but cpdm will rule. Guys go do something important with your life.forget this election wahala

  4. Transparence can only says that since they r muna’s friends n their plan has being expose. Muna the traitor n his friend kamto r wasting their time. No.kmeroonian will follow their plan n no foreign diploma will middle in our affairs n the know that. We r not like u never will we allow imperialist to play their Ivory Coast scenario in kmer. Sorry to disappoint u ambazozo. If that’s what was urlast hope u failed. Biya is going to crush u as promised. Just get ready to cry genocide some more.

  5. What chutzpah, Mr. Chiroma. The lies are never ending. A regime of nincompoops who subsist on filling their stomachs by kowtowing to a moribund king. Perhaps someone should explain to Chiroma that Transparency means ‘easy to perceive, verify, detect, identify’. Oh LRC, what a country!

  6. Biya the french Cameroon slave puppet invites fake white Israel racists observers during the french Cameroon election with the french camouflage,the ugly old witch spokes woman was the mouth piece of blank slavery biya regime,why was there no African observers?is black Africans,AU not good enough to observe their continent elections?how many black faces observers are ever present in french/ EU presidential election? God has punished the African black leaders who are weak and ashame of their abilities,they are beggars from the white man to the Chinese,France is a cancer to Africa especially Cameroon with Ahidjo/ biya puppets,the youths must rise up,stop french colonisation or live and die as french slaves,

  7. The SW NW did not vote in this 2018 elections therefore they are a seperate country, they must fight for total independence, push out french Cameroon administrations & capture and hold their regions forming their own authority of control, reclaimed their resources and build their country period

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