Today, 5th December 2016, Southern Cameroonians in Buea for the first time in their thousands displayed placards demanding Independence. A lot of Southern Cameroonians today found their voice. That salient voice and below are what will await each Southern Cameroonian in an independent state.
We’ll finally be able to harness the power of hydroelectricity from one of these powerful waterfalls in the North West Region…
Limbe will become a huge commercial rendezvous with a continental seaport-gateway into land-locked countries.
We’ll never lack real tar for our roads because we’ll control our petroleum resources, and with transportation infrastructure comes real development.
We will follow a judge-made legal system (common law), not a police made one (civil law). Arbitrary arrests and imprisonments without trial will disappear, suspects will be answerable to a judge or jury, not to the police or the president of the republic.
The catastrophic failure rate in Technical schools will drop because students write the anglo-Saxon equivalent of the Baccalauréat, and questions will be set here, not translated elsewhere and sent.
We’ll join ECOWAS, open free economic links and compete with real giants, not war-torn, French colonies of the CEMAC who can’t even invent a currency.
We’ll reopen our closed airports in Bamenda and Tiko, unexplainably closed after our union with this senseless country.
We’ll travel from Bamenda to Buea to Nigeria and back stress-free by road networks, thereby boosting our economic and social activities easily within this unexploited network.
We’ll reopen the coffee board in Nkwen which employed thousands of Southern Cameroonians, and which got infiltrated by francophones and was consequently closed down unexplainably after the federation was abolished.
We’ll vote all our leaders, including governors and local government authorities. They’ll be answerable to us, not to the president.
CDC will be back to the South West region.
We’ll finally be recognized as an English speaking country internationally: no more exclusion from social activities where English-speaking countries participate, no more indirect insults by other countries calling us a French country, no more proficiency tests and certificate verifications when applying to anglo-Saxon universities.
As we finally control education, students will gain admissions based on their brains and not their names.
As we are currently beating francophones even in their own exams until we become limited by corruption in higher institutions, recognizing this meritocracy in the higher institutions will mean we’ll have some of the smartest brains in Africa!
We’ll be finally free from the chains tying francophone Africa to France.
Young people will finally be pushed to invent and grow rich without the fearful myth of challenging the government…
Digital technologies will spread fast, pushed by the proliferation of their base language (programming, manual, and otherwise), English.
With these, we’ll become one of the fastest-growing states or countries in Africa!
Whether within a federation or completely free, this is the State of Southern Cameroons or the Federal Republic Ambazonia I dream of. And every reality begins as a dream
And many much more
For BaretaNews