Tassang Wilfred

BaretaNews Updates

The Africa spokesman of the Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front-SCACUF, Mr. Milton Taka has announced that there will be a fourth conclave of SCACUF in the weeks ahead.

BaretaNews thinks top on the agenda may be the putting in place of an interim Southern Cameroons government following the independence restoration proclamation.Popular calls recently have been for the formation of an interim government to start the process of applying for accreditation into other bodies, negotiating and making deals for and/or behalf of Ambazonia.

The Vice Chairman of the Governing Council Mr. Tassang Wilfred in a just released video reiterated the call for an urgent emergency Conclave that will be inclusive and it will allow each country in the diaspora to select their own representatives. Mr. Tassang however did not disclose the agenda but said it will be inclusive with far reaching resolutions.

The Defense groups BaretaNews is told are currently working hard to come out with an MOU to begin active defense so as to hurt the occupier while protecting homeland. Several vigilantes groups have been formed in various communities waiting for empowerment.

Meanwhile in Southern Cameroons less than ten Meme lawyers have called off the strike action, a move that has angered more than 100 of its members as they say procedures were not followed. They are threatening to impeach the so called acting Meme Lawyers Association President who sent out the controversial information.

Stay tuned with BaretaNews

  1. Members of all the pressure groups should be invited.

    Compentency should count for membership in the government.

    Foreign observers should be invited to the conclave: USA, Israel, South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana….

    Religious and civil society leaders should be present.

    Home representatives of various bodies and associations should be invited.

    We need a Full functioning government now.

  2. First of all I would like to thank SCACUF and the governing council for their tireless effort. You guys are doing a great job. The conclave is good and the timing is crucial. Following my suggestions:
    1. Elections of ministers shall be made. We need a lean government (unlike LRC). Hence not more than 10 ministries.
    2. Further development of the governing council webpage. We need to know the people.
    3. To be more credible we need a broad representation. Including civil society leaders, people from NGOs, technical advisors, religious leaders, fons and chiefs.
    4. Dialogue with international NGOs such as Amnesty International and Transparency International.

  3. THE MILITARY OPTION – SCACUF needs to reconsider the Ambazonia defense concept
    1. The 22nd of October has proven that their is a common will within the Ambazonian population. The majority of us wants the independance.
    2. Up to today the regime of Paul Biya has not start any dialogue. We should not expect that dialogue will be initiated by them freely.
    3. The regime tries everything to calm down and surpress any insurecction.
    4. I am aware that within SCACUF there is still a lot of opposition against a military option. We all know the slogan “The force of argument and not the argument of force”. We Ambazonians are peaceful people. But shall we be defenseless?
    5. The decades of peaceful resistance have been met by the Yaoundé regime with brutal force, intimitation and bribery.
    suggestions for SCACUF:
    1. Increasing vigiliance within the population
    2. building up of military intelligence (enemy size and locations, definition of targets)
    3. building up militia
    4. preparation for an asymetrical warfare (training of Ambazonians)

    1. I agree 200%.

      No argument can have any force without a menacing force to back it up. The world knows that no true negotiations work when there is no force baking such arguments

  4. How can you people be so blind and stupid to do not see that this mark is manipulating you to extort money from you? Where did you put your bain? Call at least ur relatives to check if what he is telling you is true. The guy creates Gofundme to make money and the poor people are there to dream of an imaginary country. Mark, tapang and their team mates are just criminals who take advantage of the naivety of innocent poor people to make money. Time will tell

    1. It is not going about Mark, Ivo or SCACUF. It is going about 8 million Ambazonian citizens. If people donate money they have the right and the prove for what the money is used. That’s all. I had to laugh about a foolish girl saying how much money Mark make with AdSense. Totally nonsense. It is so difficult to make enough money with that tool. People should start and inform themself before talking.

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