Independence day speech of the Acting President Ambazonia

Sako’s theft, Ebini’s Complaint, Ambazonia’s confusion

Benjamen Chia

It is a sunny and bright morning on the Atlantic coastal city of Conakry this October 9, 2020 and I receive tons of messages concerning Ebini’s complaint to the Attorney General of Maryland about Sako.

The myriad of information I received shows everyone agrees Sako stole money contributed to a public charity incorporated in the USA. Reactions are threefold and are summarized as:

1. He stole but we should move pass that because a complaint will invite US officials whose investigation will probably taint the liberation struggle.

2. Yes, he stole but let sleeping dogs lie. Anyone should concentrate on his lane and let Sako fix his mess and improve his management style.

3. Sako stole and must account for his crimes before the law.

Ebini is clear on his mission and he’s inviting Ambazonians to join this cause. Proponents of the first group led by Boh Herbert and Chris Anu have conjectured justifications, conceived scare tactics, hired junior blue and white facebook soldiers to hush anyone raising a voice against Sako’s theft.

They started by saying Ebini has never contributed a dime to Sako’s Ambazonia Foundation. When Ebini disproved then with copies of his receipts and photos of secret meetings, they jumped ship.

Next, they said Ebini’s complaint was aimed at discrediting Sako to prop Sisiku Ayuk Tabe (his clansman). When Ebini released more conversations and evidence that he supported Sako’s Ambazonia Foundation and led a team of anonymous donors to join his call, Boh Herbert, Anu, and their foot soldiers on the internet slipped to the complications of the American legal system and the potential of jeopardizing entire liberation struggle.

Boh Herbert claimed that Ebini will definitely testify that he contributed money to buy guns. Boh Herbert likely used this as a scare tactic to intimidate and silence Ebini. This tactic cannot hold any water for a variery of reasons.

First, Ambazonia Foundation is incorporated in the USA as a public charity. Public charities receive money from the public at large to attain their mission and objectives. I have not seen the objectives and mission of the Ambazonia Foundation but if the state of Maryland incorporated the organization to buy weapons then Ebini rightly donated to buy guns. That is, if at the moment if incorporation Sako and his team and whoever declared that they were going to buy guns and the state of Maryland accepted to incorporate the organization then Ebini did the right thing to donate to buy guns.

Now, if the organization didn’t declare at the time of incorporation that they were going to buy guns but used the money to buy guns, it will be another ball game between the state of Maryland and the Foundation. The important element here is that neither Ebini nor any Ambazonian who donated to the cause will be compelled to prove that they donated money to buy guns.

In this case, they serve as whistle blowers. Whistle blowers only raise an issue and the compement government departments investigate the issues. Communication between Ebini and the State of Maryland shows there’s some work going on.

If the State of Maryland’s preliminary investigations show there was theft, the state will ask Sako to justify how he spent the money he collected from the public. They will not ask Ebini why he contributed money to the Ambazonia Foundation even if Sako proves that he bought guns with the money. Ebini may never appear in the legal profess if it ever matures into one.

Was the complaint necessary?

This is the most difficult question to answer at this time. Ebini claims that Cameroon’s world class corruption, impunity, theft of public funds, disregard for the common good and other vices fueled the Ambazonian liberation among other reasons and Ambazonians cannot be seen to be complacent with such vices. Mark Bareta thinks this complaint will only give Cameroun, the enemy, an edge through which they can harm Ambazonia the more. Memories of Nsahlai’s claims against Tapang et al are still fresh. Barrister Tumassang Martin believes the complaint may rescue $1 million for Ambazonia but cost the liberation struggle $30 million (figuratively). What’s the opportunity cost then?

In an ideal world, Ambazonians would never drag each other to court for the management of public and common resources. When I watch, listen, and read Ambazonians, they appear to paint Ambazonia as paradise on earth. As that place where 1+1=2 and every puzzle will fit into its box as required.

This demonstration smacks of Ambazonians’ high sense of accountability, strong commitment to success but must also translate into absolute respect of the common good. Reality therefore obliges Ambazonians to engage accountability systems and hold theirs to task. Ambazonians trusted with the common good must show a high sense of commitment and dedication to transparency, honesty, accountability. The sad conclusion is that Ebini like others think that Sako’s theft escaped is neglected other Ambazonians called upon to manage the public good will copy the Sako example and the Ambazonian liberation movement never mature.

More so, Sako’s arrogance, recruitment of the blue and white Facebook footsoldiers to bully anyone and everyone somehow mandates this move, unfortunately. Had Sako been decent enough to speak with Ebini and others, this misunderstanding shouldn’t have gotten to this point. Ambazonians must know accountability and humility are very important ingredients underlying any successful endeavor. The die has been cast and can hardly be reversed.

  1. The first reaction makes no sense because the international community, especially the UK and the US, are aware of Sako’s criminal involvement in the evaporation of funds donated to a trust fund incorporated in the US. It is naive to think that the US in particular with its robust FBI, is not aware of Sako’s shady activities. The first reaction is definitely from those who fear to be hooked into a through investigation and justifies the need for an investigation ending in penalties and reimbursement of the stolen funds. Investigating Sako does not in any way compromise our liberation struggle. Instead it highlights the fact that Ambazonia is definitely emerging as a transparent nation, leaving no stone unturned on the corruption front.

    We cannot let sleeping dogs lie because that would be the beginning of Biyameroun in Ambazonia. You cannot be fighting against corruption and encouraging it by letting sleeping dogs lie. Biya of CameroUn has done that for ages and encouraged only more corruption. In Ambazonia, we will establish the equivalent of the FBI with counterintelligence services to supervise it.

    The third reaction is the ONLY COMMENDABLE COURSE OF ACTION, AS SAKO MUST FACE THE FULL BREATH OF THE LAW. The US is silently watching Ambazonia to ensure that only the third option is given weight and Sako fully investigated and made to reimburse the funds and face other penalties in accordance with the provisions of US law, since the US has jurisdictional authority over the case.

  2. Ebini is no saint. If you were to look into his closet you will find a lot of bones. He is dour grapes. He just wants to lead everything. If he is not in a leadership position, he trashes the leaders. Take his utterances with a grain of salt. One day he is for something and the next day he is against what he was fervently for. A Very whimsical fellow with no spine.

  3. Mbah, if you wanted to let this go as you said, you should not have published this with such a sensational title. A lot will go wrong in every revolution. Why pick on Sako. This is a shame we have resorted to name calling and abuse.

    1. The title is not sensational at all. Let us not encourage Biyameroun in Ambazonia. We are CUT OFF FOREVER FROM CHOKING MURDEROUS CameroUn. Ambazonia will be AMBAZONIA, never again CameroUn.

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