Southern Cameroonians Home Front
Today, we continue our updates. While you were gone, something very big happened that has never happened in the history of Southern Cameroons Liberation struggle. Champion by Southern Cameroonians in South Africa, homeland of great Nelson Mandela in the person of Mr. Millan Atam, all liberation groups fighting for the restoration of Southern Cameroons Independence finally came together to form what is known as Southern Cameroons Ambazonia Consortium United Front – SCACUF.
These groups so far have held two conclaves in Nigeria which saw the election of Mr. Tassang Wilfred, program coordinator of the consortium as Secretary General of SCACUF, Mr. Boh Herbert from MoRisc as Spokesperson and Barrister Eyambe Elias as first Southern Cameroons Ambassador to the AU with headquarters at Addis Ababa. Other structures and leadership council were created.
However, while these groups are together as SCACUF, they still can operate in their respective organizations. We are told that in the days ahead SCACUF website will be launched with detail information.
SCACUF thereafter using its other structure SCAPAC in the USA has hired a US-based firm that will take La Republique to court for human rights violation as well as opening high-level channels for independence restoration. The retainer agreement is still to be signed.
The big news is that SCACUF has announced the election of an interim Prime minister in May. This PM will then form a government and start engaging other foreign governments towards Southern Cameroons Independence restoration. We await full details from SCACUF on how this will be.
It is fair to say that the people of Southern Cameroons have embraced SCACUF on good faith. They are excited about it and it is the position of BaretaNews that let Southern Cameroonians give SCACUF the young baby the opportunity to grow while constructively criticizing it to make sure it meets the aspirations of the people of Southern Cameroons.
So, therefore, my people, this is where we are. Stay tuned with BaretaNews
Mark Bareta
CEO BaretaNews
United we are strong. We kick Biya’s ass out of Southern Cameroon. SCACUF leads. I am looking forward to see what happens in May. I understood that the francophone thugs are very desperate. They beg our leaders in jail not to separate. God give our leaders the power to withstand all attempts of the Yaoundé regime.
Yes. united we are unshakeable.
The minds of Southern Cameroonians has taken the trajectory home and there is no turning back.
Thrust me, SCACUF will grow into something that is going to go beyond the borders of Southern Cameroon.
The old is out the new has come in.
Simon; Canada.
The PM should have the ability and authority to declare and wage war against LRC.
100% to almighty SCACUF! the best thing to ever happen in the history of S, many of our lost loved ones will be dancing in their graves, any Southern Cameroonian who wants to stand in the way must be named and shamed, many SC bribery traitors who are nothing but puppet elite slaves, working with the evil LRC regime have decided to turn a blind eye to evil, held the people in captivity,, poverty and made them to feel as though English is a bad thing, which is the reverse, there will never be a turning back, LRC is the past, CPDM should never be allowed to match and hold outdated bribery rallies in the SW/NW regions again, they display the oppressive colonial slave ideologies supporting a retarded dictator who feels that he owns all Cameroonian
SDF and its sister Cpdm must be disbanded and declared illegal sects in West cameroon.
Dear AG, I support full independence but let us not condemn SDF.
Let us agree that the SDF has contributed very much to the boldness we now have. Fru Ndi received bullets when he launched the first opposition party in Cameroon. He was placed under house arrest for many months. He received majority francophone vote in the 1992 presidential elections even though he was an anglophone. That showed that the majority of francophones wanted an anglophone to take over power.
Even if Fru Ndi as an individual supports separation, Fru Ndi as a political party leader cannot and should not openly support separation. That will be suicide and a betrayal to the millions of Francophones who have supported him (an anglophone) throughout the past 26-27 years. Politics is a strategic game and you have to play your cards wisely.
Let us not forget that there are many other political parties in Southern Cameroons apart from CPDM and SDF, and they also have different views. I agree that we should ban CPDM because they run the current corrupt government, but why SDF? The SDF will simply follow the majority and SCACUF when they realize federation will not work, but I don’t think they are betraying us. They are just considering many different factors.
Most francophones are also victims of the Biya Regime and wish Biya to step down, so this battle is against a corrupt government as well as a fight for autonomy. There are many good Francophones who wish that things were different for us. Many francophones support our fight and wish that they could also do the same for themselves. That is why the government banned francophone radio stations from talking about the anglophone crisis.
Let us respect people with different opinions. That is the type of democratic Southern Cameroon we want to create. Not one where people get insulted because they hold a different view from the majority.
Bravo NI Jack! I couldn’t agree more with you.
This is welcome news and a great leap forward toward the restoration of the independence of our dear Fatherland – Southern Cameroons. More grease to your elbows, my dear compatriots!!!!!
Our people need constant, clear and precise directives from our leaders/planners and through our own television or radio news broadcasting source. This broadcasting source could be located in Nigeria, South Africa or wherever, not necessarily in cameroon but it should be a station that can reach our people located mostly back home or even wherever they may be living. Else la republic will win the information propaganda war over us which presently, seems like they are doing despite the internet having been brought back.