Cameroon’s President, Paul Biya Bi Mvondo, one of Africa’s oldest bloody despot is a troglodyte. This November 6 2017, he records 35 years at the helm of this rich West African nation which he has been ruling with a fathomless personality cult, sectism and political magnetism.

Banded by old baboons or visibly aged limping power sharing royalists, nepotism and massive corruption are some of the finest achievements tabooed in by President Paul Biya. Exaggerated raping of natural resources is equally also infectiously devastating Cameroon with a clear map of embezzlement institutionalized within the Beti-Bulu tribes where Paul Biya hails from.

35 years of total hardship on Southern Cameroons

Mr. Biya can however brandish the second bridge over River Wouri, the Kribe deep seaport and yet to be completed electric dams as other positive achievements.

Economic growths remain stagnant in 35 years but very dynamic to a few lucrative gang of thieving elites. Gross factorization of government contracts, supplies in offices and in the military in the name of fighting Boko Haram and Genocide in the Southern Cameroons is trending.

As Chief Executive, President Paul Biya had long jailed the legislative, the judiciary and the fourth estate (media) in his knapsack.

His handpicked senators, members of parliaments, ministers and director generals are all buffooneries that chorus that chorus peace and the indivisibility of the nation each time Mr. Biya Paul is threatened by the marginalised Anglophones who after 56 years declared the restoration of their independence with an unquenchable resilience.

As a divine figure, each time Mr. Paul Biya is soundly beaten and toppled at the presidential ballot boxes, the Supreme Court President, appointed by Mr. Paul Biya is instructed to shamelessly pronounce Mr. Paul Biya the rightful winner while accepting that his hands have been tied.

Ironically, on November 6th 2017, President Paul Biya celebrates his 35 years dictatorship with his hands tied tighter by the Southern Cameroons Governing Council who have been calling on the Biya regime for dialogue to determine the terms of separation in the presence of the AU, the UN and other interested parties.

Recently, President Paul Biya further diminished the independence of the Cameroon judiciary when he stir-crazed, trumpet and humiliated the English speaking Southern Cameroonians with his fake terrorism, secessionist and treason charges.

no roads

A supposedly Presidential decree ordering the release of some Anglophone detainees from Yaounde maximum prison and Gendarmerie cells was signed by the Secretary General at the Presidency of LA Republic, Ferdinand NGO NGO, his tribe’s man. As if the judiciary had not been enormously ridiculed, another Presidential decree listing those to be released was signed by Defence Minister, Beti Assomo Joseph, another member of the President’s chosen tribe. These examples clearly demonstrate that court judges and State Counsels have no place or say in Cameroon.

Cursed by a tight-sitting syndrome either in Yaounde, Mvomeka’a, his home village or during long stays in luxury hotels abroad, President Paul Biya rules by bantering with his ministers, governors, senior divisional officers, divisional officers and bigwig diehard CPDM ruling party loyalists. These gangs not only worship their party leader but are members of the state shrine that unite satanically in a blood dance that not only suck the nation dry but also human beings in the guise of road accidents.

They are also experts in panel beating facts, embellishing truths and realities on the ground into superb and perfect lies which drug Mr. Paul Biya and he dishes out of target decrees as solutions to serious issues affecting the nation. Figures are nightmares to Cameroon authorities especially Communication Minister Issa Tchiroma, an expert peddler in lies telling and distortion on the state media mouth piece, the Cameroon Radio and Televsion, CRTV.

Brief, if there is any ban-dog that has ever ruled any nation on planet earth, Mr. Paul Biya is a pioneer pace setter.

President Paul Biya,s 35 years will also be marked by his personality cult. His effigies are brandished in public squares, roundabout, offices and during public ceremonies. Primary school pupils up to university students carry the President, s effigy during match pasts, when listening or watching the President’s rebroadcast speeches during youth day celebrations. Ministers and top brass officials wear CPDM T. Shirts and dresses at airports to welcome him or bid him farewell. Same before state media in their offices or in the fields while dishing government gift. Dogs, pigs and horses also done the President effigy.

A whole new level of political repression has just been invented in Cameroon and combined with bribery and corruption during the Anglophone clamouring for their independence aimed at muscling voices of dissent. And when you refuse to be bribed, you are intimidated, arrested and taken to Yaounde. If you are unlucky you are kidnapped or merely disappeared. Others are ritually killed, mutilated are sodomised and their bodies dumped in places or rivers.

Following the Anglophone uprising, mass graves are common discoveries. Dead decaying bodies are being found in plantations, farms or containers. That is what some Cameroonians will be celebrating as their President’s 35 years in power. Youths will either celebrate the riding of motor bikes or the dryness of employment.

Berinyuy Willie Shiyntum – BaretaNews Contributor

  1. I hope no Ambazonians will not step out to celebrate….
    Biya is a killer….
    He’r got blood in his hands…

  2. Paul Biya is a blood sucker…

    God is still preparing his Hell…

    No matter how long the night falls, the sun will finally rise

  3. Wicked Beti idiot.
    You have killed our people and sent many others on exile…

    May you and your cohorts rot in hell

  4. The mafia elements have finally come to the realization that killing Ambzonians is not helping at all. Forcing Ambazonians to pick the gun is never going to happen, so they are now trying their newly created tricks of their magic box that they have been using lately everywhere, and that is:

    ‘FAKE NEWS’.

    All what they did In other places around this world, be it then or now, has never ever worked with us the people of Ambazonia. The then Germany did not succeed and as such when their expiration date came, they expired and leaved our land. Then came the British, the then Nigeria, the French, these too did not succeed, as such when their expiration date came, they too expired and leaved our land.
    They handed over to LRC hoping LRC will succeed, but it too failed badly and failed its masters. But interestingly, LRC called for help. Now, ladies and gentile men, we have France, LRC, UK and the UN altogether and they are failing.

    For us Ambazonians warriors this is a marathon with no time limit and no expiration date and we already won it, all we are working for is the physical manifestation. The people of the Federal Republic of Ambazonians do not have an expiration date in Amber land but all other do have an expiration date and when that date come, they will pack and leave.

    Thanks to all our people for their sacrifice and special thanks goes to those our powerful group of leaders who step in and brought order, sense and direction in the wonderful fight of a life time. Yes we the great people of Ambazonian prevail.


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